NYC Comptroller Statement on Mid-Year Enrollment Estimates And Budgets

November 7, 2022

New York, NY – Following the release of preliminary enrollment numbers for the 2022-23 school year and an announcement that schools that lost students would not be required to return funding mid-year, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander issued the following statement:

“Holding schools harmless for enrollment declines so that they can provide the instruction and support our students need after these hard pandemic years is exactly the purpose of COVID relief funds. I’m glad that the administration and the Chancellor have finally come to the same conclusion.

“My office warned back in June that enrollment projections were being made based on the unique pandemic years, resulting in larger than necessary cuts to our public schools. It’s good to learn today that enrollment declines were not as low as projected.

“But for many schools that had to excess teachers or couldn’t hire to meet existing needs, the mid-year budget adjustments will come too late to create new classes.

“We cannot afford to fuel the self-fulfilling prophesy of underfunding schools based on projected enrollment declines. Quality public education is essential to ensuring New York City remains a vibrant place to raise a family, grow a business, and invest in a community.”


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