File a Claim

General Claim Filing FAQs

1. How much time do I have to file a notice of claim?

New York City Administrative Code § 7‐201 requires a notice of claim to be submitted to the Comptroller’s Office prior to the commencement of any action or proceeding against the City of New York.

By law, tort claims must be filed with the City within 90 days of occurrence. A tort claim alleges injury to a person or property arising from alleged negligence or misconduct on the part of the City or a City employee. For example, a City employee driving a City vehicle allegedly causes damage to a motor vehicle or injures a pedestrian.

Contractors should refer to any contractual provisions and/or statutory requirements that apply to their claims, including the time to commence a lawsuit.

The New York City Procurement Policy Board Rule § 4‐09 and New York City Standard Contracts establish a dispute resolution process that applies to all disputes between the City and vendors that arise under, or by virtue of, a contract between them, except as limited by PPB Rules § 4‐09 (a) (1) & (2). Please refer to the PPB Rules and your contract for provisions that apply to your claim.

Pursuant to New York State Insurance Law Regulation 68, no fault related notices of claim must be filed within 30 days of the date of accident.

2. What do I need to access and use the claim forms?

You will need access to a computer with a web browser and the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have the plug-in program needed to read these files, please download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

3. Which claims can be filed using the eClaim system?

You can file personal injury, property damage, labor and employment, contract related, and no fault claims using the eClaim system.

4. Should I file the same claim both electronically and in person or by registered or certified mail?

No. Submit your claim using ONLY one of the three methods: electronically via the eClaim system, in person, or by registered or certified mail.

5. What happens if I filed the claim and realize I made a mistake or want to provide more information?

Please do not submit more than one claim form for the same occurrence.

A notice of claim can be amended within 90 days of the date of occurrence in person or by registered or certified mail by delivering it to:

Office of the New York City Comptroller
1 Centre Street, Room 1225
New York, NY 10007

Please indicate your claim number on the amended notice of claim (if known).The only way to amend a notice of claim after 90 days from the date of occurrence is to file a motion in court to amend the notice of claim.

6. What if I do not have a way to save and print the claim form?

Claim forms are available at:

Office of the New York City Comptroller
1 Centre Street, Room 1220
New York, NY 10007

7. What if I want to submit additional documents?

If a claims examiner requested that you submit additional documents, please follow the submission instructions in that request.

However, if your claim has not been assigned and you would like to submit additional documents, please indicate your claim number (if known) and submit the documents to:

Office of the New York City Comptroller
1 Centre Street, Room 1225
New York, NY 10007

8. How can I arrange to review the Office of the Comptroller’s GML 50-g indexed prior written notice records?

Review of the Office of the Comptroller’s GML 50-g indexed prior written notice records may be arranged by appointment only. To make an appointment, please reach out to Division Chief of Affirmative Claims and Quality Review, MaryEllen Courtney at or 212.669.4729.

9. Who can I call for general inquiries about the status of my claim?

For any general questions about your claim, such as the status of your claim, please reach out to your assigned claim examiner. If you do not know who your assigned claim examiner is, you may call (212) 669-8990.

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