Statement from New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer on Taxi Debt Relief Proposal

March 9, 2021

“The taxi medallion crisis is a test of our commitment to fighting poverty and preserving pathways to the American Dream. Predatory lenders took drivers for a ride and left families in a wreckage of financial distress and despair, and the pandemic only pushed New Yorkers who were already struggling closer to the brink.

“We have a moral obligation to these drivers and a fiscal obligation to solve this crisis. I have repeatedly urged the City to implement the effective, reasonable, and fiscally sound New York Taxi Workers Alliance proposal.

“But the Mayor’s proposal is a disgrace and fails to deliver the significant relief drivers deserve. There is no excuse not to address the crisis with a real solution. We have the means — we just need the will to meaningfully act.

“It’s within our power to solve this problem. We don’t have to throw up our hands and look away from the despair and desperation. We must meet our responsibility — and the moment — and immediately implement the New York Taxi Workers Alliance proposal.”


$279.67 billion