Comptroller Stringer Statement on Facebook Privacy Failure

December 19, 2018

“Private messages should be just that – private. Instead, Facebook violated the trust of billions of users, giving big tech companies open access to read, monitor, and even delete highly personal and sensitive material. This is just the latest betrayal over the last several months that should make all of us question the judgment of Facebook’s senior leadership.

“Facebook’s relationships with its investors and the public are deeply frayed. This disturbing pattern of one-off excuses and continuous apologies comes down to the lack of oversight at the top. Will Facebook’s captive board of directors take action – or will they stay silent?

“Thanks to the work of our office, the Facebook board now has explicit responsibility for oversight of data privacy through its audit committee. It’s time for them to act, and launch a thorough investigation of the company’s practices. We’ve long spotlighted the need for an independent board chair – and if the board fails to take action now, they only strengthen the case for ending Mark Zuckerberg’s dual stranglehold as CEO and board chair.”


$286.39 billion