Tax Reporting Guidelines

1099 FAQs

1099-MISC, 1099-INT and 1099-NEC Reporting FAQs:

1. What should I do if I do not agree with the amounts reported on my Form 1099?

If additional assistance is needed to resolve the matter, contact the FISA Call Center (212) 857-1700 or email the Comptroller’s Office at Please note that the Comptroller’s Office cannot provide tax advice to 1099 recipients.

2. What determines the generation of a 1099-MISC?

Two primary factors determine whether or not you receive a Form 1099-MISC.

      • The first factor is your business classification. The IRS has determined that individuals, sole proprietors, partnerships, trusts, certain limited liability companies, estates, resident/non-resident aliens, and joint ventures are subject to 1099-MISC reporting. Other business types, such as certain corporations, are exempt from 1099-MISC reporting.
      • The second factor depends on the type of payment made to you. The IRS has certain earning thresholds that indicate when a 1099 will be generated. For more information regarding the reportability of payments reported on Form 1099-MISC, please visit or

3. What determines the generation of a 1099-INT for vendors?

Payments reported on Form 1099-INT primarily involve interest generated from late payments to vendors. For more information regarding the reportability of payments reported on Form 1099-MISC, please visit or

4. What determines the generation of a 1099-NEC for vendors?

The City of New York reports a majority of its payments as non-employee compensation (Box 1) for services rendered as professional services. These services include auditors, consultants, actuaries, and business services such as repairs, mechanical, and temporary personnel.
For more information regarding the reportability of payments reported on Form 1099-MISC, please visit or

5. As a vendor, will I receive separate 1099 forms for each City agency that paid me?

The City of New York issues consolidated forms for payments classified under 1099-MISC, 1099-INT and 1099-NEC forms. The consolidated forms reflect reportable income from all City agencies issued by the City’s Financial Management System (with the exception of the Department of Education and School Construction Authority).

6. Who should I contact for a listing of payments reported on my 1099?

The Payee Information Portal provides a listing of payments reported on your 1099. Please note that Vendors will need an account in Payee Information Portal to gain access to payments. Alternatively, vendors may contact the City agency that issued the payment.

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