Audit Report on the Compliance of the Equal Employment Practices Commission With Its City Charter Mandate To Audit City Agencies
The audit determined whether the Equal Employment Practices Commission (the EEPC) met its City Charter mandate to audit the equal employment practices and procedures of each City agency at least once every four years.
The EEPC is an independent City commission responsible for monitoring and evaluating the employment programs, practices, policies, and procedures of all City agencies funded in whole or in part by the City. The aim of the EEPC is to ensure that agencies maintain an effective affirmative employment program of equal employment opportunity for protected groups (as identified in the City of New York Equal Employment Opportunity Policy) who are employed by or seek employment with New York City government. Chapter 36 of the New York City Charter mandates that the EEPC audit and evaluate every City agency at least once every four years and whenever requested by the Civil Service Commission or the Human Rights Commission.
Audit Findings and Conclusions
Although over the last few years the EEPC has increased the number of audits completed, it has not met its New York City Charter mandate to audit every City agency once every four years. For the most recent four-year cycle (calendar years 2005–2008), the EEPC had audited only 102 (65%) of the 156 agencies required to be audited by December 31, 2008. Audits for an additional 13 agencies were initiated but not completed by December 31, 2008.
Audit Recommendations
Based on our finding, we make two recommendations. EEPC officials should continue to request funds from the Mayor’s Office for the additional staff members needed to meet the Charter mandate and should ensure that agencies not audited within the last four years are the next agencies scheduled to be audited.
EEPC Response
In their response, EEPC officials agreed with the audit’s findings and recommendations.