Shining a Light on Violations: Workers’ Rights Convening

Shining a Light on Violations: Workers’ Rights Convening

Hosted by the Office of the NYC Comptroller and NYU Wagner Labor Initiative

Workers nationwide experience high rates of labor violations, with stark consequences for themselves, their families and communities. Shining a light on violations can help deter them. Transparency and publicity about labor violations are an important yet often-underutilized tool for driving compliance among bad-actor employers. This convening will feature speakers from across the country who will explore examples of government and non-governmental efforts to disclose workplace violations or to make use of such information in agency operations, including in enforcement, procurement, licensing, and permitting. In addition, we will discuss role of the media and advocacy in deterring employer violations and educating the public about labor rights.

Confirmed speakers to date include:

  • Event Host: Brad Lander, New York City Comptroller
  • Event Host: Terri Gerstein, Director, NYU Wagner Labor Initiative
  • Robert Asaro-Angelo, Commissioner, NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Oona Adams, Director of Organizing, Laborers Local 79
  • Marcus Baram, Reporter, author of Documented/ProPublica reporting on wage theft in New York
  • Branden Butler, Director, San Diego County Office of Ethics Compliance and Labor
  • Claudia Irizarry Aponte, Senior Reporter, The City
  • Greg LeRoy, Founder and Executive Director, Good Jobs First
  • Miranda Nelson, Deputy Director, Jobs to Move America (JTMA)
  • Charlie Uruchima, Program Coordinator, New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH)
  • Nathalia Varela, Workplace Justice Supervising Attorney, Make the Road NY
  • Elizabeth Wagoner, Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection 
  • Deborah Wright, Political Director, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
  • Jenny R. Yang, Former Deputy Assistant to the President for Racial Justice and Equity, White House Domestic Policy Council; Former Chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

If you require language interpretation services or other special accommodations, please call 212-669-4315 or email

Light refreshments will also be served.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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