Audit Report on New York City Emergency Management’s Oversight of its Agreement with SLSCO LP for Property Management Services at Covid-19 Vaccination Sites

November 22, 2022 | FP22-082A

Table of Contents

Audit Finding and Conclusion

The objectives of this audit were to determine whether NYCEM appropriately monitored the performance of SLSCO LP (SLSCO)—a vendor contracted to manage COVID-19 vaccination sites—and whether its invoices were properly reviewed and approved.

The audit found that NYCEM did not always ensure SLSCO’s compliance with performance standards set forth in its emergency agreement. Specifically, the audit found that NYCEM did not always properly document its monitoring of SLSCO and its subcontractors’ performance. The audit also found instances of double billing, calculation errors, and uses of incorrect rates in SLSCO’s invoices, resulting in overpayments totaling $136,468, and an additional $23,861 paid to SLSCO without supporting documentation.

To address these issues, the audit recommends that NYCEM ensure all invoices are properly calculated and supported; arrange for Vaccine Command Center and/or NYCEM staff to conduct vaccination site visits and document them accordingly; and properly document the review and approval of all subcontractors in writing.

Agency Response

Even though NYCEM did not directly state whether it agreed or disagreed with the audit recommendations, NYCEM stated that it “appreciates the care and effort that went into the auditing of the program by the Comptroller’s team and will work to include all feedback in future emergency response and recovery efforts.”

$279.67 billion