File a Claim

eClaim Filing

Filing an Electronic Claim Using the eClaim System

New York City Administrative Code § 7‐201 requires a notice of claim to be submitted to the Comptroller’s Office prior to the commencement of any action or proceeding against the City of New York.

Personal injury and property damage claims (tort claims) must be filed within 90 days from the date of occurrence.

Contractors should refer to any contractual provisions and/or statutory requirements that apply to their claims, including the time to commence a lawsuit.

The New York City Procurement Policy Board Rule § 4‐09 and New York City Standard Contracts establish a dispute resolution process that applies to all disputes between the City and vendors that arise under, or by virtue of, a contract between them, except as limited by PPB Rules § 4‐09 (a) (1) & (2). Please refer to the PPB Rules and your contract for provisions that apply to your claim.

Pursuant to New York State Insurance Law Regulation 68, no fault related notices of claim must be filed within 30 days of the date of accident.

Pursuant to an update to New York State General Municipal Law § 50-e, the Comptroller’s Office provides for the electronic filing of claims against the City via the eClaim system.

To file a claim electronically, select, download, and save the appropriate claim form from the eClaim Claim Forms list below. Follow the directions within the claim form. The more information provided, the more useful it will be to the claim investigation.

Please note that you must use Adobe Reader to fill out the claim form. Claim forms not completed using Adobe Reader will not be accepted. If you do not have the plug-in program needed to read these files, please click button to download the software.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

eClaim Claim Forms

Steps to filing eClaim

  1. Select the appropriate claim form. Right click on the link and use Save link as… to save it to your computer.
  2. Complete the saved claim form in acrobat reader. Do not fill out the form in your browser. You must complete all required fields indicated by an asterisk (*). The claim will not be accepted without completing all required fields.
  3. Save the completed claim form to the computer.
  4. After the claim form is complete and ready to be filed with the Comptroller’s Office, click “Begin eClaim Filing Process.”
  5. To continue the eClaim filing process, you must certify that all of the information provided is true and correct. To certify, select “I Agree.”
  6. In order to submit your claim, select “Choose File” and select your saved claim form. Then select “Upload.”
  7. The system will electronically review the claim form file. If the claim form is successfully reviewed, it will be accepted. If the claim form is not accepted, return to the claim form and correct any errors.
  8. After successfully uploading the claim form you will have the opportunity to attach any supporting documents or photos in JPEG, TIFF, or PDF. Each document must be attached individually. There is no limit to the number of attached documents or photos, but the maximum file size is 20MB.
  9. Select “Continue” to electronically file claim and supporting documents.
  10. Select the “File Claim” button to submit your claim form and any attached documents or photos.
  11. Download and save or print the “eCLAIM Receipt” for future reference.

To file a claim electronically via the eClaim system, please save the appropriate claim form to your computer using Right click and “Save link as.. .” from the following list:

Personal Injury

Property Damage

Labor and Employment

No Fault

Once the claim form is complete (including all required fields), save the claim form. Then begin processing the claim in the eClaim system application below.

Frequently Asked Question about Filing an Electronic Claim (FAQs)

Begin Filing an eClaim

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