Audit Report On Pensioners Of The New York City Fire Department Working For The City After Retirement January 1, 2008-December 31, 2008
The objective of this audit was to identify New York City pensioners who may be reemployed by a City agency and illegally collecting a pension from the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund (FIRE)—known as “double-dippers” or “disability violators”—and to quantify the amounts of any improper payments to individuals who appear to be violators of New York State Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL), §210 through §216, or New York City Charter §1117, during calendar year 2008.
Audit Findings and Conclusions
The audit found no individuals who received pension payments during 2008 and appear to violate applicable sections of State and City laws. Specifically, no individuals were in apparent violation of RSSL §211 or §212 because they were under age 65 and received City wages exceeding the limitations without having a waiver on file at FIRE, or were in violation of §1117 of the New York City Charter because they were collecting disability pensions while earning more than $1,800 (including pension payments) during calendar year 2008.
Audit Recommendations
Since the audit found no individuals who received pension payments during 2008 that appeared to violate applicable sections of State and City laws, it makes no recommendations to FIRE officials.