RFP for Economically Targeted Investment Programs Original: May 20, 2003 – AMENDED AND RE-ISSUED JANUARY 2022

January 1, 2022

The Comptroller of the City of New York, on behalf of the New York City retirement systems, pension funds, and variable supplements funds (the “Systems”) requests proposals for Economically Targeted Investment Programs.

The Systems’ ETI objectives are to provide the funds a market rate of return that is commensurate with the risk assumed, to fill capital gaps in NYC, i.e. invest in underserved markets, and to provide specific quantitative and/or qualitative benefits to New York City and, in particular, its low-, moderate- and middle-income communities and populations. Collateral benefits may include housing rehabilitation or creation, economic development or job creation. The Comptroller, on behalf of the Systems is issuing this RFP to identify and select new ETI programs and investments. One or more proposals may be selected by each System. Your firm may propose one or more programs or investments, but a separate proposal must be submitted for each.

There is no due date or deadline for submission of proposals. Therefore, proposals may be submitted at any time, subject to future determination by the Systems to no longer accept proposals.

To download a copy of the Request for Proposals, which describes the minimum requirements, scope of work, and proposal submission procedures, please submit the form below.

For Further Information Contact: BAMCONTRACTS@comptroller.nyc.gov

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$286.39 billion