Charting Homelessness in NYC

Evictions Filed and Executed

Evictions filings by filing month and borough

Filings in housing court by landlords against tenants for non-payment of rent or holdover after the expiration or violation of leases.
Cases may extend for months or years but are shown here by the month they were initially filed.

Marshal-executed evictions by month by borough

Evictions executed by marshals at residential properties
Only a subset of eviction cases end with tenants being forcibly removed by marshals. An eviction moratorium halted these actions from the outset of the pandemic through January 2022.

Marshal-executed evictions by month by borough

Concentrations of evictions
Evictions have been concentrated in upper Manhattan, the southern Bronx, and central Brooklyn, areas home to more Black and Latino residents and lower-income households compared to the rest of the City.

Filter: These charts cross-filter. Click and drag in either timeline chart to select a date range and/or click a shaded spot to select a borough on the charts above to see the concentration of evictions within that time and/or borough.

$284.27 billion