
2013 Claims

Personal Injury Police Action Claims

New York City Police Department: There were over 9,500 claims filed against the Police Department in fiscal year 2013. Settlements and judgments against the Police Department in FY 2013 totaled $137.2 million, the highest of any City agency. Further analysis reveals significant disparities in claims between precincts. Even when adjusting for crime rates, certain precincts in the South Bronx and Central Brooklyn have had far more claims filed against their officers than precincts in other parts of the City. A comparison of two precincts highlights this disparity. The 18th Precinct (Manhattan South) had 2271 crime complaints in CY 2013. The 44th Precinct (Bronx) had roughly the same number of crime complaints: 2191. However, for every 100 crime complaints, there were 13 claims filed against officers from the 44th Precinct and only 2 claims filed against officers from the 18th.

$279.67 billion