
Suggest an Audit or an Investigation

The Comptroller has the authority to audit and investigate all matters related to City finances. This typically means auditing or investigating the operations and programs of City agencies and private entities doing business with the City to determine whether funds are being used efficiently and economically, and whether the desired goals, results, or benefits of agency programs are being achieved.

Both audits and investigations can help to answer questions about an agency, a program within an agency, or about a contractor or vendor paid by the City to perform certain tasks.

Audits can help answer questions about finances and about programmatic goals, such as:

  • Is an agency doing everything it is supposed to do?
  • How is an agency spending money?
  • Is it being spent wisely?
  • What is the agency or program doing well?
  • What could it do better or differently?
  • Is a program accomplishing what it was meant to? If not, why not?
  • Is a program run efficiently?
  • Is a vendor paid by the City doing a good job?

Investigations are usually started because there is a suspicion of misconduct by a particular person or organization.

If you would like to offer ideas for audits or investigations, please fill out the form below and click “Submit.” Please answer all questions.

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$284.27 billion