We Built This City: Celebrating the Immigrants Who Make New York

We Built This City: Celebrating the Immigrants Who Make New York

Over the last two years, New York City has welcomed nearly 200,000 asylum seekers, the latest wave in a long history of immigration that has shaped this city’s economic and cultural success for generations. New York City and the community here has embraced the challenge of providing shelter and services to new arrivals to help them get on their feet. As the work of welcoming so many new New Yorkers continues, we recognize that it is all impossible without countless individuals, nonprofits, and grassroots organizations who have stepped in and stepped up to provide essential services, access to resources, resettlement support, and community.

This National Immigrants Day, join peers throughout this ecosystem to take a moment to reflect upon the challenges and rewards of the last few years, catch up with friends and colleagues, and celebrate the instrumental role that immigrants have in New York City.

Please email Kayla Garcia at kgarcia@comptroller.nyc.gov with any questions about the event.

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