Audit Report On The Financial And Operating Practices Of The Financial Information Services Agency

May 3, 2006 | FP06-079A

Table of Contents


This audit determined whether the Financial Information Services Agency (FISA) is complying with certain payroll, personnel, timekeeping, purchasing, and inventory procedures, as set forth in the New York City Comptroller’s Internal Control and Accountability Directives (Comptroller’s Directives) #3, #13, and #24, Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) personnel rules and leave regulations, the FISA’s Employee Manual, Department of Investigation (DOI) Standards for Inventory Control and Management, and the Procurement Policy Board (PPB) rules.

Audit Findings and Conclusions

FISA generally adhered to the requirements of Comptroller’s Directives #3, #13, and #24, DCAS’ time and leave regulations, the FISA Manual, DOI’s inventory standards, and applicable PPB rules. In addition, our examination of the FISA’s Other Than Personal Service expenditures disclosed no instances in which moneys were improperly used. However, FISA did not always comply with certain aspects of Comptroller’s Directive #3, DCAS time and leave regulations, and DOI inventory standards. Specifically:

  • three managerial employees were not within the salary range of their titles under the Pay Plan Schedule for Management Employees;
  • 13 instances of employees arriving at work later than the arrival time indicated on FISA’s timekeeping system;
  • six non-managerial employees had a combined total of 1,417 hours of compensatory time that was not used within 120 days;
  • imprest fund checks are not pre-printed with the restrictive endorsement statement, “void after 90 days”; and;
  • FISA inventory list is incomplete, inaccurate, and contained identification errors.

We recommend that FISA should ensure that:

  • Employees are transferred into titles for which they qualify and that have salary ranges that encompass their current pay levels.
  • Supervisors more carefully oversee the arrival and departure time of their employees to make certain that the hours worked are recorded accurately on the system.
  • Employees are required to use compensatory time within 120 days after it is earned; if it is not used, FISA should convert and incorporate compensatory time into employees’ sick leave balances.
  • Imprest fund checks are imprinted with the words “Void After 90 Days.”
  • Complete and accurate inventory records are maintained.
$286.39 billion