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The content on the Office of the New York City Comptroller’s website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Google Translate” tool on our website to assist visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology. Additionally, some files including graphs, photos and portable document formats (pdfs) cannot be translated through the automated process. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google Translate does so at his or her own risk. The Office of the New York City Comptroller does not warrant or make any promises, assurances, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the translations provided by Google Translate. The City of New York and the New York City Comptroller, its officers, employees, representatives and/or agents shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of such information, including but not limited to, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any such information, or damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of such materials. Reference in any part of this website to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademarks, service mark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Comptroller. For additional language assistance please call our Community Action Center: (212) 669-3916 or (800) 800-6385 (outside of NYC) available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  See our Language Disclaimers. You can also contact us by email at or by regular mail to: Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

Español – Spanish

La misión del Contralor de la ciudad de Nueva York, un funcionario público electo independientemente, es asegurar la solidez financiera de la ciudad de Nueva York al aconsejar al alcalde, al Concejo de la ciudad y al público acerca del estado financiero de la ciudad. El Contralor se compromete a que los servicios que la oficina ofrece sean accesibles a todos los habitantes de Nueva York en múltiples idiomas.

Para obtener asistencia lingüística, comuníquese con el Centro de Acción Comunitaria al (212) 669-3916 o al (800) 800-6385 (fuera de la ciudad de Nueva York) de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Esté listo para decir cuál es su idioma y manténgase en línea por un breve momento mientras una operadora encargada de la traducción se une a la llamada.

También puede comunicarse con nosotros a través del correo electrónico al o por correo normal a la dirección que aparece a continuación Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

中文 – Chinese


若需語言協助,請致電我們的社區行動中心:(212) 669-3916(800) 800-6385 (紐約市外),星期一至星期五上午9 點至下午5點。請準備報出您的語言,然後請稍後,一位翻譯接聽員會加入電話通話。

您也能透過電子郵件聯絡我們,或者將普通郵件寄至以下地址 Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

Русский – Russian

Основной задачей начальника финансовой службы Нью-Йорка – независимо избираемое должностное лицо – является обеспечение финансовой стабильности города путем предоставления мэру, муниципальному совету и всем жителям Нью-Йорка информации относительно финансового состояния города. Начальник финансовой службы взял на себя обязательство, чтобы все услуги, предоставляемые службой, были доступны жителям Нью-Йорка на многих языках.

Для получения языковой помощи обращайтесь в наш Центр общественной взаимопомощи (Community Action Center) по телефону (212) 669-3916 или (800) 800-6385 (за пределами Нью-Йорка) с понедельника по пятницу с 9:00 до 17:00. Будьте готовы назвать нужный вам язык, и оставайтесь на линии, пока оператор-переводчик не подключится к разговору.

Вы также можете связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты или написать нам обычное письмо по следующему адресу Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

한 국 어 – Korean

독립적으로 선출된 공무원인 뉴욕시 감사원장의 임무는 시장, 시의회 및 일반 시민에게 시 재정 상태에 관하여 조언을 제공함으로써 뉴욕시의 재무 건전성을 보장하는 데 있습니다. 감사원장은 모든 뉴욕 시민들이 감사원에서 제공되는 서비스를 다국어로 이용할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

언어 지원을 받으시려면, 월요일 – 금요일 오전 9시에서 오후 5시 사이에 (212) 669-3916 번 또는 (800) 800-6385번 (뉴욕시 외부)으로 저희 민원센터 (Community Action Center)에 문의해 주십시오. 본인의 사용 언어를 말씀하시고 잠시 기다리면 통역자가 통화에 참여합니다.로 이메일을 보내주시거나 아래 주소로 일반 우편을 발송하여 저희에게 연락할 수도 있습니다. Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

Kreyòl ayisyen – French Creole

Misyon Kontwolè Finans Minisipalite Vil Nouyòk, yon ofisyèl eli endepandan, se pou asire Minisipalite Vil Nouyòk nan yon bon sitiyasyon finansye. Pou fè sa, li ofri konsèy pou Majistra a, Konsèy Minisipal vil la ak piblik la sou sitiyasyon finansye Minisipalite Vil la. Kontwolè Finans lan pran angajman pou fè sèvis Biwo a ofri epi pou tout Nouyòkè yo jwenn sèvis la nan plizyè lang.

Pou asistans nan lang, tanpri rele Sant Aksyon Kominotè nou a nan nimewo (212) 669-3916 oswa (800) 800-6385 (deyò Vil Nouyòk) Lendi jiska Vandredi ant 9:00 è nan maten jiska 5:00 è nan apre midi. Prepare ou pou endike ki lang ou pale epi rete tann pandan yon ti tan pandan yon operatè tradiksyon ap antre sou liy lan.

Ou kapab kontakte nou tou nan imèl nan oswa nan kourye regilye pa lapòs nan adrès ki anba la a Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

Italiano – Italian

Il compito del New York City Comptroller, una carica elettiva indipendente, è quello di garantire la solidità finanziaria del città di New York fornendo consulenza al Sindaco, al Consiglio comunale e ai cittadini sulla situazione finanziaria della città. Il Comptroller è tenuto a rendere i servizi forniti dal suo ufficio accessibili a tutti gli abitanti di New York in più lingue.

Per ricevere assistenza linguistica contattare il Community Action Center chiamando il (212) 669-3916 o (800) 800-6385 (fuori dal distretto della città di New York) dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 17. Vi verrà chiesto di specificare la vostra lingua e di attendere alcuni istanti per dare tempo all’interprete di inserirsi in linea.

È anche possibile contattarci tramite posta elettronica all’indirizzo o, tramite posta convenzionale, all’indirizzo seguente Community Action Center 1 Centre Street, Room 1330 New York, NY 10007

$284.27 billion