Audit Report on the Development and Implementation of the West Nile Virus Integrated Data Management System By the Department of Health

April 2, 2003 | 7A03-072

Table of Contents


The Comptroller’s Office performed an audit on the development and implementation of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s West Nile Virus Integrated Data Management System. The system supports the Department’s programs responsible for the surveillance and control of the West Nile virus and is the first component of a two-phase comprehensive disease control management system, which will support other environmental disease related surveillance activities.

Our audit found that the West Nile Data System allows for future enhancements and upgrades; and the Department satisfactorily complied with PPB procurement regulations. However, despite the Department’s following a system development methodology and using a quality assurance procedure during the development of West Nile Data System:

  • six out of the 58 initial business and system requirements were not met;
  • one module is now being developed as part of another system; and
  • eight of the ten users who responded to our user satisfaction survey stated that they would like to see changes made to the system.

To address these issues, we recommend that the Department should:

  • Ensure all remaining initial requirements are completed at no more than the allotted cost; and
  • Meet with system users to assess their needs and to ensure that their concerns are addressed.

$242 billion