Making the Grade

Agency Grades

Housing Preservation and Development, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

HPD procured with every group in every industry type, exceeding goals with Black American and Hispanic American businesses for goods, and with Hispanic Americans for construction. However the overall dollars spent with each group across all industries were relatively small and not enough to raise the agency’s grade above a D.

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Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

A vast majority of DoITT’s procurement spending is in professional services, where the agency did a poor job spending with all M/WBE groups. Despite strong spending with Hispanic American and Asian American businesses in goods and with Women-owned businesses in standard services, the agency’s overall spending in these industries was too low to make an impact on its failing grade.

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Department of Parks and Recreation, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DPR did not perform particularly well with any group across all industries, but did spend with every minority group in most industries. The agency’s weakest spending was with Black American businesses, where it failed to spend virtually anything in its largest industry – construction services. This contributed to its overall grade of D.

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Department of Probation, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DOP performed well with goods procurement from Women-owned businesses. However, the agency fell short of goals with other groups in this category, particularly with Hispanic Americans. DOP exceeded goals with Hispanic Americans in standard services, but the agency’s failure to spend meaningfully with any groups in professional services brought its overall grade to a C.

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Department of Sanitation, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DSNY performed well with Asian American and Women-owned businesses while procuring goods in FY 2014. Yet its spending with M/WBEs in all other industries was low, with almost no spending in its two largest procurement industries: professional and standard services. Also, procurement with Black American and Hispanic American businesses was extremely low across all industries resulting in a failing grade.

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Department of Small Business Services, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

SBS failed to spend in construction with any group in a meaningful way. While the agency exceeded goals with Women-owned businesses in standard services, nearly met goals with Women-owned businesses in professional services, and did reasonably well with Asian American and Hispanic American businesses in goods procurement, the spending levels were not enough to raise its grade above a D.

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Department of Transportation, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DOT did very little business with M/WBEs in its largest industry: construction. The agency’s final grade would have been boosted by strong performance across all groups in goods procurement – but with a very small percentage of its total spending in this category – the final grade is a D.

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Department of Youth and Community Development, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DYCD did an excellent job in procurement with Black American businesses in its two largest spending categories: professional services and goods. However the agency failed to meet any of its goals for Asian American and Women-owned businesses. This brought the agency’s overall grade to a C.

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Fire Department, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

FDNY had extremely strong performance with standard services procurement from Asian American businesses and did well with Hispanic American businesses in goods procurement. However it fell short of goals in all other categories and barely spent with M/WBEs in construction or professional services. Low performance in these categories brought the agency to a D grade.

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Department of Homeless Services, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

DHS spent with all groups in goods and exceptionally well with Asian American businesses in construction. However, in its largest area of procurement, standard services, it failed to spend significantly with any M/WBE group. This brought the agency’s overall grade to a D.

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Human Resources Administration, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

HRA’s most significant procurement industries – professional services and standard services – saw some spending with each group. However, its relatively small amount of spending with M/WBEs across the board gave the agency a failing grade with all groups except Women-owned businesses, leaving the overall grade at a D.

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Landmarks Preservation Commission, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

LPC does a very small amount of procurement, however it had relative success with M/WBE spending. Strong spending with Asian American businesses in construction and Hispanic American businesses in professional and standard services resulted in a B.

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Law Department, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

The Law Department exceeded the goals for standard services with Women-owned businesses and for goods with Asian American and Hispanic American businesses. However, in its largest spending category – professional services – the agency failed to spend with two of the three eligible minority groups. This brought its overall grade to a C.

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Taxi and Limousine Commission, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

TLC’s procurement is primarily comprised of professional services where it did not spend with any group. The agency’s spending with M/WBEs in other industries was also fairly limited, with the exception of Asian American and Hispanic American businesses in goods. TLC spent very little with Black American and Women-owned businesses across the board, which contributed to a D overall.

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Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

OATH had relatively poor performance with M/WBE procurement in two of the three industries where it spends: professional and standard services. While the agency’s spending in goods was significant with all groups, it was not enough to pull its grade above a D.

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NYC Emergency Management, FY 2014

Fiscal Year 2014

With the exception of goods procurement, OEM spent very little with any M/WBE group in any industry. Within goods, which accounts for nearly a quarter of its procurement, the agency did relatively well with Asian American and Hispanic American businesses. However, its lack of procurement with M/WBEs in standard and professional services as well as limited spending with Black American businesses across all industries left them with a D grade.

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