Help Obtaining Benefits

A number of programs provide support to New York City residents who may need assistance. Information about some of these programs is below and can also be obtained by calling 311. In addition, ACCESS NYC is an online screening tool that can help you determine the City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs for which you are potentially eligible. Please visit

Reporting Discrimination

New York City’s Human Rights Law is among the most expansive civil rights laws in the country, prohibiting discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations based on gender (including sexual harassment), gender identity, and sexual orientation.

If you experience discrimination in New York City, you have the option of either filing a claim in court or filing a claim with the Law Enforcement Bureau of the New York City Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). To report discrimination to CCHR, call 311 or (718) 722-3131. You can also learn more about options available to you and the process of filing a claim at – I need help

Cash Assistance

Cash Assistance provides monetary assistance to eligible low-income families and individuals. To find a New York City Job Center where you can apply for Cash Assistance and other public benefits, call 311 or visit Cash Assistance – HRA (

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Working families that earn below a certain income level may be able to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The amount of the refund depends on the family’s income and individuals’ marital and parental status. To learn more about the EITC and how you can claim it, call 311 or visit Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – ACCESS NYC.

Emergency Housing

To obtain assistance if you are homeless, call 311 or visit the following Department of Homeless Services intake centers:

  • Families with children: Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing (PATH),151 East 151st Street, Bronx, NY.
  • Adult families: Adult Family Intake Center (AFIC), 400-430 East 30th Street, New York, NY.
  • Single adult men: 30th Street Intake Center, 400-430 East 30th Street, New York, NY.
  • Single adult women: HELP Women’s Shelter, 116 Williams Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217 or Franklin Shelter, 1122 Franklin Avenue, Bronx, NY.

Financial Empowerment Centers

Financial Empowerment Centers provide free services including money management and budgeting, financial planning, credit and debt counseling, and affordable banking services. For more information about financial empowerment assistance, contact the Department of Consumer Affairs Office of Financial Empowerment at 311 or visit NYC Financial Empowerment.

Housing Assistance

There are a number of affordable housing programs in New York City:

  • Public housing is government-owned housing that is available to certain low-income individuals and families through the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). To obtain more information call 311, visit NYCHA Apply, or go to a NYCHA Walk-In Center located at either 478 East Fordham Road (1 Fordham Plaza), 2nd Floor, Bronx, NY or 787 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY.
  • Section 8 Housing Vouchers can be used by a family or individual to help pay the cost of renting a private home or apartment. Two government agencies administer Section 8 Programs: New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). Information can be obtained through NYCHA or through HPD at NYC HPD Section 8.
  • City-subsidized affordable housing programs offer apartments at below-market rent to individuals and families that meet certain income qualifications. These programs are administered by HPD. For more information, visit:

Job Training

NYC Workforce1 Career Centers help people find and prepare for a job. The centers provide information about new jobs and refer people to educational and occupational skills training classes. For more information, contact the Centers by calling 311 or visiting Contact SBS.

Mayors Office to Protect Tenants (MOPT)

MOPT is a core part of the City’s strategy to confront the affordable housing crisis. This office works across City agencies to make existing anti-harassment and anti-displacement programs better, and create new strategies to root out abuse.


Medicaid is a program that helps with medical costs for people with limited income and resources. For additional information, please contact the Medicaid Helpline at (888) 692-6116.

Municipal ID: IDNYC Card

In 2014, the City of New York passed a law creating a municipal identification card called “IDNYC” for residents of New York City 14 years of age and older. The IDNYC card is a photo identification that can be used for many purposes, such as accessing programs and services from City government, entering City government buildings and schools, identifying oneself to NYPD police officers, and opening checking accounts at certain financial institutions. To obtain an IDNYC card, you must complete an application form and submit it at an IDNYC Enrollment Center. To make an appointment, call 311 or go to IDNYC.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP, also known as food stamps, are cash benefits in the form of coupons and Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards that help families with low incomes buy food. To apply for SNAP, call 311 or visit NYC HRA SNAP Benefits & Food Program.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI is a cash benefit for very low-income elderly (65 and older), blind, or disabled individuals. A person can apply for SSI at any Social Security Administration (SSA) Office or by calling (800) 772-1213.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance is temporary income for eligible workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own and who are ready, willing, and able to work. To file a claim for unemployment insurance, call (888) 209-8124 or apply online at NYS Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance.

Wage Protections

Pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the New York State Labor Law and Sections 6-109 and 6-130 of the New York City Administrative Code, the New York City Comptroller’s Office investigates violations of prevailing wage and living wage laws for work performed within the City of New York. If you believe your wages were stolen, please contact the NYC Comptroller’s Office at (212) 669-4443  or For more information, visit Enforcement & Protections.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

The WIC program provides access to healthy food for certain pregnant women, mothers, and young children. To receive more information, including locations where you can apply for WIC benefits, call (800) 522-5006.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers who get sick or hurt because of their job have the right to be compensated. Workers’ Compensation benefits may include: (1) compensation for medical care and treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses; (2) cash benefits if the injury or illness prevents a worker from working; and (3) death benefits for the surviving spouse or dependent children of a worker who was killed on the job. For more information about Workers’ Compensation, contact the Workers’ Compensation Board at (877) 632-4996.

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