Comptroller Stringer Statement on MTA Subway “Fast Forward” Plan

May 23, 2018

“Today’s Fast Forward Plan is a big step in the right direction, but now it’s up to the MTA to make sure its implementation is not slow-walked. New Yorkers have waited long enough for trains and buses to run on time, and any more delay will only serve to further hurt straphangers and further drag down our economy.

“As my office has documented, the decades-long deterioration of our subways exerts an economic toll on our city every single day, draining the city of up to $400 million dollars in lost productivity and wages per year. It also exerts a painful human toll, causing New Yorkers to miss doctor’s appointments and job interviews, to miss out on child care options, and to lose wages or even their jobs.

“I am greatly encouraged that President Byford has addressed so many of the recommendations we have advocated for in the Comptroller’s Office – from increasing off-peak service to help the growing legions of New Yorkers who work outside of the 9-to-5 day, to redesigning the bus network in all five boroughs to help working people get where they need to go, to increasing dedicated bus lanes and making more subways stations accessible to the elderly and disabled.

“It’s a great start, but this plan is only as good as its funding, and we are ready to see action.”

To read Comptroller Stringer’s report from last summer, The Human Cost of Delays, click here.

To read Comptroller Stringer’s report on the economic cost of delays, click here.

To read Comptroller Stringers report on the MTA’s failure to keep pace with the growth in off-peak ridership, click here.


$279.67 billion