Audit Report on the New York City Housing Authority’s Process for Determining Tenant Eligibility

June 30, 2003 | MG03-080A

Table of Contents


This audit of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) reviewed the fairness and efficiency of its process for determining tenant eligibility. NYCHA’s goal is to provide decent and affordable housing for low- and moderate-income City residents. NYCHA currently maintains 345 public housing developments throughout the five boroughs, with more than 181,000 apartments housing about 425,000 people. In Fiscal Year 2002, NYCHA received about 68,000 applications for public housing. It also certified about 12,000 applicants to its rental waiting lists and selected from these lists about 9,000 applicants who accepted apartments and moved in.

Considering NYCHA received over 68,000 public housing applications in Fiscal Year 2002, and considering the complexity of determining the eligibility of many of the applicants, NYCHA adequately handled its responsibility to provide a reasonably fair and efficient process for determining tenant eligibility. However, our audit identified areas of concern relating to the clarity of its public housing application form, the placement of applicants in incorrect housing priority categories, the manual (non-computerized) scheduling of certain types of eligibility interviews, the untimely scheduling of eligibility interviews for some emergency need-based applicants, and the lack of clear written guidance on handling health emergency claims.

To address these issues, we make nine recommendations, including recommendations that NYCHA:

  • Revise its public housing application form and the attached instructions to clarify questions relating to income, rent, and the number of rooms in the applicant’s current apartment.
  • Place greater emphasis on its public housing application screening process to ensure that applicants are placed in the correct priority category.
  • Document its quality control efforts for the screening process to improve the guidance provided to its housing assistants on assigning applicants to priority categories.
  • Schedule its eligibility interviews for emergency need-based, outreach, and Working Family Priority Consolidation applicants automatically rather than manually.
  • Seek expert guidance on the development of written standards for the handling of health emergency claims.
  • Ensure that supervisors review each application file prior to an applicant being certified to a rental waiting list.

On June 3, 2003, a draft report was sent to NYCHA officials with a request for comments. We received a response from NYCHA officials on June 17, 2003. In its response, NYCHA stated that although it disagreed with some of the report’s findings and conclusions, it believed "that the underlying recommendations provided us with an opportunity to take action to further augment the tenant eligibility process."

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