Workers Compensation

The City of New York is a self-insurer of its workers’ compensation obligations pertaining to all covered City employees. City employees are covered for workers’ compensation (with the exception of uniformed police officers, firefighters and uniformed sanitation workers). Also covered are all non-pedagogical employees of the Department of Education and all employees of the Health and Hospitals Corporation and the City University. The Workers’ Compensation Division of the Law Department administers the claims of all covered employees who are injured on the job or incur an occupational disease; while the Comptroller’s Office Bureau of Accountancy Workers’ Compensation Unit monitors the payment process, which includes check cancellations, requests for reissuance and EFT enrollment validation.

Workers’ compensation recipients interested in enrolling in EFT should complete this Direct Deposit form and submit the enrollment form to the address noted on the Direct Deposit Enrollment form:

Office of the New York City Comptroller
Bureau of Accountancy-Workers Compensation Unit
1 Centre Street, 2nd Floor South
New York, NY 10007

All inquiries related to check/EFT cancellation, reissuance, or death notice should be directed to, or by phone at (212) 669-2448 or by fax at (212) 815-8620.

All inquiries related to EFT payment effective date, claim/benefit explanations, change of address and discontinuation of payments should be directed to the Law Department at or by phone at (718)724-5500.

$279.67 billion