Statement by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer on Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
“There is a great deal to commend in the FY 2022 Adopted Budget: the expansion of 3-K, investments in classroom resources and mental health supports in our schools, improved services for our seniors, and overhead reimbursement for nonprofits. These are critical initiatives that will uplift New Yorkers and communities that were hit hardest by the devastation of COVID-19.
“These investments rely on one-time stimulus funds that will not exist in the out years— and so we must have a plan to pay for this new programming in the longer term. While the increase to the Rainy Day Fund is a good first step, I continue to urge the City to build a budget cushion of 12 to 18 percent and establish an ongoing savings plan that corresponds to City spending so we can sustain the services New Yorkers need.
“This budget is our opportunity to lay the foundation for New York City’s recovery from one of the most challenging periods in our history. We must make sure the building blocks of that foundation are sound so that we not only rebuild, but build a stronger and more equitable city for all New Yorkers.”