Audit Report on the Controls over Personnel, Payroll, and Timekeeping Practices at the Office of the Public Advocate

February 18, 2011 | MG10-142A

Table of Contents


The Office of the Public Advocate (PAO), headed by an independently elected official, represents the consumers of New York City services. It reviews and investigates complaints about City services, assesses whether agencies are responsive to the public, and recommends improvements in agency programs and procedures for handling complaints. It also monitors the effectiveness of the City’s public information and education efforts as well as compliance of City officers and agencies with the New York City Charter.

During Fiscal Year 2009, the PAO had total expenditures of $2.8 million, consisting of $2.5 million for Personal Service (PS) and $278,283 for Other Than Personal Services (OTPS). There were 48 staff (the Public Advocate, six managerial, and 41 non-managerial staff) employed by the PAO at some time during calendar year 2009, of whom 45 were terminated at the end of the previous administration. 1 The current administration employs 29 individuals, of whom three are employees from the previous administration.

Audit Findings and Conclusions

The PAO generally ensured that its personnel, payroll, and timekeeping practices had adequate controls and were in accordance with applicable Comptroller’s Directives and its own formal procedures. However, we identified some control weaknesses pertaining to the PAO’s review of background information of potential job candidates as well as its timekeeping practices. Specifically, we found that the PAO did not verify employees’ credentials and that verification of references were not properly documented. In addition, our review of the sampled employees’ timesheets showed that the Employee Time Records (ETRs) were not signed by the preparer and approved by a supervisor and that Leave Request Forms were not consistently submitted. In addition, we found that procedures governing adherence to time regulations need to be enhanced.

Audit Recommendations

To address these issues, we recommend that the PAO should:

  • Continue to ensure that candidates submit educational transcripts and that reference checks are made and results are documented for potential candidates.
  • Make certain that ETRs and adjustments are signed by all required individuals to ensure accurate data is entered into PMS.
  • Ensure that employees submit a Leave Request Form for approval whenever leave time is used.
  • Update its lateness policy to include specifics regarding excessive lateness and disciplinary action.

Agency Response

PAO officials agreed with the audit’s four recommendations, and stated that two of them have already been implemented.

1 The Public Advocate of the previous administration served from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2009.

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