Request for Proposals for the Claims Processing Modernization Project PIN 01525BIST72560

March 14, 2025

Purpose of the Request for Proposal

The New York City Office of the Comptroller “Comptroller” is releasing this Request for Proposals (RFP) in search of a single qualified service partner to provide system implementation services for the OAISIS Claims Processing Modernization “Project”. The Comptroller has a technology-agnostic approach for the Project and will look to Proposers to propose a suitable cloud-based technology solution that meets the Project goals and satisfies the functional and non-functional requirements listed in the RFP.

Under the New York City Charter Chapter 5, Section 93(i), the Comptroller’s Office holds the responsibility for resolving claims on behalf of the City of New York (“City”). The act of resolving a claim includes settling or adjusting claims in favor of or against the City. The Omnibus Automated Imaging Storage and Information System (“OAISIS”) currently supports business processes throughout the Comptroller’s Office, focused mainly in the areas of claims, contracts, labor law, and batch document scanning. OAISIS is decades old and needs replacement. For claims, OAISIS supports the process from initial intake and filing through making offers or denying claims, and finally to processing settlement documents and initiating payment of settlements and judgments. The scope of this project is to replace the claims processing functionality currently supported by OAISIS and the eClaims public-facing portal system and to implement a data warehouse to enable reporting, analytics, and archiving of historical data.

This Procurement is subject to participation goals for MBE and/or WBE as required by Section 6-129 of the New York City Administrative Code.

Please see below to download the RFP for additional details.


All questions and requests for additional information concerning this RFP should be directed to the Authorized Comptroller Contact Person listed above. Vendors should submit questions by no later than 2:00P.M (EST) on May 6, 2025. Any changes made to this RFQ shall be communicated to all vendors in the form of a written addendum.


To download a copy of the Request for Proposals, which describes the minimum requirements, scope of work, and proposal submission procedures, please submit the form below.

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$284.27 billion