Final Letter Audit Report on Phases V and VII of the Wireless Voice and Data Services in New York City’s Subway System as Provided by Transit Wireless

October 27, 2017 | SZ18-063A

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the wireless voice and data communication system installed by Transit Wireless (“TW”) within certain New York City subway stations (including platforms, mezzanines, and various points within public access passageways) operates effectively.  This audit is the fifth in a series of audits of the ongoing installation of cellular and wireless services in the New York City subway system.

In 2007, following a request for proposals, the MTA’s Board entered into an agreement with TW that granted it an exclusive license to provide commercial cellular/PCS and Wi-Fi service in 277 underground subway stations.  Under the agreement, TW acts as a neutral host, constructing the distributed antenna system within the stations (excluding the tunnels between stations) and sub-licenses rights to use that system to cellular carriers, Wi-Fi providers, and other network users.

TW installs equipment and antennas at each underground station to provide cellular and Wi-Fi coverage throughout public areas.  The in-station equipment and antennas are linked by fiber optic cables to TW trunk fiber optic cables, which run through the streets and connect back to a base station hotel (hub) that houses the head-end equipment for TW, the cellular carriers, Wi-Fi providers, and NYCT.

In addition, in August 2016, the MTA, NYCT and TW partnered with Penguin Random House to begin Subway Reads, a service that allows subway riders free access to five full-length e-short stories and excerpts from a total of 175 full-length books in categories such as fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, and young adults and children.  Subway riders can access this material for periods of 10, 20, or 30 minutes each, and they also have the ability to purchase an e-book in its entirety through this service.

TW installed the wireless network in 47 underground subway stations in Manhattan as part of Phase I (previous Audit Number SZ15-062AL), including major station complexes such as Times Square and Grand Central; 29 stations in Queens as part of Phase II (previous Audit Number SZ16-086AL); 38 additional stations in Manhattan, including the Fulton Street Terminal Center, as part of Phase III (previous Audit Number SZ17-095AL); 36 additional Manhattan and Bronx stations as part of Phase IV; and more recently in 35 additional Manhattan and Brooklyn stations as part of Phase V, as well as 42 additional Brooklyn and Manhattan stations as part of Phase VI (the subjects of this audit).  Phase VII is underway and includes stations in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn.  TW is contractually required to have all 277 underground stations in New York City in service by the end of 2017.  However, in its responses to our earlier audits of Phase III and Phase IV, the MTA stated that all 277 underground subway stations would have the wireless network installed by December 31, 2016, almost one year ahead of schedule.  Therefore, we will continue to audit the wireless voice and data communications system installed by TW in the remaining stations scheduled to be completed in Phase VII.


The audit found that the wireless voice and data communications system currently installed by TW within the 35 Phase V and 42 Phase VI subway stations between March 29, 2017 and September 10, 2017 (including platforms, mezzanines, and various points within public access passageways) is operating as intended.  In addition, during the same time, we revisited the 47 stations previously tested in Phase I, the 29 stations previously tested in Phase II, the 38 stations previously tested in Phase III and the 36 stations previously tested in Phase IV.  We found the wireless network still operational and were able to establish an immediate Wi-Fi connection.  Further, we were able to download Subway Reads e-books from the Penguin Random House site at the appropriate stations.  As of September 19, 2017, all 227 stations in Phases I through VI were operating as intended.  We recommend that the MTA, NYCT and TW continue their current plan to provide voice and data service to the remaining 50 underground New York City subway stations.

In their written responses, the MTA and NYCT agreed with the report.  NYCT stated, “In response to the Office of the Comptroller’s audit of Phases V and VI of the wireless voice and data service, we are in agreement with the findings. Further, we are pleased that the auditors have found the system to be as functional and as easy to use as intended. MTA New York City Transit welcomes this opportunity to extend this desirable service to its customers.”

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