Comptroller Brad Lander Sets Prevailing Wage Rates for Staten Island Ferry Engineers

March 30, 2023

New York, NY—New York City Comptroller Brad Lander released a final determination of the prevailing wage rate and benefits for Staten Island Ferry marine engineers.

The order set hourly rates and benefits back to November 2010 when the last collective bargaining agreement expired. For marine engineers, the Comptroller determined that hourly rate in 2010 should have been $40.90, rising to $50.45 as of 2022. For chief marine engineers, the Comptroller set the rate at $64.61 in 2010, rising to $79.71 as of 2022. The Comptroller set vacation and other benefits at the level of other New York City employees.

“Staten Island Ferry engineers, who have been without a contract for over a decade, deserve a fair wage for safely steering thousands of New Yorkers across our harbor every day,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander. “Today’s ruling reflects diligent review of the work, pay, and benefits for comparable workers to set a fair prevailing wage as required by state law.”

Under New York State law, the New York City Comptroller sets and enforces prevailing wage law for public works projects and building service work on New York City government-funded work sites. Section 220 of New York State Labor Law sets out how prevailing wages shall be determined.

After review of the judge’s report, the Comptroller issued an interim decision, asking the Bureau of Labor Law, the New York City Office of Labor Relations, and MEBA to submit additional documentation in October 2022, and at the parties’ request again in February 2023. The Comptroller’s final order is available here and wage sheets are available here.

UPDATE: A revised version of the final order was re-released on April 28, 2023 to provide additional clarification for the parties. The revised final order is available here. A revised wage sheet is available here.


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