Annual Summary Contracts Report for the City of New York Fiscal Year 2024

January 30, 2025 Photo Credit: metamorworks/Shutterstock

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A Message from the New York City Comptroller

Dear New Yorkers,

I’m pleased to share the Annual Summary Contracts Report, covering Fiscal Year (FY24).

Each year, this Report provides the public with one of the most granular snapshots of what New York City purchased in the prior fiscal year, who it purchased it from, and in what ways these purchases were made. Taken together, these purchases reflect investments in economic development projects, critical infrastructure, shelter services, and other goods and services that enable City agencies to accomplish their missions on behalf of New Yorkers.

This Report also helps bring to the surface a number of important trends in City Procurement that are otherwise difficult to glean. For instance, even as New York remains one of the largest contracting jurisdictions in the country, the total value of new City procurement contracts declined again in FY24 from the previous year ($32.2 billion in FY24, down from $38.2 billion in FY23). Instead, the City leaned more heavily on low-dollar value Purchase Orders, which actually yielded a net-increase in individual purchase actions.

Additionally, this year’s data shows that contract registration delays, created under the City’s onerous procurement process, continue to persist at worrying levels. These delays often place enormous financial strains on business and non-profits that are doing work that we all rely on. Many organizations are forced to borrow to cover cash flow and triage their own expenses, making it extremely difficult to pay their workers, sustain operations, and grow their footprint. Procurement delays are also causing the City to compromise on standards designed to improve fairness and competition in the contracting space.

Due to the seriousness and complexity of the retroactivity problem, my Office is releasing a spotlight report as a companion to the FY24 Annual Summary Contracts Report. I encourage you to take a look at this spotlight for more information about the dynamics behind the retroactivity rates discussed below.

We have also recently updated our popular NYC Contract Primer, which contains useful descriptions of many of the contract categories, solicitation methods, and contracting processes that are discussed in this Report. These updates include additional content on subcontracting, master agreements, and other common topics of inquiry my Office has received from the public.

I hope that you’ll find this report and its companion pieces to be informative and useful!

Brad Lander Signature


I. Executive Summary

The City’s procurement system encompasses tens of thousands of transactions each year. The supplies, services, and construction purchased by the City and the revenue agreements it enters into enable agencies and elected officials to serve the public, address critical challenges, and encourage growth.

In accordance with section 6-116.2 of the New York City Administrative Code (Administrative Code), the Comptroller’s Office is required to publish an annual summary report of contracts and agreements assumed by New York City during the previous FY.[1] This “Annual Summary Contracts Report” (or Report) aims to provide better transparency into the City’s contracts that were registered in FY24, and how these agreements are entered into.

The content in this Report that is specifically mandated by the Administrative Code includes detail for:[2]

  1. All franchises, concessions, or goods and services contracts valued at more than $10K (or more than $15K for construction contracts);
  2. The types and dollar amounts of each contract from the previous FY;
  3. The agency, affiliated agency, elected official, or City Council that entered into each contract, franchise, or concession;
  4. The vendors associated with each contract, franchise, or concession entered into with the City; and
  5. How the City selected the contractor, franchisee, or concessionaire.

While not related to City contracting actions, this Report also contains data required by Sections 6-109 and 6-130 of the Administrative Code, relating to the Comptroller’s enforcement of certain living and prevailing wage requirements.[3]

Role of the Comptroller’s Office

Under the New York City Charter (“Charter”), the Comptroller’s Office is responsible for reviewing and approving city contracts and agreements before they are legally effective, unless this authority has been delegated to City agencies or is otherwise not legally required.[4] During a review period lasting no more than 30 calendar days by law, the Comptroller’s Office ensures that appropriate funds exist for the City to make payments to vendors, confirms that the contracting agency followed proper procurement rules, and that there was no corruption in the decision‐making process. The Comptroller’s Office also ensures that contracting agencies have vetted vendors looking to do business with the City and verified that they are operating in good standing, and therefore eligible to be awarded City contracts.

Operating within guidelines set forth by the Charter and Administrative Code, the Comptroller’s Office achieves the functions outlined above by:[5]

  1. Encumbering funds to contracts for use in payments for goods and services;
  2. Maintaining a registry of City contracts and agreements;
  3. Presenting objections if the Comptroller’s review process yields sufficient concern that there was corruption in the awarding of a new contract, or that an agency failed to sufficiently review an awarded vendor; and
  4. Tracking expenditures and revenues associated with registered contracts and agreements.

The Comptroller’s registration authority is separate and distinct from decisions relating to the necessity of new procurements or revenue opportunities, which vendors are selected for City contracts, how contracted goods or services will be provided, and (besides checking for cases of corruption or debarment) whether specific vendors are fit to contract with the City.[6] Each of these processes may be managed by different partners across the City, and can take a considerable amount of time to advance. Accordingly, the Comptroller remains committed to working with the Mayor’s Administration to streamline outdated and lengthy processes in City contracting so that:

  • Needed goods, services, and construction can be brought to bear more quickly;
  • Vendors doing business with the City, including non-profits and M/WBEs, can get paid more quickly for the goods, services, and construction that they are providing; and
  • The City can save time and money by realizing greater efficiencies in the contracting process.

Additional Reporting Sections

This Report expands on procurement data mandated by the Administrative Code in order to provide more context around City contracting activities. Additional sections of this Report present information on the following topics:

  1. Real property transactions
  2. Contract modifications (including construction change orders)
  3. Task Orders registered under agency master agreements
  4. Purchase Orders
  5. Emergency procurements
  6. Contract registrations with applied industry classifications
  7. Contract registrations by agency type
  8. Retroactive registration data (i.e. contracts registered after their start dates)

Source Data

In order to accomplish these aims, this Report draws extensively from data stored in the City’s Financial Management System (FMS), a computerized database jointly administered by the Mayor and the Comptroller and maintained by Financial Information Services Agency (FISA). [7] Each agency, affiliated agency, elected official, and the City Council, is required to enter information in FMS for every franchise and concession, as well as for every contract for goods or services worth more than $10K (or $15K if the contract is related to construction, repair, rehabilitation, or alteration).

Information in Section IX of this Report relating to the Comptroller’s enforcement of certain living and prevailing wage requirements was provided by the Comptroller’s Bureau of Labor Law, rather than FMS.

The City tracks data in FMS using a variety of identifiers that reflect vital contract information. Two of the most prominent identifiers for the purposes of this Report are “Contract Type” and “Award Method.” [8] To better track expenses and revenues, agencies are required to specifically identify the type of contract submitted for registration by selecting from a list of predetermined contract type codes in FMS. Award Method categories indicate how the City selects vendors for a particular contract. This Report also references “Industry classifications” which are not entered by agencies into FMS but are instead derived from various FMS data points to reveal procurement trends by sector. Data used for this Report is available to readers in Section XI – Appendices.

Topline Citywide Numbers for FY24

A total of 12,205 new procurement and revenue contracts were registered in FY24 for a total value of $32.25 billion. The contracts in this Report reflect binding agreements between the City and another entity, or sometimes between two City agencies, which contain the terms and conditions to be performed by both parties as well as the terms of payment (as applicable). This Report broadly organizes contracts into procurements (where the City is contracting for goods, services, or construction) and revenues (where the City is a recipient of funds from another entity). The 12,205 figure does not include registered Real Property Transactions, which are captured in Section III of this Report. Though they are constituted as newly registered agreements in FY24, Real Property Transactions are not covered by the reporting requirements outlined for this report under the Administrative Code.

Table 1 below illustrates that the vast majority of registered contract volume, by both the number of actions and total value, is driven by procurement actions. Registrations for procurement contracts in FY24 reflect City investments in economic development projects, new construction, and further expansion of the City’s homeless shelter capacity

Table 1: FY24 New Contract Registrations
Category # of Actions Value of Actions
Total Registered Contract Actions 12,205 $32,252,013,772
Total Procurement Actions 12,002 $31,545,994,160
Total Revenue Actions[9] 203 $706,019,612

As Chart 1 below shows, the total volume and value of new registered contracts was lower in FY24 than the prior fiscal year. However, this does not necessarily indicate a decline in the City’s procurement activity. Our analysis in Section IV of this Report shows that the number of purchase orders processed increased in FY24.

Chart 1: New Registered Contract Volume and Value, FY22-FY24

Our analysis also found that the average contract value was almost $500 thousand less in FY24 than it was in FY23. Chart 2 shows the average value of a contract in FY22, FY23, and FY24.

Chart 2: Average Procurement Contract Value FY22-FY24

FY24 Procurement Contracts at a Glance

Table 2 illustrates that just ten agencies account for 75% of the City’s FY24 procurement value. The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) makes up the largest share (19.07%) of the City’s procurement value. This is because DHS, whose agency mission is to provide temporary shelter for those in need, is leading the City’s contracting for emergency shelter services.

Table 2: Top Ten Agencies Based on FY24 Procurement Value from New Contracts
Agency # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Registered Contract Value
DHS 163 1.36% $6,015,034,666 19.07%
DEP 279 2.32% $2,540,975,669 8.05%
DSS/HRA 329 2.74% $2,447,074,948 7.76%
DDC 230 1.92% $2,402,976,995 7.62%
EDC[10] 3 0.02% $2,249,560,067 7.13%
DOE 3,377 28.14% $1,884,593,064 5.97%
NYCHA 210 1.75% $1,810,778,754 5.74%
MAYOR 180 1.50% $1,623,068,462 5.15%
DOHMH 1,040 8.67% $1,526,513,217 4.84%
TRANSIT 3 0.02% $1,427,756,404 4.53%
Grand Total 5,814 48.44% $23,928,332,246 75.85%

The ten contracts with the largest registered procurement values account for $6.95 billion, which is almost a quarter (22.02%) of the City’s overall procurement value in FY24. These contacts are displayed below in Table 3. Note that this table includes information on contract end-dates to draw attention to the fact that several of these top-ten procurements are for goods, services, or construction that will be provided over the course of many years.

Table 3: Top Ten FY24 Registered Procurement Contracts by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor legal name Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract Start Date Contract End Date
20248803874 SBS New York City Economic Development Corporation City-wide economic development services $1,797,034,767 7/1/2023 6/30/2024
20241412213 TRANSIT Metropolitan Transportation Authority Purchase of buses, non-revenue vehicles, work trains, escalators, and train track infrastructure $1,417,756,404 3/1/2022 6/30/2024
20241408431 DSS/HRA Riseboro Community Partnership Inc Operation and maintenance of approximately 600 units of permanent housing for homeless individuals, families, and families with children $599,402,516 7/1/2023 6/30/2066
20248801023 DHS Acacia Network Housing Inc Provision of shelter services for families with children across approximately 1487 units $555,815,576 7/1/2023 6/30/2026
20248807555 DHS Samaritan Daytop Village Inc Provision of shelter services for homeless families with children $500,023,608 5/1/2024 6/30/2058
20248801671 HPD Rapid Reliable Testing NY LLC Temporary housing and support services $432,000,000 5/5/2023 5/4/2024
20248801046 MAYOR The Legal Aid Society Legal representation for indigent criminal defendants $431,093,870 7/1/2023 6/30/2025
20249470535 DOE Edgewood Partners Insurance Center Insurance for DOE student transportation $413,857,744 7/1/2023 6/30/2026
20248803863 SBS New York City Economic Development Corporation Various industrial, commercial, waterfront, maritime, market, aviation,

rail freight and intermodal transportation development projects

$402,525,300 7/1/2023 6/30/2024
20248803714 DHS Project Renewal Inc Shelter services for homeless single adults $397,289,420 11/1/2023 12/31/2056

FY24 Revenue Contracts at a Glance

In addition to procurement agreements, City agencies also contract with private entities for the right to use NYC-owned property in exchange for payment, services, or both. The City derives millions of dollars in revenue from such contracts each year. Over 200 revenue actions were registered in FY24 for a total value of $706 million, but the majority of this value can be attributed to Corpus Funded contracts. Corpus Funded contracts are related to the City’s pension management expenses, and while they are currently recorded as revenue transactions, they do not actually generate revenue for the City’s general fund.

Excluding Corpus Funded contracts, the City registered 169 new revenue contracts in FY24 for a total value of $310.3 million. Table 4 contains the top ten revenue contracts that were registered in FY24, by value (excluding Corpus Funded actions).

Table 4: Top Ten FY24 Registered Revenue Contracts by Value (Excluding Corpus Funded)
Contract # Agency Vendor legal name Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract Start Date Contract End Date
20248807635 DSNY Pratt Paper (NY) Inc. New York City Paper Recycling $60,000,000 5/1/2024 4/30/2034
20248201727 DPR AMG RETAIL I LLC Concession for the maintenance an operation of gas stations along NYC roadways $43,036,623 5/1/2024 4/30/2039
20248801167 LAW CARISK IMAGING IPA LLC Diagnostic Testing Services for use by city employees in workers’ compensation cases $31,000,000 5/16/2021 12/31/2023
20248202102 DPR STATUE CRUISES, LLC Ferry service to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from Battery Park $27,500,000 6/28/2024 2/28/2034
20248201278 DOT BUCKEYE PIPE LINE COMPANY LP Revocable consent to allow the maintenance and use of pipelines underneath City streets $20,303,640 7/1/2023 6/30/2033
20248201966 DPR NY TENNIS AT CENTRAL PARK, LLC Operation of the Central Park Tennis center including concessions for a tennis pro, pro shop, and snack bar $18,516,937 6/8/2024 6/7/2044
20248201591 DPR TOUR CENTRAL PARK INC Operation and maintenance of bicycle rental stations around Manhattan $14,655,615 10/22/2022 10/21/2029
20248201952 DPR CLEARVIEW GOLF LLC Operation and maintenance of a golf course and clubhouse at Clearview Golf Course, Queens. $14,500,000 6/7/2024 6/6/2044
20248200001 DOT CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK INC Enabling ConEd to construct and maintain improvements to DOT street light poles relating to the smart grid $12,503,415 7/1/2022 6/30/2032
20248201547 DPR LA TOURETTE GOLF LLC Operation and maintenance of a golf course and clubhouse at La Tourette Golf Course, Staten Island $11,500,000 4/11/2024 4/10/2044

How to Navigate This Report

Section II – New Contract Action Trends: Section II will present data trends for the following contract categories:

  1. Competitive Contracts
  2. Limited or Non-Competitive Contracts
  3. Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules
  4. Supplemental Contracts
  5. Revenue Contracts

Section III – Real Property Transactions: While not covered under the Administrative Code’s scope for this Report, the City also enters into contracts relating to Real Property Transactions each year. Section III will review data trends for these contracts, which mostly consist of lease agreements.

Section IV – Contract Modifications and Administration: While not explicitly called for inclusion in this Report by the Administrative Code, Section IV delves into trends relating to actions undertaken against existing contracts in FY24. Broadly speaking, these actions fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Actions taken by the City to encumber funds, or to otherwise modify some aspect of an active contract;
  2. Processing Task Orders (TOs) against existing Master Award contracts; or
  3. Executing purchase orders for goods, services, or construction (generally under small purchase limits).

Section V – Emergency Procurements: Section V provides additional data regarding the sourcing of required goods or services to meet emergency needs, as authorized by Section 315 of the NYC Charter, and Section 3-06 of the Procurement Policy Board (PPB) Rules.

Section VI – Procurement Actions by Industry: Section VI presents FY24 contract data through the lens of industry classifications, which are used by the City to support analysis of procurement trends.

Section VII – Procurements by Agency Type: Section VII provides information regarding the volume, value, and industry classifications of procurement contracts registered to each agency in FY24.[11]

Section VIII – Retroactive Contract Registrations: Section VIII examines retroactive contract trends, where contracts are legally implemented after the first day of their term.

Section IX – Bureau of Labor Law – Living and Prevailing Wage Cases: Section IX summarizes the Comptroller’s enforcement of certain living and prevailing wage standards, as required under Sections 6-109, 6-130, and 6-145 of the Administrative Code.

Section X – Glossary of Terms: The glossary defines relevant City procurement and contract registration terminology.

Section XI – Appendices: This Section contains complete supporting data sets for the interposed tables as well as other data points required by the Administrative Code that are not specifically referenced in this report.

Resources to Supplement This Report

While not used to generate data for this Report, readers may find the following resources useful for learning more about city contracting and financial trends.

Contract Primer

In the Fall of 2023, this Office released a new Contract Primer to provide the public with a straightforward guide to the basics of the City’s contracting workflows and essential solicitation methods. Readers can reference information on key entities in NYC contracting, learn about the NYC contracting cycle, and access links to helpful public-facing resources. Critically, the Primer also defines contract categories, solicitation methods, and additional contracting processes that are discussed in this Report.

Helpful Links:

Checkbook NYC

In July of 2010 the Comptroller’s Office launched Checkbook NYC, an online transparency tool that for the first time placed the City’s day-to-day spending in the public domain. Using an intuitive dashboard approach that combines a series of graphs and user-friendly tables, Checkbook NYC provides up-to-date information about the City’s financial condition.

Checkbook NYC has been ranked the top transparency tool in the nation for tracking government spending by the United States Public Interest Research Group and was named New York City 2013 “Best External Application” by Government Technology Magazine.

Checkbook NYC also contains a majority of the City’s contract data. This tool enables users to examine data on its “Contracts” tab by fiscal year (or other date ranges), procurement category, contract types, and more.

Helpful Links:

PASSPort Public

Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) is the City of New York’s end-to-end digital procurement platform that manages every stage of the procurement process from vendor enrollment, to the solicitation of goods and services, to contract registration and management. PASSPort Public refreshes data periodically from PASSPort such that the public can derive insight into the City’s procurement system.[12]

Helpful Links:

Agency Procurement Plans (M/WBE, LL63, and Human Services)

Under Local Law 1 of 2013, SBS and the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) are required to publish an annual plan and schedule listing the anticipated contracting opportunities for the coming fiscal year. These plans include the following information for each solicitation: the specific type and scale of the services to be procured, the term of the proposed contract, the method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize, and the anticipated fiscal year quarter of the planned solicitation.

Similarly, under Local Law 63 of 2011, MOCS is required to publish a plan and schedule detailing the anticipated contract actions (for certain categories of procurement) of each City agency for the upcoming fiscal year. This requirement applies to contracts valued at more than $200K providing standard or professional services, including against agency task orders.

Lastly, MOCS also publishes plans reflecting proposed procurements relating to human service programs. This information is collected from, and organized by, city agencies.

Helpful Links:

City Record Online

The City Record Online (CROL) is a searchable database of notices published in the City Record newspaper which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.[13]

Helpful Links:

Retroactivity Spotlight

“Registration” is a step in the procurement process at which most contracts become legally effective, allowing the City to pay the vendors with whom it does business.  Building on trends explored in Section VIII of this report, the Comptroller’s office has released an analysis spotlighting the problem of retroactive contract registrations in NYC procurement. Registration delays, which extend to both contracts registered by this Office and self-registered by City agencies, often place enormous financial strains on business and non-profits. Many organizations are forced to borrow to cover cash flow and triage their own expenses, making it extremely difficult to pay their workers, sustain operations, and grow their footprint.

The spotlight analysis explores questions relating to retroactivity including:

  1. FY24 Retroactive Rates for Procurement Contracts
  2. Retroactivity rates between Comptroller-registered and agency self-registered actions.
  3. An examination of retroactivity rates across Mayoral agencies
  4. Case studies of contract transparency milestones that were delayed or missed

Helpful Links


Table 5 provides a breakdown of new procurement and revenue agreements by contract group.[14] Subsequent tables provide details about the distribution of subgroups, by volume and value. As with previous years, competitively sourced contracts in Group 1 comprise the largest share of contract value. Limited or Non-Competitive method contracts comprised more than three quarters of the total contract volume in FY24.

Table 5: FY24 New Procurement and Revenue Contracts by Category
Contract Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Group 1: Competitive Method Contracts 1,235 10.12% $13,172,377,586 40.84%
Group 2: Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 9,674 79.26% $11,491,155,853 35.63%
Group 3: Not Subject to PPB Rules 252 2.06% $194,640,658 0.60%
Group 4: Supplemental Contracts 841 6.89% $6,687,820,063 20.74%
Group 5: Revenue Contracts 203 1.66% $706,019,612 2.19%
Grand Total 12,205 100.00% $32,252,013,772 100.00%

Charts 3 and 4 provide a year-over-year comparison of contract volume and value by the groupings listed in the table above. Both graphics show consistent year over year trends across the contract groups.

Chart 3: FY22-24 Volume of New Contracts by Contract Group

Chart 4: FY22-24 Value of New Contracts by Contract Group

Group 1: Competitive Method Contracts

Competitive Method contracts are designed to help the City obtain the highest value based on price or quality. There were fewer Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) procurements in FY24 relative to the previous year. Accelerated procurements, which are used by the City to expedite commodity purchases, increased this year driven by new contracts to provide foodstuffs for populations served by DOC and ACS. Table 6 provides a breakdown of competitive method subgroups by volume and value.

Table 6: Competitive Methods Contracts by Subgroup
Subgroup # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Competitive Sealed Bid Contracts 567 45.91% $4,676,592,455 35.50%
Competitive Sealed Proposal Contracts 550 44.53% $8,312,097,728 63.10%
Accelerated Procurement Contracts 118 9.55% $183,687,404 1.39%
Grand Total 1,235 100.00% $13,172,377,586 100.00%

Group 2: Limited or Non-Competitive Methods

Limited or Non-Competitive procurement methods were responsible for the largest share of new procurement contracts (9,674 actions or 79.26%). Although the increase was modest, this was the only procurement category where the City registered more contracts relative to FY23. Table 7 provides a breakdown of subgroups under Group 2 by volume and value.

Table 7: Limited/Non-Competitive Methods Contracts by Subgroup
Subgroup # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Buy-Against Procurement Contracts 1 0.01% $936,000 0.01%
Demonstration Project Contracts 2 0.02% $31,602,017 0.28%
Determined by Government Mandate Contracts 122 1.26% $448,368,090 3.90%
Discretionary (Line Item) Contracts 1,964 20.30% $763,051,527 6.64%
Emergency Procurement Contracts 162 1.67% $2,476,674,247 21.55%
Government-to-Government Contracts 24 0.25% $1,623,310,073 14.13%
Innovative Procurement Contracts 68 0.70% $112,199,128 0.98%
Intergovernmental Procurement Contracts 287 2.97% $550,560,482 4.79%
Micropurchase Contracts 1,419 14.67% $14,193,887 0.12%
Negotiated Acquisition Contracts 899 9.29% $2,308,520,601 20.09%
Small Purchase Contracts – General 3,459 35.76% $104,834,986 0.91%
Small Purchase Contracts – M/WBE 1,140 11.78% $278,654,045 2.42%
Sole Source Contracts 127 1.31% $2,778,250,770 24.18%
Grand Total 9,674 100.00% $11,491,155,853 100.00%

Buy-Against Contracts

Buy-Against procurements are used by City agencies to preserve the continuity of goods or service provision after a vendor defaults on their contract, or following the termination of a vendor’s contract because of a material breach to the agreement.[15]

Table 8: FY24 Registered Buy-Against Contracts
Contract Number Agency Vendor Legal Name Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20241200166 DCAS READY AMERICA INC Emergency Water for OEM $936,000 5/21/2028

Discretionary Contracts

Discretionary procurements reflect agreements between City agencies and nonprofit organizations, or public service providers, that have been selected by City elected officials other than the Mayor and the Comptroller, or allocated through line-item appropriations in the city budget.[16] While the vast majority of elected official selections are made through the City Council, the list of elected officials that are able to enter into discretionary contracts also includes the five Borough Presidents. The City has long struggled to register its discretionary contracts on a timely basis, which creates enormous strain on the non-profit recipients that otherwise rely on this funding to provide critical services to New Yorkers. As of August 2024, there were over 1,800 discretionary contracts with start dates during the prior fiscal year that were still pending in the City’s procurement pipeline.[17]

Negotiated Acquisition Contracts

Under section 3-04 of the PPB rules, agencies can move to limit competition via a negotiated acquisition (NA) procurement when the ACCO determines, with CCPO approval, that:

  1. There is a time-sensitive situation where a vendor must be retained quickly to meet the terms of a court order or consent decree, to avoid loss of available funding, or to ensure continuity of services.
  2. There are a limited number of vendors available and able to perform required work.
  3. There is a need to procure legal services or consulting services in support of current or anticipated litigation, investigative or confidential services.
  4. There are previously unforeseen or unforeseeable construction-related service needs, typically after construction has begun, that cannot be addressed by a change order or other contract modification.

Negotiated acquisition extensions (NAE) are typically used when agencies have exhausted all contractual renewals, as well as contract extensions permitted by other sections of the PPB Rules, because goods or services were needed for a longer time than originally anticipated, or because the agency has not been able to procure a replacement contract in a timely manner.

DYCD has registered the vast majority of NAs and NAEs since FY22, including 546 contracts across these two procurement methods in FY24 alone. These procurements have largely been used to support the Comprehensive After School System (COMPASS) NYC program, which provides academic, recreation, enrichment, and cultural activities for children enrolled in grades K-12.

Group 3: Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules

The contracts in Group 3 reflect transactions that are either not mentioned in the PPB rules or are otherwise explicitly excluded in Section 1-02(f). Group 3 makes up a relatively small share of the City’s contracting footprint, with just 252 registered parent contracts in FY24 totaling $194 million. Table 9 provides a breakdown Group 3’s subgroups by volume and value.

Table 9: Transactions Not Subject to PPB rules by Subgroup
Subgroup # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Force Account Contracts 18 7.14% $8,547,892 4.39%
Grant Agreements 12 4.76% $88,072,615 45.25%
Miscellaneous Contracts 48 19.05% $70,306,869 36.12%
Professional Membership Negotiation Contracts 17 6.75% $517,762 0.27%
Regulated by Government Commission 17 6.75% $4,184,138 2.15%
Subscription Contracts 140 55.56% $23,011,382 11.82%
Grand Total 252 100.00% $194,640,658 100.00%

Group 4: Supplemental Contracts

The contracts in Group 4 reflect new agreements whose terms were set forth by a preceding contract. They accounted for 841 registrations in FY24 totaling $6.68 billion in value, an increase from the prior fiscal year. The higher value of renewal contracts in FY24 was largely driven by two contracts for shelter services (valued together at over $800 million), and one $431 million contract for indigent legal defense services.[18] Table 10 provides a breakdown of Group 4’s subgroups by volume and value.

Table 10: Supplemental Contracts by Subgroup
Subgroup # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Assignments 77 9.16% $622,114,995 9.30%
Renewals 764 90.84% $6,065,705,068 90.70%
Grand Total 841 100.00% $6,687,820,063 100.00%

Group 5: Revenue Contracts

There were 203 registered Revenue contracts in FY24 totaling over $706 million in value. Group 5 also includes Corpus Funded agreements, which relate to the City’s asset management activities. Corpus Funded contracts are currently recorded in FMS as revenue transactions, but they do not actually generate revenues for the City’s general fund. Table 11 provides a breakdown of Group 5’s subgroups by volume and value.

Table 11: Revenue Contracts by Subgroup
Subgroup # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Franchise Agreements 3 1.48% $1,200,569 0.17%
Concession Agreements 93 45.81% $162,565,845 23.03%
Revocable Consents 65 32.02% $49,862,769 7.06%
Corpus Funded agreements 34 16.75% $395,690,424 56.05%
Other Revenue 8 3.94% $96,700,005 13.70%
Grand Total 203 100.00% $706,019,612 100.00%

Chart 5 presents a year-over-year comparison of registered revenue contracts by category, with corpus funded contracts excluded. Revenue contracts in all subcategories exceeded the prior fiscal year’s value.

Chart 5: FY22-FY24 Revenue Totals[19]

Section III presents data trends relating to Real Property Transactions, which are non-revenue contracts that are also not defined as procurements in either Chapter 13 of the City Charter or in the PPB rules. The City registered 116 Real Property contracts in FY24 for a total value of $1.4 billion. Table 12 provides a breakdown by award method.

Table 12: FY24 Registered Real Property Contracts by Award Method
Award Method # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
Lessee Negotiation 106 91.38% $1,400,142,286 99.80%
Real Estate Sales and Purchases 2 1.72% $58,770 <0.01%
Watershed Land Negotiation 8 6.90% $2,783,500 0.20%
Grand Total 116 100.00% $1,402,984,556 100.00%

Chart 6 displays Real Property contract volume and value trends across FY22, FY23, and FY24. The City registered more real property contracts, and at a higher value, in FY24 than in prior fiscal years.

Chart 6: FY22-24 Registered Real Property Contracts by Volume and Value

Real Property Transactions by Agency

Twenty City agencies administered real property transactions in FY24. While the City Council made up the largest share of these contracts by volume, DCAS accounted for almost 70% of city’s registered contract value in this category. This value can be attributed in part to additional leases that the City entered to for HRA, NYPD, and BOE, as well as other spaces for use in support of homeless services. Table 13 provides a breakdown of transactions by Agency.

Table 13: FY24 New Real Property Transactions by Agency
Agency # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Value of all Contracts % share of Value
ACS 2 1.72% $20,972,581 1.49%
BKLYN CB #14 1 0.86% $78,125 0.01%
BKLYN CB #4 1 0.86% $542,928 0.04%
CC or COUNCIL 48 41.38% $5,742,372 0.41%
CUCF 4 3.45% $409,235 0.03%
DCAS 16 13.79% $966,663,529 68.90%
DCP 1 0.86% $12,700,133 0.91%
DEP 13 11.21% $266,363,611 18.99%
DFTA 2 1.72% $15,958,642 1.14%
DOC 1 0.86% $15,194,243 1.08%
DOP 4 3.45% $7,868,772 0.56%
DOT 2 1.72% $14,553,128 1.04%
DSS/HRA 4 3.45% $14,563,294 1.04%
DYCD 4 3.45% $1,386,775 0.10%
FDNY 1 0.86% $10,436,019 0.74%
HPD 1 0.86% $11,980,459 0.85%
MAN CB #2 1 0.86% $887,308 0.06%
MAN CB #4 1 0.86% $202,040 0.01%
NYCEM 4 3.45% $20,608,709 1.47%
NYPD 5 4.31% $15,872,653 1.13%
Grand Total 116 100.00% $1,402,984,556 100.00%

Section IV presents data trends relating to modification and contract administration trends.


Agencies are authorized to change certain aspects of existing registered agreements, such as:[20]

  • Updating contract amounts to reflect additional authorized or omitted work.
  • Extending the duration of a contract for good and sufficient cause (generally not for longer than an additional year).
  • Administrative reasons, such as encumbering funds to expense contracts or revising commodity and accounting lines.

Any change that requires a material alteration to the scope of work outlined in an initial contract’s terms cannot be resolved by a modification. The agency must instead procure a new contract in such cases.

Table 14 below presents the share of modifications registered by the type of modification.

Table 14: FY24 Analysis of Registered Modifications by Category
Modification Category Total # of Registered Modifications % Share of Registered Modifications
Change-in-Amount Only  4,443 7.10%
Change in Duration Only 1,381 2.21%
Change in Both Duration & Amount   1,282 2.05%
Administrative Change Only 55,476 88.65%
Grand Total 62,582 100.00%

Chart 7 shows year-over-year registered modification trends by category. Notably, the number of modifications decreased in every category relative to FY23 levels. DYCD, typically a big driver of registered modifications for its afterschool programs, processed far fewer of these actions in FY24.

Chart 7: FY22-24 Registered Modifications by Category

FY24 BCA-Registered Contract Modifications by Agency

While agencies have been delegated to self-register some contract modifications, many must be submitted to this Office’s Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA) for review and registration. Over 77% of the modifications that BCA registered in FY24 were administered by just ten agencies. DDC submitted the most BCA-registered modifications, many of which decreased contract values for projects relating to commissioning services and storm sewer construction. Table 15 below displays the top ten agencies by volume of BCA registered actions.

Table 15: Top Ten Agencies with BCA-Registered Modifications in FY24
Agency # of BCA-Registered Modifications % Share of BCA-Registered Modifications
DDC 2,169 27.18%
DEP 650 8.15%
DOE 596 7.47%
DPR 559 7.01%
DCAS 442 5.54%
DOT 441 5.53%
DOHMH 397 4.97%
DSS/HRA 343 4.30%
DHS 322 4.04%
EDC 227 2.84%
Grand Total 6,146 77.02%

Even when isolating change-in-amount modifications, DDC was the source of the most BCA registered modifications with 1,419. See Table 16 below for a breakdown by top ten agencies.

Table 16: Top Ten Agencies with BCA-Registered Change-In-Amount Modifications
Agency # of BCA-Registered Modifications % Share of BCA-Registered Modifications
DDC 1,419 28.31%
DOE 567 11.31%
DPR 417 8.32%
DHS 306 6.11%
DSS/HRA 263 5.25%
DEP 258 5.15%
DOHMH 250 4.99%
EDC 194 3.87%
NYCHA 187 3.73%
DYCD 141 2.81%
Grand Total 4,002 79.85%

Construction Change Orders

Construction change orders (CCO) reflect a subset of the modification data discussed above, although the data below includes additional CCOs that were not registered by the Comptroller’s Office.[21] CCOs are typically used to authorize non-material additional labor and/or equipment needed to complete a construction project. Chart 8 illustrates that CCOs increased modestly in volume, but declined by over $200 million in value relative to FY23 levels.

Chart 8: FY22-FY24 CCOs by Volume and Value

Table 17 reflects the top-five agencies using CCOs by volume. These five agencies comprised over 80% of the CCO volume in FY24. While DDC and DOT registered more CCOs in FY24 than the prior fiscal year, JPD, DPR, and DEP all registered fewer of them.

Table 17: Top Five Agencies with FY24 Registered CCOs, by Volume
Agency # of Registered CCOs % Share of FY24 Registered CCOs
DDC 1,301 39.05%
HPD 404 12.12%
DPR 395 11.85%
DEP 347 10.41%
DOT 252 7.56%
Grant Total 2,699 81.00%

Similarly, Table 18 filters the data above to only display change-in-amount CCOs.

Table 18: Change-in-Amount CCOs for the Top Five Agencies With FY24 CCOs, by Volume
Agency # of Registered CCOs Average Original Contract Value Average Revised Contract Value
DDC 904 $64,704,530 $68,397,682
DPR 320 $7,472,412 $8,808,375
DEP 166 $161,263,851 $168,609,803
EDC 88 $2,952,553 $8,699,020
NYCHA 82 $8,879,567 $10,120,887

Task Orders

Agencies registered 1,118 TOs in FY24, against 332 Multiple Master Agreements for a total value of $1.5 billion. About half (529) of these TOs were registered to EDC and NYCHA. Although the volume of registered TOs decreased in FY24, their total value increased relative to FY23. Chart 9 below displays the volume and value of registered TOs from FY22-FY24.

Chart 9: Registered Task Orders FY22-FY24

The top five agencies based on the volume of registered TOs account for over 76% of all TOs registered in FY24, and 77% of the total registered TO value. Table 19 displays the five agencies that registered the most TOs in FY23.

Table 19: Top Five Agencies by Volume of Registered TOs in FY24
Agency # of TOs Total Registered Value
EDC 275 $617,137,619
NYCHA 254 $205,718,463
DDC 166 $255,709,248
DPR 106 $89,118,954
HHC[22] 53 $26,807,034

Delivery Orders

Delivery Orders (DO1s) are created when an agency purchases a good or service contracted under a parent master agreement (MA1).[23] While MA1 contract values reflect an estimate of how much the City expects to spend, the sum of DO1s issued under an associated MA1 reflect how much an agency is actually paying under a contract. Only DCAS, OTI, and the DOE are able to enter into new MA1 parent contracts, but other agencies can make purchases under them using DO1s. The Comptroller’s office does not review or register DO1 records. Over 300 thousand DO1s were processed in FY24 against 2,079 unique MA1s for a total value of $5.1 billion. Table 20 reflects the top five agencies with the most DO1 value and Table 21 reflects the top five agencies in terms of DO1 volume.

Table 20: Top Five Agencies by Value of DO1s in FY24
Agency # of DO1s # of Unique MA1 Contracts against which DO1s were issued Total Value
DOE 309,452 1,303 $3,495,026,362
DCAS 4,902 511 $745,337,886
OTI 383 24 $327,866,792
NYPD 2,043 45 $110,615,859
FDNY 419 44 $41,803,379
Table 21: Top Five Agencies by Volume of DO1s in FY24
Agency # of DO1s # of Unique MA1 Contracts against which DO1s were issued Total Value
DOE 309,452 1,303 $3,495,026,362
DCAS 4,902 511 $745,337,886
DSNY 2,957 34 $8,906,740
ACS 2,459 125 $4,414,579
NYPD 2,043 45 $110,615,859

DOE holds the most MA1 contracts of any authorized agency by a wide margin so it follows that they have the most volume and value of DO1 records.

Chart 10 displays the changes in DO1 volume and value over the prior three fiscal years. Even as the overall volume and value of Citywide procurements has declined over this period, DO1 value has remained relatively steady.

Chart 10: DO1 Volume and Value FY22-24

Table 22 reflects the five active MA1 contracts with the most DO1 records in FY24. Four out of the top five master agreement contracts have overutilization which is the total spending (effectuated by DO1s) divided by the current value of the master agreement. Notably, the total value of DO1s can far exceed, or amount to just a fraction of, the estimated value of its parent MA1 contract. Based on an analysis of expired MA1 contracts registered between FY16-23 we found that just under 30% had less than 33% utilization and slightly over 30% had more than 100% utilization.

Table 22: Top Five Master Agreements with the Most Spending in FY24
Contract # Agency Vendor Name Contract Purpose Total Spending in FY24 % of Term Completed as of 6/30/2024 Utilization of contract as of 6/30/2024[24]
20191200196 OTI CDW Government LLC To procure IT Goods and Related Services for NYC $345,263,275 89.86% 241.67%
20238804225 DCAS Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Emergency Preparedness & Response Goods & Related Services $331,191,543 41.64% 1107.99%
20191200181 OTI Shi International Corp To procure IT Goods and Related Services for NYC $101,143,205 89.82% 290.76%
20149473570 DOE Pride Transportation Services Inc Special Education Transportation $82,391,408 91.11% 105.55%
20249470535 DOE Edgewood Partners Insurance Center To provide pupil transportation insurance $72,737,002 33.33% 17.58%

Purchase Orders

Over 146 thousand POs were recorded in FY24 for a total value of $435 million.[25] Both figures represent an increase over FY22 levels. Table 23 reflects the number and value of POs issued in FY24 by category.

Table 23: PO Records by Category FY24
PO Type Total # of POs Actual Amount Obligation Amount Adjusted for Outyear Available To Obligate
PCC1 16,005 $23,080,591 $23,080,334 $257
POD 14,651 $78,245,797 $77,967,996 $277,800
POC 116,245 $334,524,118 $334,471,919 $52,199
Grand Total 146,901 $435,850,506 $435,520,249 $330,256

Chart 11 compares the volume of POs issued from FY22-FY24 by category. The City issued more POs in FY24 relative to prior years. As Table 24 illustrates, DOE lead this increased, processing around 10 thousand more POs in FY24 than they did the prior year.

Chart 11: FY22-FY24 Volume of POs by Category.

The top-five agencies using POs in FY24, by volume, accounted for over 89% of the total share of POs processed by the City. Table 24 displays the volume and value of POs across each of these agencies. DOE continued to issue the most POs in FY24, issuing nearly ten thousand more POs than they did in the prior fiscal year.

Table 24: Top Five Agencies by Volume of Recorded POs in FY24
PO Type Total # of POs % Share of All POs Total PO Value
DOE 112,740 76.75% $304,077,146
HPD 15,988 10.88% $20,895,303
NYPD 2,503 1.70% $14,241,076
DEP 1,674 1.14% $18,608,241
CC or COUNCIL 1,318 0.90% $3,209,209
Grand Total 134,223 91.37% $361,030,973.93

Section V presents data trends relating to procurement methods used by the City to respond quickly in the event of emergencies.[26]

Emergency Procurement Method Actions

The City processed 162 contracts via the Emergency Procurement method in FY24 for a total value of $2,476,674,247. Although there was a decline in the # of emergency contracts in FY24 relative to FY23, the value of emergency procurements in FY24 more than doubled. This is likely related to higher-value contracts associated with emergency homeless shelters. In FY23 emergency shelter contracts were initially registered for one year, and then amended to run through June 30, 2026. In FY24, new shelter contracts were already set to have three year contract terms, expiring in June 30, 2026. Chart 12 displays the number and value of Emergency contracts filed in FMS across FY22, FY23, and FY24 respectively.

Chart 12: FY22-24 Emergency Contracts by Volume and Value

Table 25 displays the top five agencies by volume of new emergency contracts. Together, these agencies account for more than 90% of all emergency procurements in FY24. HPD continues to be the largest driver of these contracts since it is tasked with hiring contractors to conduct emergency building demolitions.

Table 25: FY24 Emergency Procurements Volume by Top Five Agencies
Agency Number of Emergency Contracts % Share of Emergency Contracts
HPD 79 48.77%
DHS 56 34.57%
DDC 7 4.32%
HHC[27] 5 3.09%
NYCEM 3 1.85%
Grand Total 150 92.60%

Table 26 similarly lists the top five agencies by value of new emergency contracts. Once again, the top five agencies account for almost 100% of the total emergency contract value in FY24. DSS/DHS shelter services contracts made up the highest share of contract value. This is because DSS/DHS, whose agency mission is to provide temporary shelter for those in need, is leading the City’s contracting for emergency shelter services. In addition, HPP increased from $34,498,186 to $713,489,792 this year largely driven by a $432 million DocGo contract which will be explained in more detail in the agency section of the report.

Table 26: FY24 Emergency Procurements Value by Top Five Agencies
Agency Value of Emergency Contracts % Share of Emergency Contracts
DHS $1,016,140,915 41.03%
HPD $713,489,792 28.81%
DDC $421,077,062 17.00%
DSS/HRA $245,914,281 9.93%
FDNY $20,557,482 0.83%
Grand Total $2,417,179,532.00 97.60%

Table 27 provides a breakdown of modifications to emergency contracts that were filed in FY24. As was the case with new emergency contracts, there were more emergency modifications in FY24 relative to the prior fiscal year.

Table 27: FY24 Emergency Contract Modifications, by Category
Type of Modification Number of Emergency Modifications
Change To Amount Only 17
Change To Duration Only 9
Change to Both Amount and Duration 49
Administrative Change Only 847
Grand Total 922

VI. Procurement Actions by Industry

PPB Rules and other applicable procurement rules define several industries that are frequently used by the City to support the analysis of procurement trends. Industry classifications provide another perspective to understand where the City is investing its resources. Section VI of this Report examines FY24 procurements across the following industries:

  1. Construction Services
  2. Goods
  3. Human Services
  4. Professional Services
  5. Standard Services

Industry classifications were assigned using rules employed by Checkbook NYC based on contract characteristics such as award category, contract type, and expense category. 12,002 procurement contracts were mapped to one of the above industries classifications using Checkbook NYC’s rules for a total value of $31.27 billion. Additionally, 590 procurement contracts, with a total registered value of $267.43 million, could not be classified into an industry group. Chart 13 below provides a comparison of registered contract value by industry.

Chart 13: Share of Registered New Procurement Contract Value by Industry

Relatedly, Chart 14 lays out the volume of new procurement contracts by industry. The Construction and Standard Service industries make up a greater share of registered procurement value than they do of the city’s procurement volume, indicating that their contracts tend to be larger in value relative to the contracts in other industries.

Chart 14: Share of Registered New Procurement Contract Volume by Industry

Construction Services

PPB Rules define the Construction Service industry as dealing in the planning, design, or construction of real property or other public improvements.[28] In addition to engineering and construction work, this industry also includes contracts for painting, carpentry, plumbing and electrical installation, asbestos and lead abatement, carpet installation and removal, and demolition.

The Comptroller’s Office has been working alongside City Hall as a part of the Capital Process Task Force to undertake a comprehensive review of the City’s capital process and advocate for recommendations to streamline the city’s procurement of construction (and other capitally funded) services. The recommendations of this Task Force aim to reduce timelines for capital project completion, achieve taxpayer savings, enhance vendor participation and inclusion in the construction industry, and increase the City’s capacity to address emerging needs. Additionally, the Comptroller’s Office is working with several City construction agencies to allow for broader usage of the expanded work allowance (EWA), which is a funded, pre-registered allowance in a construction contract that leads to shorter CCO processing times and the ability to make faster payments to contractors.

The 570 new procurement contracts registered in FY24 under the Construction Services industry account for less than 5% of procurement contracts by volume, but the $4.58 billion associated with these contracts makes up nearly 15% of FY24’s registered procurement value. Table 28 lists the top ten construction service industry contracts registered in FY24.

Table 28: FY24 Top Ten Construction Service Industry Procurement Contracts, by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor Legal Name Award Method Description Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20248805667 DEP POSILLICO CIVIL INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Gowanus Canal excavation and foundation for combined sewer overflow facility $312,086,363 12/6/2026
20241416771 NYCHA NEW YORK CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Comprehensive modernization design & construction services at the Saint Nicholas Houses $235,675,000 7/21/2028
20248805834 DEP Bond Civil & Utility Construction Inc COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Upgrades to Little Neck, Linden Place, Park Drive East pump systems. $182,424,972 11/6/2027
20248805971 DEP JETT INDUSTRIES INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Upgrades to primary settling tanks at the Bowery Bay Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility $121,769,000 7/17/2028
20248804754 DEP PJS Montesano JV LLC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Construction supporting the development of a tunnel between the Kensico Reservoir and the Catskill/Delaware Ultraviolet Light Disinfection (CDUV) Facility $107,654,000 7/29/2026
20238808812 DOT JOHN CIVETTA & SONS INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Reconstruction of 5th ave bridge, the 65th street bridge between 5th and 6th av, and 65th street bridge west of 5th ave $64,795,893 10/8/2025
20248807381 DDC NICHOLSON & GALLOWAY INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Bronx county courthouse exterior rehabilitation $64,517,895 6/3/2026
20248806027 DEP PJS Group JV LLC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Power distribution improvements at the Oakwood Beach Wasterwater Resource Recovery Facility $64,200,000 10/28/2027
20238808845 DDC RESTANI CONSTRUCTION CORP COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Reconstruction of southern Brooklyn crosstown select bus service highway $64,135,444 8/30/2028
20241416818 NYCHA NEW YORK CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Comprehensive modernization design & construction services $60,083,000 4/20/2027


The Goods industry is made up of contracts for physical items and personal property, including but not limited to equipment, materials, printing, and insurance.[29] Procurements related to consumables such as food and fuel may also fall into the goods industry. Under the Charter, DCAS is responsible for procuring all goods, supplies, materials, equipment, and other personal property on behalf of city agencies, unless such authority has been otherwise delegated.[30] On occasion, DCAS delegates the procurement of a specific good to a particular agency when it’s in the City’s best interests, subject to the approval of the DCAS Commissioner and the Comptroller.[31] For example, DCAS authorized agencies to make goods purchases using the M/WBE Small Purchase method up to $1.5 million to allow agencies to encourage greater M/WBE participation on contracts.

In FY24, 2,666 contracts were registered within the Goods industry for a total value of $1.45 billion. This accounts for 4.62% of the total registered procurement value in FY24. Table 29 provides a list of the top ten goods contacts, by value.

Table 29: FY24 Top Ten Goods Industry Procurement Contracts, by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor Legal Name Award Method Description Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20249470821 DOE PRESIDIO NETWORKED SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Instructional technology hardware $92,253,801 2/28/2025
20248801663 DCAS APPROVED OIL COMPANY OF BROOKLYN INC ACCELERATED PROCUREMENT Purchase of hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel $91,518,000 7/31/2025
20248804045 DCAS BATTLE MOTORS INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Purchase of trucks for DSNY $59,918,260 2/28/2029
20248802832 DCAS AXON ENTERPRISE INC SOLE SOURCE Taser equipment, supplies, & services $54,791,403 5/31/2028
20248807093 DCAS BATTLE MOTORS INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Purchase of trucks with a snow hitch for DSNY $51,878,438 5/14/2029
20248803513 DCAS SEAGRAVE FIRE APPARATUS LLC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Purchase of a tandem axle heavy duty rescue apparatus for FDNY $30,510,806 12/31/2028
20248805396 DCAS VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NORTH AMERICA LLC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Purchase of a loader vehicle for DSNY $24,514,465 3/14/2029
20248803535 DCAS KUEHNE CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. ACCELERATED PROCUREMENT Purchase of liquid Chlorine $23,083,000 11/30/2026
20249476048 DOE CDW GOVERNMENT LLC GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNMENT Administrative Software $23,015,440 6/30/2024
20248806587 DCAS GABRIELLI TRUCK SALES LTD COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Purchase of a heavy-duty flusher body for DSNY $22,899,214 4/30/2029

Human Services

The Human Services Industry encompasses services that are provided directly to clients in various at-need groups. Examples of Human Services include but are not limited to: day care, foster care, mental health treatment, operation of senior centers, home care, employment training, homeless assistance, preventive services, health maintenance organizations, and youth services.[32] Vendors in this category are primarily nonprofit organizations although services like home and early childcare services are also offered by for-profit businesses.

The Comptroller’s Office is participating in a Joint Task Force to Get Non-Profits Paid on Time, which has developed five recommendations to reform the City’s procurement process and ensure that nonprofits are paid on time, in full, and with certainty so they can keep doing their jobs of meeting the needs of New Yorkers.

Human Service Industry contracts made up the largest share by both volume of contracts and contract value in FY24. The 4,889 Human Service contracts accounted for over 40% of registered procurements and amounted to $14.82 billion in total value. Table 30 provides a list of the top Ten Human Service Industry Contacts, by value, all associated with shelter services under DSS/DHS.

Table 30: FY24 Top Ten Human Services Industry Procurement Contracts, by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor Legal Name Award Method Description Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20241408431 DSS/HRA RISEBORO COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP INC RFP FROM A PQVL Operation and maintenance of approximately 600 units of permanent housing for homeless individuals, families, and families with children $599,402,516 6/30/2066
20248801023 DHS ACACIA NETWORK HOUSING INC RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Provision of shelter services for families with children across approximately 1487 units $555,815,576 6/30/2026
20248807555 DHS SAMARITAN DAYTOP VILLAGE INC RFP FROM A PQVL Provision of shelter services for homeless families with children $500,023,608 6/30/2058
20248801671 HPD RAPID RELIABLE TESTING NY LLC EMERGENCY Temporary housing and support services $432,000,000 5/4/2024
20248801046 MAYOR THE LEGAL AID SOCIETY RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Legal representation for indigent criminal defendants $431,093,870 6/30/2025
20248803714 DHS PROJECT RENEWAL INC RFP FROM A PQVL Shelter services for homeless single adults $397,289,420 12/31/2056
20248803361 DHS URBAN RESOURCE INSTITUTE RFP FROM A PQVL Shelter services for homeless families with children $394,850,684 6/30/2055
20248807653 DHS URBAN RESOURCE INSTITUTE RFP FROM A PQVL Shelter services for homeless families with children $273,344,878 6/30/2056
20248801143 DHS AFRICAN AMERICAN PLANNING COMMISSION INC RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Shelter services across various commercial hotel locations $252,694,950 6/30/2026
20250001576 DSS/HRA MBD COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP. EMERGENCY Permanent affordable housing services $245,914,281 6/30/2064

Professional Services

The Professional Services industry includes contracts for the provision of various kinds of expert advice and consulting, including legal services, medical services and information technology and construction-related consulting.[33]

2,038 contacts associated with the Professional Services industry were registered in FY24, accounting for 16.98% of all registered procurements. Their $5.05 billion makes up 16.03% of the total FY24 procurement value.

Table 31 provides a list of the top ten Professional Service Industry Contacts, by value.

Table 31: FY24 Top Ten Professional Services Industry Procurement Contracts, by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor Legal Name Award Method Description Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20249470535 DOE EDGEWOOD PARTNERS INSURANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Insurance for DOE student transportation $413,857,744 6/30/2026
20248808099 DDC HUDSON MERIDIAN CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC EMERGENCY Emergency construction management services for the Horizon Juvenile Center Annex $305,247,037 3/27/2030
20248804378 DEP KENSICO JV PARTNERS REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Construction management services for the Kensico-Eastview connection project $188,656,207 9/7/2035
20249470640 DOE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK SENIOR COLLEGES GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNMENT Provision of degree and certification services for NYC certified teachers and teacher candidates $128,889,990 5/31/2027
20249477545 DOE DELL MARKETING LP NEGOTIATED ACQUISITION AND DOE NEGOTIATED SERVICES Microsoft software products and support $103,810,841 6/30/2028
20248804841 DOT THORNTON TOMASETTI INC REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Total design and construction support services for Riverside Park over sections of the Amtrak Empire Line $69,987,086 3/8/2031
20248802236 DEP HVR Construction Managers-Arcadis Jacobs JV REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Construction management services for the Hillview Reservoir Chemical Addition Facilities project $64,955,821 10/20/2030
20248807468 OTI MICROSOFT CORPORATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROCUREMENT Citywide master agreement for Microsoft product and systems support $56,995,394 3/31/2027
20248801377 OTI SLALOM INC REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Provision of system integration services on an as-needed basis $50,000,000 12/31/2025
20248805736 OTI INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Provision of system integration services on an as-needed basis $50,000,000 12/31/2025

Standard Services

The Standard Services industry is composed of services other than Professional Services and Human/Client Services such as custodial services, security guard services, stenography services and office machine repair.[34] There were 1,249 contracts registered in the Standard Service Industry in FY24, comprising 10.41% of all procurement contracts. These contracts came to $5.28 billion in value, accounting for 16.75% of all FY24 registered procurement value. Table 32 provides a list of the top ten Standard Service Industry Contacts, by value.

Table 32: FY24 Top Ten Standard Services Industry Procurement Contracts, by Value
Contract # Agency Vendor Legal Name Award Method Description Contract Purpose Contract Registered Amount Contract End Date
20248803874 SBS NEW YORK CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SOLE SOURCE City-wide economic development services $1,797,034,767 6/30/2024
20241412213 TRANSIT METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNMENT Purchase of buses, non-revenue vehicles, work trains, escalators, and train track infrastructure $1,417,756,404 6/30/2024
20248803863 SBS NEW YORK CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SOLE SOURCE Various industrial, commercial, waterfront, maritime, market, aviation,

rail freight and intermodal transportation development projects

$402,525,300 6/30/2024
20248805252 DPR CENTRAL PARK CONSERVANCY INC SOLE SOURCE Cleaning; maintenance of landscapes, facilities, and monuments; and repairs and restorations; in Central Park $160,000,000 6/30/2033
20248805432 DPR HISTORIC HOUSE TRUST OF NYC SOLE SOURCE Design, construction and construction supervision of capital improvements and renovations of historic houses $97,500,000 4/1/2029
20249470760 DOE 22ND CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES INC REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Staffing services $82,459,355 6/30/2027
20248807120 DHS Bella Bus Corp. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Bus transportation services for residents of DHS shelters $27,375,420 9/30/2025
20248808346 DEP VOLMAR CONSTRUCTION INC COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING General construction-related services for the Bureau of Wastewater Treatment $27,000,000 6/28/2027
20248803162 DOT THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK REQUEST FOR  PROPOSAL (RFP) Management and operations services supporting high-need public spaces managed by the DOT $27,000,000 11/28/2026
20249477321 DOE S & W WILSON ENTERPRISES INC. COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING Repair and maintenance of pumps and pump systems $26,790,920 12/31/2028

VII. Procurements by Agency Type

City agencies, affiliated agencies, elected officials, and the City Council all take part in the contracting process. Procurements via new contracts and TOs were registered to 69 separate entities in FY24. Section VII of this report examines contracting trends by industry and contract group for each procuring entity. It also compares new procurement contracts registered to agencies operating under the Mayor’s Office (Mayoral Agencies), independent City agencies (Non-Mayoral Agencies), and a collection of state agencies, authorities, boards, libraries, and other corporations that perform public functions in NYC (Other Agencies). With 62.19% of all new procurement contracts, City – Mayoral Agencies were the biggest driver of new contract registrations by volume in FY24. They also accounted for 74.34% of FY24 procurement contract value. Table 33 displays new procurements, by volume and value, across agency type.

Table 33: FY24 New Procurement Contracts and Task Orders by Agency Type
Agency Type # of Contracts % of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share Of Registered Contract Value
City – Mayoral Agency 7,981 60.83% $24,133,963,311 72.94%
City – Non-Mayoral 665 5.07% $346,516,007 1.05%
Other Agency 4,474 34.10% $8,606,348,765 26.01%
Grand Total 13,120 100.00% $33,086,828,084 100.00%

City Mayoral Agencies

Every Mayoral Administration directly oversees and appoints department heads for a number of City agencies. Table 34 displays information on new procurement contracts registered to each Mayoral Agency.

Table 34: FY24 New Procurement Contracts by Mayoral Agency
Agency # of Contracts % of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share Of Registered Contract Value
ACS 233 3.12% $738,182,047 3.15%
BIC 1 0.01% $34,731 <0.01%
CCHR 3 0.04% $175,191 <0.01%
CCRB 14 0.19% $668,905 <0.01%
DCAS 486 6.51% $1,035,112,985 4.41%
DCLA 10 0.13% $4,549,542 0.02%
DCP 17 0.23% $1,147,562 <0.01%
DCWP 26 0.35% $19,450,818 0.08%
DDC 230 3.08% $2,402,976,995 10.25%
DEP 279 3.74% $2,540,975,669 10.84%
DFTA 408 5.47% $327,553,095 1.40%
DHS 163 2.18% $6,015,034,666 25.65%
DOB 21 0.28% $10,031,990 0.04%
DOC 84 1.13% $89,707,544 0.38%
DOF 31 0.42% $36,196,117 0.15%
DOHMH 1,040 13.93% $1,526,513,217 6.51%
DOI 30 0.40% $9,530,879 0.04%
DOP 48 0.64% $20,333,657 0.09%
DORIS 3 0.04% $254,978 <0.01%
DOT 187 2.51% $491,809,904 2.10%
DPR 880 11.79% $662,938,110 2.83%
DSNY 68 0.91% $85,221,635 0.36%
DSS/HRA 329 4.41% $2,447,074,948 10.44%
DYCD 1,639 21.96% $1,355,125,498 5.78%
FDNY 120 1.61% $270,710,057 1.15%
HPD 250 3.35% $933,390,634 3.98%
LAW 76 1.02% $48,567,559 0.21%
LPC 2 0.03% $76,734 <0.01%
MAYOR 180 2.41% $1,623,068,462 6.92%
NYCEM 23 0.31% $7,413,795 0.03%
NYPD 216 2.89% $72,150,984 0.31%
OTI 206 2.76% $561,036,745 2.39%
SBS 141 1.89% $108,975,082 0.46%
TLC 20 0.27% $4,335,980 0.02%
Grand Total 7,464 100.00% $23,450,326,719 100.00%

Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)

The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) protects and promotes the safety and well-being of New York City’s children, young people, families, and communities by providing child welfare, juvenile justice, foster care, early care, and education services. ACS’s volume and value are significantly down from FY23. There was a large number of Enhanced Family Foster Care (EFFC) contracts in FY23 all valued higher than the largest contract in FY24.

Table 35 – ACS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 12 $37,907,774 62 $2,400,819,648 48 $376,571,253
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 282 $459,400,680 227 $334,167,308 150 $146,733,177
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 16 $941,200 3 $461,000 1 $300,000
Supplemental Contracts 40 $314,583,237 147 $920,270,198 34 $214,577,617
Grand Total 350 $812,832,891 439 $3,655,718,154 233 $738,182,047
Chart 15 – ACS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 16 – ACS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Business Integrity Commission (BIC)

The Business Integrity Commission (BIC) is a law enforcement and regulatory agency charged with oversight of the private carting industry throughout the five boroughs, the city’s public wholesale markets and the shipboard gaming industry. BIC investigates applicants, issue licenses and registrations, conduct criminal and regulatory investigations, enforce applicable laws, and promulgates rules and regulations that govern the conduct of the businesses it oversees.

Table 36 – BIC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 5 $123,168 2 $113,129 1 $34,731
Grand Total 5 $123,168 2 $113,129 1 $34,731
Chart 17– BIC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 18– BIC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Commission on Human rights (CCHR)

The City Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is responsible for enforcing the City’s Human Rights Law, which prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations among other areas. CCHR is also dedicated to educating the public about their rights and promoting positive community relations. There was a massive multi year rent and electricity contract for $1.5 million in FY23 that spiked the value.

Table 37 – CCHR: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 5 $270,000 3 $223,848 1 $41,750
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 1 $25,755 1 $28,355
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 1 $1,568,138 1 $105,086
Grand Total 5 $270,000 5 $1,817,741 3 $175,191
Chart 19 – CCHR: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 20– CCHR: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)

The Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) is charged with investigating and mediating complaints filed by members of the public against New York City police officers involving the use of force, abuse of authority, discourtesy, or offensive language. CCRB consists of 13 members appointed by the Mayor, the City Council, and the Police Commissioner. It is the largest police oversight agency in the United States.

Table 38 – CCRB: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 21 $493,705 14 $498,620 12 $558,905
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $87,500 0 $0 2 $110,000
Grand Total 22 $581,205 14 $498,620 14 $668,905
Chart 21 – CCRB: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 22– CCRB: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS)

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is responsible for supporting City agencies in hiring and training City employees, leasing and managing facilities, workforce recruitment, inspection and distribution of supplies and equipment, and implementation of energy conservation programs throughout City-owned facilities. Additionally, the DCAS Division of Municipal Supply Service operates as a centralized procurement office for New York City’s agencies for goods and services. Its mission is to provide high-quality, cost-effective goods and services that support the long-term strategic and environmental goals of the City. The top 5 contracts in FY23 are all valued higher than the largest contract in FY24 leading to a $1 billion dollar decrease in value.

Table 39 – DCAS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 220 $1,203,843,582 179 $1,188,084,568 241 $834,488,117
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 186 $6,252,381,303 183 $618,503,809 173 $104,187,495
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 55 $273,795,150 196 $374,518,687 50 $19,465,808
Supplemental Contracts 50 $211,849,789 63 $302,801,091 22 $76,971,565
Grand Total 511 $7,941,869,824 621 $2,483,908,156 486 $1,035,112,985
Chart 23– DCAS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 24 – DCAS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City’s vibrant cultural life. DCLA provides public funding for nonprofit cultural organizations throughout the five boroughs and provides advocacy around matters relating to the City’s cultural institutions. The agency represents and serves nonprofit cultural organizations involved in the visual, literary and performing arts; public-oriented science and humanities institutions including zoos, botanical gardens and historic and preservation societies; and creative artists in all disciplines who live and work within the City’s five boroughs. DCLA also provides donated materials for arts programs offered by the public schools, cultural, social service groups, and commissions works of public art at City funded construction projects throughout the City. Value in FY23 was mostly impacted by an assignment to a lessee in FY23 worth $4.3 million.

Table 40 – DCLA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 9 $1,632,274 15 $3,989,068 10 $4,549,542
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 9 $1,551,400 0 $0 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 1 $4,301,809 0 $0
Grand Total 18 $3,183,674 16 $8,290,878 10 $4,549,542
Chart 25 – DCLA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 26 – DCLA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of City Planning (DCP)

The Department of City Planning (DCP) promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development by coordinating investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient and sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City. In addition, DCP also provides public access to planning resources including land use, housing, and population data through its online Community Portal. DCP registered multiple on call engineering MMA1s in FY23 causing a spike in value.

Table 41 – DCP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 8 $12,762,501 0 $0
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 11 $559,122 8 $303,533 15 $1,010,762
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 0 $0 1 $37,800
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 0 $0 1 $99,000
Grand Total 11 $559,122 16 $13,066,035 17 $1,147,562
Chart 27 – DCP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 28 – DCP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)

The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) licenses, inspects, and educates businesses; assists and informs consumers; and offers free financial counseling and safe banking products to New Yorkers. DCWP licenses approximately 80,000 businesses in 55 different industries. The DCWP also enforces New York City’s Consumer Protection, Paid Sick Leave, and Commuter Benefits laws, as well as other related business laws throughout New York City.

Table 42 – DCWP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 12 $65,954,400 5 $615,008 12 $3,363,828
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 3 $1,224,039 1 $39,000
Supplemental Contracts 1 $170,000 9 $9,765,000 13 $16,047,990
Grand Total 13 $66,124,400 17 $11,604,047 26 $19,450,818
Chart 29 – DCWP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 30 – DCWP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Design and Construction (DDC)

The Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is the City’s primary capital construction project manager. DDC provides communities with new or renovated public buildings such as such as firehouses, libraries, police precincts, and new or upgraded roads, sewers and water mains in all five boroughs. There was a massive almost $3 billion dollar Borough Based Jail contract in FY23 that created such a large increase in value. Excluding that one contract both volume and value are very similar in FY23 and FY24.

Table 43 – DDC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 133 $2,732,414,571 104 $1,586,429,400 89 $1,138,314,990
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 92 $845,520,652 64 $3,373,780,411 61 $493,909,929
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 21 $41,795,599 15 $8,735,212 21 $91,909,905
Supplemental Contracts 44 $201,022,858 33 $309,607,871 59 $678,842,171
Grand Total 290 $3,820,753,679 216 $5,278,552,895 230 $2,402,976,995
Chart 31 – DDC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 32 – DDC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is responsible for managing and conserving the water supply for more than nine million people in New York City and one million upstate New Yorkers. DEP distributes more than one billion gallons of clean drinking water and collects 1.3 billion gallons of wastewater on a daily basis through a vast network of pipes, regulators, and pumping stations. DEP’s work is critical to the continued remediation of New York’s waterways and ensures the harbor continues to be a safe place for recreation for New Yorkers. In order to protect water coming in and out of the City, DEP oversees one of the largest capital construction programs in the region, which includes new water tunnels from upstate reservoirs and new treatment plants. DEP is also responsible for reducing air, noise, and hazardous materials pollution.

Table 44 – DEP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 63 $907,988,722 114 $1,408,370,040 118 $2,200,282,400
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 118 $336,277,640 111 $305,138,992 120 $133,799,466
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 13 $2,946,174 24 $1,819,877 12 $1,774,776
Supplemental Contracts 32 $127,316,942 36 $153,086,697 29 $205,119,028
Grand Total 226 $1,374,529,478 285 $1,868,415,606 279 $2,540,975,669
Chart 33 – DEP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 34 – DEP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department For the Aging (DFTA)

The Department for the Aging (DFTA) receives local, state, and federal funds to provide essential services for seniors. These services include case management, transportation, free legal assistance, and home meal delivery. Funds are also awarded to community-based and citywide organizations to operate Senior Centers throughout the five boroughs which provide sites for seniors to socialize and access services.

Table 45 – DFTA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 135 $722,225,623 28 $150,754,843 23 $160,270,404
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 480 $83,583,662 598 $103,310,405 354 $118,961,066
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 2 $2,044,630 3 $4,069,660 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 33 $51,130,199 5 $8,093,582 31 $48,321,625
Grand Total 650 $858,984,114 634 $266,228,490 408 $327,553,095
Chart 35 – DFTA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 36 – DFTA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Homeless Services (DHS)

The Department of Homeless Services collaborates with nonprofit partners to provide temporary shelter and services that homeless New Yorkers need to achieve and maintain housing permanency. Down $1 billion from FY23 to FY24 this is mostly driven by shelter contracts. More shelter contracts are being registered for longer terms in FY24 compared to FY23.

Table 46 – DHS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 61 $5,222,450,779 56 $4,954,498,674 35 $2,993,415,953
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 61 $50,441,842 116 $725,888,138 92 $1,063,015,524
Supplemental Contracts 49 $1,077,623,629 60 $1,451,567,913 36 $1,958,603,188
Grand Total 171 $6,350,516,249 232 $7,131,954,726 163 $6,015,034,666
Chart 37 – DHS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 38 – DHS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Buildings (DOB)

The Department of Buildings (DOB) ensures the safe and lawful use of more than a million buildings and properties in the City by enforcing the City’s Building Code, Electrical Code, Zoning Resolutions, certain New York State Labor Laws and the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law. DOB’s main activities include performing plan examinations, issuing construction permits, inspecting properties, and licensing tradespeople.

Table 47 – DOB: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 3 $3,839,756 2 $2,000,000
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 18 $8,632,729 17 $2,314,709 11 $2,935,525
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 9 $271,613 8 $873,741 5 $162,003
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 2 $6,502,382 3 $4,934,462
Grand Total 27 $8,904,342 30 $13,530,588 21 $10,031,990
Chart 39 – DOB: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 40 – DOB: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Corrections (DOC)

The Department of Correction (DOC) provides for the care, custody, and control of persons accused of crimes or convicted and sentenced to up to one year of jail time. DOC operates 11 inmate facilities; eight of which are located on Rikers Island. In addition, DOC operates two hospital prison wards and court holding facilities in Criminal, Supreme, and Family Courts in each borough.

Table 48 – DOC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 7 $13,344,125 8 $48,072,037 5 $17,120,332
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 80 $43,784,839 88 $32,624,385 70 $52,704,359
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 6 $508,170 3 $493,137 5 $1,862,187
Supplemental Contracts 11 $23,660,787 11 $22,089,479 4 $18,020,667
Grand Total 104 $81,297,922 110 $103,279,039 84 $89,707,544
Chart 41 – DOC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 42 – DOC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Finance (DOF)

The Department of Finance (DOF) oversees and administers the tax and revenue laws of the City; receives and accounts for City revenues; and provides customer service to taxpayers. Value decreased by a large amount in FY24 because of large renewals and assignments in FY23.

Table 49 – DOF: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 5 $9,904,337 7 $148,380,879 1 $2,284,311
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 34 $8,212,262 47 $106,139,329 21 $30,122,086
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 7 $260,121 7 $1,026,226 4 $522,275
Supplemental Contracts 7 $93,681,669 11 $13,537,341 5 $3,267,445
Grand Total 53 $112,058,389 72 $269,083,774 31 $36,196,117
Chart 43 – DOF: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 44 – DOF: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) protects and promotes the health and well-being of all New Yorkers. The Department engages with communities to develop and implement robust public health programming and policy recommendations, enforces health regulations, responds to public health emergencies, and provides limited direct health services.

Table 50 – DOHMH: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 19 $163,559,130 49 $303,123,294 22 $300,908,174
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 610 $1,213,340,450 1,175 $838,625,208 948 $918,139,107
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 23 $910,515 31 $1,437,638 23 $1,053,056
Supplemental Contracts 102 $309,942,212 56 $211,105,618 47 $306,412,880
Grand Total 754 $1,687,752,307 1,311 $1,354,291,758 1,040 $1,526,513,217
Chart 45 – DOHMH: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 46 – DOHMH: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Investigation (DOI)

The Department of Investigation (DOI) is responsible for the investigation and referral of criminal prosecution of cases involving fraud, corruption, and unethical conduct among all persons and entities that receive City funds, including the City’s more than 300,000 employees and contractors. DOI is also charged with studying agency procedures to identify corruption risks and recommending improvements to reduce the City’s vulnerability to fraud, waste, and corruption. In addition, DOI conducts investigations into the backgrounds of persons selected to work in decision-making or sensitive City jobs and checks on those who are awarded contracts with the City to determine if they are suited to serve the public trust.

Table 51 – DOI: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 26 $4,750,491 11 $878,925 28 $9,115,101
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 0 $0 1 $248,108
Supplemental Contracts 1 $1,000,000 0 $0 1 $167,670
Grand Total 27 $5,750,491 11 $878,925 30 $9,530,879
Chart 47 – DOI: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 48 – DOI: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Probation (DOP)

The Department of Probation (DOP) is responsible for the supervising clients on probation throughout the five boroughs. DOP helps build stronger and safer communities by working with and supervising people on probation, fostering positive change in their decision-making and behavior, and expanding opportunities for them to move out of the criminal and juvenile justice systems through meaningful education, employment, health services, family engagement and civic participation.

Table 52 – DOP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $258,800 3 $8,762,500 9 $9,304,650
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 64 $8,718,513 30 $9,438,794 13 $1,990,377
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 1 $96,750 1 $38,250
Supplemental Contracts 30 $20,021,183 24 $9,398,816 25 $9,000,381
Grand Total 95 $28,998,497 58 $27,696,859 48 $20,333,657
Chart 49 – DOP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 50 – DOP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Records and information Services (DORIS)

The Department of Records & Information Services (DORIS) preserves and provides access to the historical and contemporary records of New York City government both online and in-person at the Municipal Library, Archives and Visitor Center. DORIS operates record storage facilities in two locations with a combined capacity of 738,000 cubic feet, and provides records management services to 50 City agencies, ten courts, and the five District Attorneys’ offices.

Table 53 – DORIS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 4 $195,854 3 $245,639 2 $201,755
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 1 $151,060 1 $53,223
Grand Total 4 $195,854 4 $396,699 3 $254,978
Chart 51 – DORIS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 52 – DORIS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Transportation (DOT)

The Department of Transportation (DOT) rehabilitates and maintains the City’s transportation infrastructure including bridges, tunnels, streets, sidewalks, and highways. DOT also encourages the use of mass transit and sustainable transportation, and conducts traffic safety programs, such as the Vision Zero initiative to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. Overall, DOT’s work maintains and enhances the transportation infrastructure crucial to the City’s economic vitality and quality of life for all City residents.

Table 54 – DOT: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 26 $406,556,406 55 $885,533,120 26 $366,536,907
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 163 $59,194,172 152 $57,353,397 140 $48,223,315
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 13 $11,265,110 3 $15,774,314 4 $2,914,656
Supplemental Contracts 27 $510,093,120 19 $66,481,901 17 $74,135,026
Grand Total 229 $987,108,808 229 $1,025,142,732 187 $491,809,904
Chart 53 – DOT: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 54 – DOT: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

The Department of Parks and Recreation is the City agency responsible for the protection and care of more than 5,000 individual properties on over 30,000 acres. These range from large-scale properties like Central Park and Coney Island Beach, to small community gardens and green streets. NYC Parks operates nearly 1,000 playgrounds, more than 800 athletic fields, 65 public pools and 51 recreational facilities, available to all New Yorkers citywide. NYC Parks also looks after 600,000 street trees, and two million more trees in parks.

Table 55 – DPR: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 136 $521,390,051 132 $602,653,601 77 $298,256,517
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 158 $25,192,155 251 $26,348,561 786 $328,786,325
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 14 $2,478,312 9 $248,101 7 $698,175
Supplemental Contracts 14 $36,154,391 17 $98,776,867 10 $35,197,095
Grand Total 322 $585,214,909 409 $728,027,130 880 $662,938,110
Chart 55 – DPR: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 56 – DPR: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Sanitation (DSNY)

The NYC Department of Sanitation is the world’s largest sanitation department. DSNY collects more than 10,500 tons of residential and institutional garbage and 1,760 tons of the recyclables each day. It also manages solid waste and clears litter or snow from 6,300 miles of streets. Important to note that in FY23 the top 5 contracts total more than all of FY24 contracts combined.

Table 56 – DSNY: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 4 $27,905,499 15 $139,525,038 4 $35,703,025
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 90 $14,137,831 81 $36,293,127 53 $24,535,260
Supplemental Contracts 20 $117,793,985 19 $54,842,493 11 $24,983,350
Grand Total 114 $159,837,315 115 $230,660,658 68 $85,221,635
Chart 57 – DSNY: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 58 – DSNY: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Human Resources Administration (DSS/HRA)

The Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration (DSS/HRA) provides New Yorkers in need with essential benefits, such as food assistance, employment services, and emergency rental assistance. As the largest municipal social services agency in the country, DSS/HRA helps more than 3 million New Yorkers through the administration of more than 12 major public assistance programs. The topo 4 contracts in FY24 are larger than the largest contract in FY23 and total more than $1 billion dollars.

Table 57 – DSS/HRA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 34 $198,690,175 44 $303,868,078 46 $1,451,998,139
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 396 $402,067,553 400 $589,985,479 207 $593,811,536
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 5 $166,365 13 $912,728 8 $502,596
Supplemental Contracts 71 $559,556,375 28 $172,807,128 68 $400,762,678
Grand Total 506 $1,160,480,468 485 $1,067,573,413 329 $2,447,074,948
Chart 59 – DSS/HRA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 60 – DSS/HRA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)

The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) invests in a network of community-based organizations and programs to alleviate the effects of poverty and to provide opportunities for New Yorkers and communities to flourish. DYCD supports New York City youth and their families by funding a wide range of high-quality youth and community development programs, including After School, Community Development, Family Support, Literacy Services, Youth Services, and Youth Workforce Development. In FY23 there were 9 contracts over $5 million dollars and in FY24 there were 53 contract over $5 million dollars.

Table 58 – DYCD: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $2,899,952 79 $43,294,056 9 $28,544,628
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1,760 $541,679,002 1,424 $203,554,438 1,617 $1,318,762,857
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 2 $59,350 4 $515,463 1 $30,250
Supplemental Contracts 183 $120,910,538 60 $189,650,480 12 $7,787,763
Grand Total 1,946 $665,548,842 1,567 $437,014,437 1,639 $1,355,125,498
Chart 61 – DYCD: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 62 – DYCD: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Fire Department (FDNY)

The Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) is the largest Fire Department in the United States. The Department’s main goal is to provide fire protection and other critical public safety services to residents and visitors in the five boroughs. The Department also works to continually educate the public in fire, life safety and disaster preparedness, along with enforcing public safety codes.

Table 59 – FDNY: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 3 $27,305,463 3 $70,572,311 13 $103,479,459
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 114 $19,464,160 89 $58,095,367 92 $64,432,648
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 8 $575,159 11 $14,792,987 12 $1,272,512
Supplemental Contracts 8 $232,184,044 4 $11,241,230 3 $101,525,438
Grand Total 133 $279,528,826 107 $154,701,894 120 $270,710,057
Chart 63 – FDNY: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 64 – FDNY: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)

The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is the largest municipal housing improvement agency in the United States, developing and preserving affordable housing in every borough. HPD enforces housing quality standards, finances affordable housing development, and preserves existing affordable housing. HPD also manages the City’s affordable housing stock for the benefit of low- and moderate-income families. Additionally, HPD monitors and tracks incidents that result in mass displacement of residential and commercial tenants. The DocGo contract is a big reason for the value increase form FY23 to FY24. In addition, in FY23 there were 2 contracts over $10 million and in FY24 there were 10 over $10 million.

Table 60 – HPD: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 35 $25,464,375 32 $15,778,989 48 $128,212,380
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 239 $58,394,017 230 $67,954,828 190 $782,048,355
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $642,024 2 $1,326,145 2 $153,000
Supplemental Contracts 11 $26,169,249 9 $47,585,324 10 $22,976,899
Grand Total 286 $110,669,666 273 $132,645,285 250 $933,390,634
Chart 65 – HPD: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 66 – HPD: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Law Department (LAW)

The Law Department represents the City, the Mayor, other elected officials, and the City’s many agencies in all affirmative and defensive civil litigation, juvenile delinquency proceedings brought in Family Court, and Administrative Code enforcement proceedings brought in Criminal Court. The Law Department attorneys draft and review State and local legislation, real estate leases, contracts, and financial instruments for the sale of municipal bonds. The agency also provides legal counsel to City officials on a wide range of issues such as immigration, education, and environmental policy.

Table 61 – LAW: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $2,000,000 1 $40,000,000 1 $350,000
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 27 $22,257,804 65 $34,121,302 69 $45,034,205
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $238,772 3 $504,798 4 $1,188,354
Supplemental Contracts 6 $18,150,000 3 $13,500,000 2 $1,995,000
Grand Total 35 $42,646,576 72 $88,126,099 76 $48,567,559
Chart 67 – LAW: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 68 – LAW: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC)

The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) designates, regulates, and protects the City’s architectural, historic, and cultural resources. This includes 1,412 individual landmarks and more than 36,000 properties in 144 historic districts and extensions. The Commission reviews applications to alter landmark structures, investigates complaints of illegal work, and initiates actions to compel compliance with the Landmarks Law.

Table 62 – LPC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1 $22,500 2 $67,230 2 $76,734
Grand Total 1 $22,500 2 $67,230 2 $76,734
Chart 69 – LPC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 70 – LPC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Mayoralty (MAYOR)

The Mayor is the City’s chief executive officer, setting the agenda for the City and its finances and appointing Deputy Mayors and heads of agencies to carry out policies. Various offices operate under the Mayor to support numerous administrative and policy functions.

Table 63 – MAYOR: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 15 $87,118,694 9 $387,446,630 16 $44,377,690
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 173 $429,974,197 201 $1,031,048,787 92 $233,386,157
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 17 $1,640,629 15 $1,170,670 14 $1,399,630
Supplemental Contracts 23 $695,911,628 34 $204,511,454 58 $1,343,904,985
Grand Total 228 $1,214,645,148 259 $1,624,177,541 180 $1,623,068,462
Chart 71 – MAYOR: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 72 – MAYOR: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM)

New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM) is responsible for coordinating citywide emergency planning and response for all types and scales of emergencies.

Table 64 – NYCEM: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 32 $43,268,900 3 $30,730,200 0 $0
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 29 $166,981,925 36 $214,055,422 21 $6,696,915
Supplemental Contracts 5 $2,344,722 11 $84,295,788 2 $716,880
Grand Total 66 $212,595,546 50 $329,081,410 23 $7,413,795
Chart 73 – NYCEM: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 74 – NYCEM: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

New York City Police Department (NYPD)

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is tasked with enforcing City and State laws, preserving the peace, and providing a safe environment for all New Yorkers. The NYPD deploys more than 30,000 uniformed officers across 77 precincts, 12 transit bureaus, nine New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Police Service Areas, and in specialized units such as the Intelligence, Counterterrorism, Aviation, Marine, and Organized Crime Control.

Table 65 – NYPD: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 18 $48,902,294 8 $11,585,630 2 $5,360,999
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 254 $155,880,155 243 $64,752,597 197 $32,034,797
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 2 $3,299,518 3 $264,900 5 $2,121,985
Supplemental Contracts 22 $55,061,900 19 $85,156,614 12 $32,633,203
Grand Total 296 $263,143,866 273 $161,759,742 216 $72,150,984
Chart 75 – NYPD: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 76 – NYPD: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of Technology Innovation (OTI)

OTI works with over 100 City offices and agencies to deliver technology solutions support. OTI establishes the strategic direction for citywide IT operations and leverages the City’s buying power to make it easier for City agencies to acquire IT goods and services through requirement contracts with vendors. Large renewal contracts in FY23 caused a spike in value, the top 2 renewals were worth almost $500 million combined.

Table 66 – OTI: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 26 $383,000,000 7 $139,500,000
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 134 $511,075,935 187 $447,995,499 178 $301,601,337
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 10 $412,088 8 $302,568 9 $327,220
Supplemental Contracts 20 $346,593,504 12 $544,065,207 12 $119,608,188
Grand Total 164 $858,081,527 233 $1,375,363,275 206 $561,036,745
Chart 77 – OTI: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 78 – OTI: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Small Business Services (SBS)

Small Business Services (SBS) is dedicated to providing direct assistance to business owners and fostering neighborhood development in commercial districts. SBS also links employers to a skilled and qualified workforce in New York City. Working in coordination with the Office of M/WBE and MOCS, SBS implements the M/WBE program to continue to promote diversity, fairness, and equity in the City’s procurement processes. A single contract in FY23 worth $529,981,983 spiked the value. Outside of that contract the value and volume form FY23 to FY24 was very similar.

Table 67 – SBS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 2 $2,880,000 3 $26,862,528
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 185 $339,992,117 152 $690,249,488 130 $80,679,909
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 10 $2,425,000 8 $1,250,000 7 $1,020,000
Supplemental Contracts 9 $10,819,963 7 $2,926,668 1 $412,645
Grand Total 204 $353,237,079 169 $697,306,156 141 $108,975,082
Chart 79 – SBS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 80 – SBS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) is the agency responsible for licensing and regulating New York City’s medallion taxicabs, for-hire vehicles, commuter vans, paratransit vehicles, and certain luxury limousines. TLC licenses and regulates more than 130,000 vehicles and approximately 180,000 drivers, and performs safety and emissions inspections of the 13,587 medallion taxicabs three times each year, as well as biennial inspections of all TLC-licensed For Hire vehicles. TLC had on huge renewal in FY23 which spiked the value compared to FY24.

Table 68 – TLC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 6 $68,548,081 9 $2,398,842 18 $4,335,978
Supplemental Contracts 4 $404,547 1 $102,000,000 2 $2
Grand Total 10 $68,952,628 10 $104,398,842 20 $4,335,980
Chart 81 – TLC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 82 – TLC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Non-Mayoral Agencies

Non-Mayoral Agencies include agencies headed by boards, commissions, or other multi-member bodies (whether appointed by the mayor or otherwise), elected officials (including the Comptroller, City Council, Borough Presidents, and Community Boards), and agencies for which the heads are appointed by officials other than the mayor or by multi-member bodies.[35]

Twenty Non-Mayoral Agencies, inclusive of the Comptroller, City Council and other elected officials administered procurement contracts registered in FY24 for a total value of $734 million. Table 70 displays information on the number of new procurement contracts registered to each non-mayoral entity.

Table 69: FY24 New Procurement Contracts by Non-Mayoral Agency
Agency # of Contracts % of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share of Registered Contract Value
BOE 53 7.78% $61,658,109 8.35%
BXBP 1 0.15% $600,000 0.08%
CC or COUNCIL 60 8.81% $3,099,220 0.42%
CFB 17 2.50% $3,176,445 0.43%
COIB 3 0.44% $99,760 0.01%
COMP 146 21.44% $622,692,059 84.38%
DABX 24 3.52% $3,102,125 0.42%
DAKINGS 25 3.67% $3,476,469 0.47%
DANY 63 9.25% $13,481,077 1.83%
DAQ 40 5.87% $2,667,628 0.36%
DARICH 16 2.35% $4,205,015 0.57%
FISA/OPA 31 4.55% $15,169,932 2.06%
MBP 5 0.73% $222,513 0.03%
OATH 9 1.32% $2,407,334 0.33%
OCB 1 0.15% $7,000 <0.01%
OOP-SN 3 0.44% $75,980 0.01%
OTA 1 0.15% $24,000 <0.01%
QBP 77 11.31% $175,000 0.02%
SIBP 100 14.68% $1,188,697 0.16%
Grand Total 681 100.00% $737,998,443 100.00%

Board of Elections (BOE)

The Board of Elections in the City of New York is an administrative body of ten Commissioners, two from each borough upon recommendation by both political parties and then appointed by the City Council for a term of four years. The Commissioners appoint a bipartisan staff to oversee the daily activities of its main and five borough offices. There were 3 contract over $1 million in FY23 and in FY24 there were 16 causing a spike in value.

Table 70 – BOE: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 2 $9,720,309 1 $1,250,000 11 $30,287,637
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 44 $96,890,068 32 $5,972,138 38 $25,858,872
Supplemental Contracts 5 $8,478,595 2 $4,261,712 4 $5,511,600
Grand Total 51 $115,088,971 35 $11,483,850 53 $61,658,109
Chart 83 – BOE: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 84 – BOE: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Borough Presidents – Brooklyn (BKBP), Bronx (BXBP), Manhattan (MBP), Queens (QBP), and Staten Island (SIBP)

The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs.

Table 71 – BKBP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $648,141 9 $831,489 6 $470,079
Grand Total 3 $648,141 9 $831,489 6 $470,079
Chart 85 – BKBP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 86 – BKBP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 72 – BXBP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1 $11,972 1 $74,882 0 $0
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $600,000 1 $37,450 1 $600,000
Grand Total 2 $611,972 2 $112,332 1 $600,000
Chart 87 – BXBP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 88 – BXBP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry
Table 73 – MBP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $83,378 2 $41,326 5 $222,513
Grand Total 3 $83,378 2 $41,326 5 $222,513
Chart 89 – MBP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 90 – MBP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 74 – QBP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 87 $459,150 62 $267,900 77 $175,000
Grand Total 87 $459,150 62 $267,900 77 $175,000
Chart 91 – QBP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 92 – QBP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 75 – SIBP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 143 $1,649,257 117 $1,886,134 100 $1,188,697
Grand Total 143 $1,649,257 117 $1,886,134 100 $1,188,697
Chart 93 – SIBP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 94 – SIBP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

City Council (CC)

The City Council is NYC’s legislative body. There are 51 elected members, one from each council district. Besides enacting legislation, the Council approves the City’s budget and has oversight powers for the activities of City agencies. The Council monitors the operation and performance of city agencies, makes land use decisions and has sole responsibility for approving the City’s budget. It also legislates on a wide range of other subjects. The Council is an equal partner with the Mayor in the governing of New York City.

Table 76 – CC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $73,065 1 $208,490 3 $243,210
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 33 $1,425,201 40 $1,614,601 43 $1,792,479
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 7 $677,000 1 $35,000 10 $861,480
Supplemental Contracts 3 $199,462 4 $230,569 4 $202,050
Grand Total 44 $2,374,728 46 $2,088,660 60 $3,099,220
Chart 95– CC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 96 – CC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Campaign Finance Board (CFB)

In 1989, NYC voters approved a Charter revision establishing the Campaign Finance Board (CFB). The independent, nonpartisan agency is charged with limiting the role and influence of private money in the political process by providing public matching funds to candidates running for city office. The CFB is also mandated to publish a voter guide and provide public disclosure of campaign finance information.

Table 77 – CFB: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 3 $13,750,000 3 $6,900,000 0 $0
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 12 $2,547,428 16 $2,953,305 17 $3,176,445
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 2 $99,322 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 1 $50,000 0 $0 0 $0
Grand Total 16 $16,347,428 21 $9,952,627 17 $3,176,445
Chart 97 – CFB: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 98 – CFB: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Conflicts of Interests Board (COIB)

The Conflicts of Interest Board is the independent New York City agency tasked with administering, enforcing and interpreting Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter, the City’s Conflicts of Interest Law, and Section 12-110 of the Administrative Code, the City’s Annual Disclosure Law. COIB is a small contracting agency so 3 contracts tripled the number from FY23 to FY24 and value increased significantly as well.

Table 78 – COIB: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 0 $0 2 $87,760
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $8,625 1 $9,000 1 $12,000
Grand Total 1 $8,625 1 $9,000 3 $99,760
Chart 99 – COIB: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 100 – COIB: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of the Comptroller (COMP)

The New York City Comptroller’s Office works to promote the financial health, integrity, and effectiveness of New York City government, in order to strengthen trust, secure a thriving future for all New Yorkers, and build a more just, equitable, and resilient city. Led by an independently elected citywide official, the Comptroller’s Office provides checks and balances needed to hold City government accountable for budgeting wisely, investing responsibly, operating efficiently, acting fairly, living up to its obligations and promises, and paying attention to the long-term challenges we face together. There were massive multi million dollar renewals in FY24 that spiked value compared to FY23.

Table 79 – COMP: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 3 $1,961,152 3 $1,346,080 15 $18,165,320
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 24 $14,054,076 44 $10,626,831 45 $15,866,653
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 10 $5,290,963 27 $35,921,379 17 $10,973,896
Supplemental Contracts 6 $6,032,021 19 $7,643,177 35 $181,995,767
Grand Total 43 $27,338,211 93 $55,537,467 112 $227,001,635
Chart 101 – COMP: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 102 – COMP: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

District Attorneys – Bronx (DABX), Kings (DAKINGS), New York (DANY), Queens (DAQ), Richmond (DARICH)

All 62 counties in New York State have an elected District Attorney. District Attorneys’ offices are responsible for the prosecution of violations of New York state laws.

Table 80 – DABX: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 6 $414,340 11 $3,390,790 23 $3,073,565
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 2 $109,503 3 $116,589 1 $28,560
Grand Total 8 $523,843 14 $3,507,378 24 $3,102,125
Chart 103 – DABX: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 104 – DABX: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 81 – DAKINGS: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 1 $36,000 0 $0
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 5 $310,881 7 $2,740,169 23 $2,977,044
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 2 $135,628 1 $30,000
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 0 $0 1 $469,425
Grand Total 5 $310,881 10 $2,911,797 25 $3,476,469
Chart 105 – DAKINGS: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 106 – DAKINGS: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 82 – DANY: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 2 $1,271,880 7 $1,568,982 2 $5,478,550
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 43 $4,577,524 40 $7,472,129 52 $6,569,093
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 4 $178,235 5 $313,062 7 $333,435
Supplemental Contracts 2 $639,100 2 $250,779 2 $1,100,000
Grand Total 51 $6,666,739 54 $9,604,952 63 $13,481,077
Chart 107 – DANY: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 108 – DANY: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 83 – DAQ: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 7 $388,698 14 $970,015 35 $2,449,825
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $74,588 2 $63,560 5 $217,803
Grand Total 8 $463,286 16 $1,033,575 40 $2,667,628
Chart 109 – DAQ: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 110 – DAQ: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Table 84 – DARICH: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $248,595 10 $983,167 12 $3,630,015
Supplemental Contracts 2 $350,000 2 $275,000 4 $575,000
Grand Total 5 $598,595 12 $1,258,167 16 $4,205,015
Chart 111 – DARICH: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 112 – DARICH: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Financial Information Services Agency & Office of Payroll Administration (FISA-OPA)

FISA is a joint agency of the Mayor and Comptroller’s Offices. FISA’s Board of Directors consists of a representative of the Mayor, a representative of the Comptroller, and a member of the private sector, appointed on the recommendation of the Mayor and Comptroller’s Offices. It operates citywide financial, employee and retiree payroll, and human resources applications used by City officials to carry out their charter mandated activities related to financial planning, budgeting, accounting, procurement, payroll, pension, and personnel functions. The Office of Payroll Administration (OPA) manages payroll check, pension check, and direct deposit distributions to all City of New York employees and retirees. It also funds and reconciles payrolls, distributes payrolls to City agencies, and reports wages and tax information to federal, state, and local tax authorities. Finally, OPA analyzes labor agreements for pay/leave impact, ensures compliance with ordered deductions, collects and remits employee voluntary deductions, administers the City of New York’s commuter benefits program, and provides union services for collection and reporting of member dues and voluntary political contributions in accordance with mayoral executive orders.

Table 85 – FISA-OPA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 40 $8,076,143 46 $15,265,554 26 $10,425,221
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $24,243 0 $0 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 5 $1,881,790 36 $18,773,358 5 $4,744,712
Grand Total 46 $9,982,176 82 $34,038,913 31 $15,169,932
Chart 113 – FISA-OPA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 114 – FISA-OPA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)

OATH is an independent administrative tribunal that oversees cases involving employee discipline and disability hearings for civil servants, and Conflicts of Interest Board and City Human Rights Commission cases. OATH also holds hearings on summonses issued by 25 different City enforcement agencies for alleged violations of law or City rules. A 2 million dollar negotiated acquisition in FY23 spiked the value, excluding this the value for FY23 and FY24 would be similar.

Table 86 – OATH: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 12 $1,573,123 16 $3,547,430 7 $901,696
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 4 $674,325 2 $1,505,638
Grand Total 12 $1,573,123 20 $4,221,756 9 $2,407,334
Chart 115 – OATH: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 116 – OATH: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of Collective Bargaining (OCB)

The NYC Office of Collective Bargaining (OCB) was created with the enactment of the New York City Collective Bargaining Law (NYCCBL) in 1967. OCB is a neutral agency authorized to resolve questions concerning union representation (certifications), and adjudicate issues concerning collective bargaining, retaliation or discrimination based on union activity, and the union’s duty of fair representation. Decisions on these issues are rendered by either the Board of Collective Bargaining or the Board of Certification. OCB also conducts mediations to resolve improper practice claims, representation disputes, and disputes over terms of collective bargaining agreements. In addition, OCB administers the statutory impasse and grievance arbitration process

Table 87 – OCB: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1 $49,500 1 $30,000 1 $7,000
Grand Total 1 $49,500 1 $30,000 1 $7,000
Chart 117 – OCB: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 118 – OCB: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of Special Prosecution – Special Narcotics (OOP-SN)

works collaboratively with New York City’s elected District Attorneys to investigate and prosecute felony narcotics cases across all five boroughs of the City.

Table 88 – OOP-SN: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 4 $92,350 2 $42,600 3 $75,980
Grand Total 4 $92,350 2 $42,600 3 $75,980
Chart 119 – OOP-SN: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 120 – OOP-SN: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of the Actuary (OTA)

The New York City Office of the Actuary (OTA), a non-mayoral agency, provides actuarial information and services for the five major actuarially-funded New York City Retirement Systems Goods Standard Services called the NYCRS, resulting in an annual determination of New York City’s contributions to these retirement systems and pension funds. This information is provided to the Boards of Trustees and staff of the NYCRS, to the City and other employers and labor organizations whose employees participate in the NYCRS, to fiscal oversight entities, to City and State legislators, and to other parties interested in the NYCRS.

Table 89 – OTA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $575,700 0 $0 0 $0
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1 $25,000 1 $24,000 1 $24,000
Grand Total 2 $600,700 1 $24,000 1 $24,000
Chart 121 – OTA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 122 – OTA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Other Agencies

Other Agencies consists of state agencies, authorities, boards, libraries, and other corporations that perform public functions in NYC. This group also includes the DOE, despite the fact that the New York State Legislature has granted control of the City schools to the Mayor’s Office since 2002. Other Agencies may not be subject to, or only partially subject to, City procurement rules since New York State law may preempt them. For example, the DOE’s procurement activities are governed by NYS Education Law (not the PPB Rules), which mandated the creation of administrative rules known as the Procurement Policy and Procedures (PPP).[36]

Table 90: FY24 New Procurement Contracts and Task Orders by Other Agency
Agency # of Contracts % of Contracts Total Registered Contract Value % Share Of Registered Contract Value
BKLYN CB #10 1 0.02% $49,019 <0.01%
BPL 1 0.02% $532,157 0.01%
CUCF 68 1.54% $82,849,054 0.97%
CUNY 34 0.77% $23,586,592 0.28%
DOE 3,377 76.40% $1,884,593,064 21.97%
EDC 278 6.29% $2,866,697,686 33.43%
EEPC 1 0.02% $20,205 <0.01%
HHC 146 3.30% $265,400,224 3.09%
IBO 10 0.23% $632,197 0.01%
NYCHA 464 10.50% $2,016,497,218 23.51%
NYRL 21 0.48% $4,753,857 0.06%
OATA 2 0.05% $49,196 <0.01%
QBPL 14 0.32% $2,798,632 0.03%
TRANSIT 3 0.07% $1,427,756,404 16.65%
Grand Total 4,420 100.00% $8,576,215,505 100.00%

Brooklyn Community Board #10 (BKCB10)

Table 91 – BKCB10: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $49,018.94
Grand Total 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $49,018.94
Chart 123 – BKCB10: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 124 – BKCB10: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL)

Established in 1896, the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is one of the nation’s largest public library systems and currently has more than 850,000 active cardholders. BPL maintains a branch library within a half-mile of the majority of Brooklyn’s 2.7 million residents. FY23 was a big contracting year in BPLs contracting cycle with a variety of contract.

Table 92 – BPL: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $199,626 2 $616,410 1 $532,157
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $1,773,486 3 $1,337,486 0 $0
Grand Total 4 $1,973,112 5 $1,953,895 1 $532,157
Chart 125 – BPL: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 126 – BPL: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

City University Construction Fund (CUCF)

The CUCF is a public benefit corporation established in 1966 by the New York State Legislature, known as the City University Construction Fund Act. The Mission of CUCF is to manage the resources necessary for the design and construction of space required to support the educational mandate of the City University of New York (CUNY). A seven-member Board of Trustees governs the CUCF’s programs.

Table 93 – CUCF: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1 $1 9 $9,827,216 62 $82,613,844
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 4 $467,479 7 $1,047,214 3 $146,001
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 30 $21,789,626 14 $7,604,882 3 $89,209
Grand Total 35 $22,257,106 30 $18,479,311 68 $82,849,054
Chart 127 – CUCF: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 128 – CUCF: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

City University of New York (CUNY)

Under State Education law, CUNY is an independent system of higher education governed by its own board of trustees responsible for the governance, maintenance, and development of both senior and community college units of the city university. Founded in 1847 as the nation’s first free public institution of higher education, CUNY currently has 25 colleges spread across New York City’s five boroughs. There were almost twice as many contracts in FY23 compared to FY24 and all of them are multimillion dollar construction related projects.

Table 94 – CUNY: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 2 $2,136,784 41 $154,655,522 23 $18,680,964
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 15 $27,544,636 20 $12,974,449 10 $2,694,875
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 0 $0 1 $2,210,753
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 1 $7,237,325 0 $0
Grand Total 17 $29,681,421 62 $174,867,296 34 $23,586,592
Chart 129 – CUNY: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 130 – CUNY: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Department of Education (DOE)

The DOE is the largest school district in the U.S. and is responsible for educating 1.1 million students in over 1,800 public schools. It has an internal Division of Contracts and Purchasing that is responsible for overseeing DOE’s procurement activities. As noted above, DOE contracts are governed by the PPP rules. In FY24 22 of DOEs contracts were valued at over $10 million dollars and in FY23 the top 50 most expensive DOE contracts were all valued at over $10 million.

Table 95 – DOE: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 1,262 $6,835,739,188 294 $1,193,843,554 113 $789,030,752
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 7,311 $1,805,185,876 2,727 $1,215,980,718 3,097 $736,252,499
Supplemental Contracts 285 $933,404,408 217 $521,130,698 167 $359,309,812
Grand Total 8,858 $9,574,329,472 3,238 $2,930,954,971 3,377 $1,884,593,064
Chart 131 – DOE: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 132 – DOE: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC)

The New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York. SBS contracts with and retains EDC to function as a development consultant and provide economic development-related services on behalf of the City. Since the vast majority of EDC’s contract actions were processed as TOs registered under SBS Master Awards, they are included in the totals for this section. TOs are not reflected in Section II contract groups but are listed as their own category in table 93 below.

Table 96 – EDC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $2,106,604,422 2 $2,279,776,342 2 $2,199,560,067
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $709,000 1 $544,892 1 $50,000,000
Task Order 248 $845,934,277 310 $750,769,639 275 $617,137,618
Grand Total 252 $2,953,247,699 313 $3,031,090,873 278 $2,866,697,685
Chart 133 – EDC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 134 – EDC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC)

The New York City Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) audits, evaluates, and monitors the City of New York’s employment programs, practices, policies, and procedures to ensure that municipal entities and the City as an employer maintain a properly structured, efficiently administered affirmative employment program of equal opportunity for those employed by, or seeking employment with City government.

Table 97 – EEPC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 0 $0 1 $20,205
Grand Total 0 $0 0 $0 1 $20,205
Chart 135 – EEPC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 136 – EEPC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC)

NYC Health and Hospitals (HHC) is a public benefits corporation and the nation’s largest municipal health care delivery system in the United States. HHC operates the City’s public hospitals and clinics.

Table 98 – HHC: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 66 $231,582,947 81 $93,896,197 30 $172,087,534
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 132 $110,907,969 164 $144,518,906 112 $87,374,192
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $62,400 0 $0 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 0 $0 0 $0 4 $5,938,499
Grand Total 199 $342,553,316 245 $238,415,102 146 $265,400,224
Chart 137 – HHC: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 138 – HHC: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Independent Budget Office (IBO)

Established under Chapter 11 of the Charter, the Independent Budget Office (IBO) provides the Comptroller, the President of the City Council, the members and committees of the Council, the Borough Presidents, and City Community Boards with information to assist them in the discharge of their responsibilities which are related to the budgetary process.

Table 99 – IBO: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 4 $176,378 7 $464,690 8 $550,223
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 2 $97,507 2 $107,530 2 $81,974
Supplemental Contracts 1 $1,883,699 0 $0 0 $0
Grand Total 7 $2,157,584 9 $572,220 10 $632,197
Chart 139 – IBO: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 140 – IBO: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is a public development corporation that was created in 1935 to provide decent, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers. Today it is the largest public housing authority in North America. Since majority of NYCHA’s contract actions were processed as TOs registered under HPD Master Awards, they are included in the totals for this section. TOs are not reflected in Section II contract groups but are listed as their own category in table 96 below. In FY23 NYCHA had 0 contracts valued over $25 million and in FY24 there were 18 causing a spike in value in FY24.

Table 100 – NYCHA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 55 $191,283,877 63 $370,123,914 129 $1,390,868,361
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 3 $24,484,835 1 $675,000 1 $675,000
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 1 $85,000 2 $20,075,831 0 $0
Supplemental Contracts 6 $7,854,515 18 $23,325,619 80 $419,235,393
Task Orders 138 $87,128,119 286 $181,386,580 254 $205,718,463
Grand Total 203 $310,836,346 370 $595,586,944 464 $2,016,497,217
Chart 141 – NYCHA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 142 – NYCHA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

New York Research Library (NYRL)

The New York Research Library is a subset of libraries in the New York Public Library system. Its four research libraries are the Library for the Performing Arts located at Lincoln Center, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture located in Harlem, the Science, Industry and Business Library in Midtown and the main library on 5th Avenue and 42nd Street (Humanities and Social Science).

Table 101 – NYRL: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 1 $276,110 2 $674,836 21 $4,753,857
Grand Total 1 $276,110 2 $674,836 21 $4,753,857
Chart 143 – NYRL: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 144 – NYRL: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Office of Administrative Tax Appeals (OATA)

The Office of Administrative Tax Appeals was established by Local Law 57 of 2007 to bring together the agencies that provide fair, independent and efficient appeals of the taxes administered by the City of New York.

Table 102 – OATA: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category

Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts0$00$01$27,549

FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Transactions Not Subject to PPB Rules 0 $0 0 $0 1 $21,648
Grand Total 0 $0 0 $0 2 $49,196
Chart 145 – OATA: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 146 – OATA: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Queens Borough Public Library (QBPL)

An independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1896, Queens Borough Public Library (QBPL) offers free access to a collection of more than 5 million books and other materials in multiple languages, technology and digital resources, and more than 87,500 educational, cultural, and civic programs a year. It consists of 66 locations, including branch libraries, a Central Library, seven adult learning centers, a technology center, two universal pre-kindergartens, and two teen centers.

Table 103 – QBPL: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Competitive Method Contracts 0 $0 3 $2,659,903 1 $246,401
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 13 $564,923 5 $128,406 13 $2,552,231
Grand Total 13 $564,923 8 $2,788,309 14 $2,798,632
Chart 147 – QBPL: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry

Chart 148 – QBPL: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

Transit Authority (TRANSIT)

The Transit Authority (Transit) encompasses the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and The New York City Transit Authority. The Transit Authority is a public benefit corporation with board members appointed by NYC and suburban counties.

Table 104 – TRANSIT: FY22-FY24 Registrations by Contract Category
FY22 FY23 FY24
Contract Category # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value # of Contracts Total Contract Value
Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts 7 $609,541,740 5 $1,155,658,035 3 $1,427,756,404
Grand Total 7 $609,541,740 5 $1,155,658,035 3 $1,427,756,404
Chart 149 – TRANSIT: FY22-FY24 Volume of Contracts by Industry
Chart 150 – TRANSIT: FY22-FY24 Value of Contracts by Industry

VIII. Retroactive Contract Registrations

Registration is a step in the procurement process at which most contracts become legally effective, allowing the City to pay the vendors with whom it does business.  This spotlight report catalogues the City’s ongoing struggles to register contracts in a timely manner. These delays, which extend to both contracts registered by this Office and self-registered by City agencies, often place enormous financial strains on business and non-profits. Many organizations are forced to borrow to cover cash flow and triage their own expenses, making it extremely difficult to pay their workers, sustain operations, and grow their footprint. In addition to the challenge of late payments, contract delays can result in:

  1. An undermining of public faith in the fairness of the City’s procurement process: Contract registration is not the only part of the procurement process where there are delays. The Procurement Policy Board (“PPB”) Rules require agencies to notify the public and solicit input about for many types of purchases. When agencies are delayed in providing such opportunities for input until after they’ve finalized their procurement decisions, it weakens the openness and transparency that the City’s procurement rules were designed to achieve.
  2. Additional payment delays even after the contract is registered: Vendors must submit budgets and invoices for agency approval as a precondition for most payments. These processes can’t begin until a contract is registered, and they can become increasingly complicated to manage the longer a vendor has been working at-risk under a pending contract. This is especially true for contracts registered in a fiscal year after the one in which contracted work began.
  3. Higher barriers-to-entry for NYC organizations wanting to do business with the City: Organizations that don’t have a sizeable capital cushion to weather payment delays could be priced out of potential contracting opportunities. High costs associated with City contracting have dampened competition by discouraging M/WBEs, which have historically lacked access to capital, from bidding on City projects.
  4. Ambiguity about the terms of a given contract: Most contracts are not made legally effective until registration. Until the City confirms the contractual standards under which a vendor will be operating, it can be harder for vendors and the City to hold each other to account for related supports and deliverables.
  5. Risks for Vendors providing goods or services before their contracts are registered: While rare, the City is sometimes forced to cancel a planned procurement due to irreconcilable procedural issues or because of adverse findings uncovered by an oversight entity. In such circumstances, vendors that were already providing goods or services may need to file a claim with the City in order to recoup expenses.

Understanding the urgency of this problem, Comptroller Lander partnered with the Mayor’s Administration to establish the Joint Task Force to Get Non-Profits Paid and the Capital Reform Task Force and to propose critical reforms needed to address components of contracting systems.[37] The Capital Reform Task Force achieved particularly effective success including the revision of the contract review threshold for the Financial Control Board, the launch of a public Capital Project Tracker, and the revision of City guidance outlined by Executive Orders 102 and 50.[38] This Capital Reform Task Force also advocated for impactful legislation that will result in quicker procurement timelines, including a revision to the process for public hearing that allows for a streamlined public notice and comment period.[39]

There was some initial progress made on the Joint Task Force to Get Non-Profits Paid, including the “Clear the Backlog” initiative in the summer of 2022, an Allowance Amendment Initiative to enable the City to make certain modifications to existing contracts to add an allowance for things like cost of living increases and indirect rate increases or for the performance of additional work without requiring lengthy contract amendments, and an initiative with the City Council to make discretionary award contracts  multi-year, which is starting to eliminate red tape and prevent providers from having to complete the entire City procurement process annually.

Unfortunately, Mayor Adam’s administration has failed to deliver on one of this Task Force’s most consequential reforms, a commitment to establish timeframes and key performance indicators for the City’s procurement process. These indicators have the potential to reveal what parts of the contracting process are causing the most delays and empower policy makers to pursue sustainable reforms. The Comptroller’s office currently manages the only part of the procurement process with a charter-mandated time limit to register or return each and every contract within 30 days of receiving it – an obligation the office has met consistently.

Comptroller Lander has advocated for and supported the passing of, Local Law 169 (LL 169), enacted in 2023 to gain a better understanding of procurement process timelines and identify areas for targeted improvements. In furtherance of these goals, LL 169 directs the Mayor’s office to study and report on the discrete action steps undergirding procurement methods used by the City. Unfortunately, the first LL 169 report was inexplicitly limited in scope, and failed to make any new insights or recommendations to help City agencies register contracts on a timelier basis. Until the Administration is willing to examine the portions of the procurement pipeline that it oversees, the City will not see meaningful improvement in its retroactive registration rates.

Citywide Retroactivity Rates: FY22-FY24

Unless otherwise specified, retroactivity refers to contracts that the City registers after the contract start date, when vendors typically begin their work. As an update to our methodology in previous Annual Summary Contracts Reports, this year’s analysis excludes DOE purchases under award method 32 (small purchase written).[40]

The overall share of contracts registered retroactively remained stagnant compared to FY23 levels (88.65% in FY23 to 80.65% in FY24). Notably, the retroactivity rate for human service and non-profit contracts worsened slightly from the prior year, with nearly nine out of every ten registered late. See Chart 151 for year-over-year retroactivity trends, by volume of contracts.

Chart 151 Percent of Late-Registered Contracts by Volume – FY22-24

Although changes in the share of retroactive contracts remained relatively stagnant, the City registered a much higher share of contract value late in FY24 that it did in the prior fiscal year. This indicates that this year’s registration delays may have been more impactful to vendors from a monetary standpoint. See Chart 152 for additional details.

Chart 152: Percent of Late-Registered Contracts by Value – FY22-24

Citywide Procurements

The following tables provide more granular detail into the retroactivity rates summarized by the charts above. Tables 105 and 106 breakdown how late procurement contracts and contract value were registered. Subsequent tables zoom in on trends for the Human Services Industry and among Non-Proft vendors.

While about a third of FY24 contracts were still registered more than 6 months late, the “retroactivity by volume” tables below show that already retroactive contracts were generally registered less late on the margins relative to the prior year. As discussed above, such trends do not hold true when examining the shares of late-registered contract value.

Table 105: Citywide Retroactivity by Volume – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts
On Time or Early 1,538 14.35% 1,985 19.25% 1,775 19.35%
Late – Within 30 Days 1,623 15.15% 1,612 15.63% 2,273 24.78%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 3,702 34.55% 2,896 28.09% 2,210 24.10%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 1,933 18.04% 1,878 18.21% 1,233 13.44%
Latest – More than 1-Year 1,919 17.91% 1,940 18.81% 1,681 18.33%
Grand Total 10,715 100.00% 10,311 100.00% 9,172 100.00%
Table 106: Citywide Retroactivity by Value – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value
On Time or Early $6,378,206,067 14.82% $14,246,907,708 37.55% $6,913,845,191 21.97%
Late – Within 30 Days $5,133,783,532 11.93% $4,966,517,098 13.09% $7,282,254,997 23.14%
Later – Between 31-180 Days $23,578,265,599 54.77% $11,263,640,333 29.68% $10,518,973,955 33.42%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days $7,075,970,114 16.44% $5,462,586,575 14.40% $3,822,451,562 12.14%
Latest – More than 1-Year $882,713,839 2.05% $2,005,339,743 5.28% $2,937,718,455 9.33%
Grand Total $43,048,939,152 100.00% $37,944,991,457 100.00% $31,475,244,160 100.00%

Human Services Industry Procurements

Table 107: Human Service Contract Retroactivity by Volume – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts
On Time or Early 348 5.68% 553 11.53% 328 9.28%
Late – Within 30 Days 503 8.21% 366 7.63% 691 19.56%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 2,199 35.91% 904 18.85% 403 11.41%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 1,434 23.42% 1,311 27.34% 724 20.49%
Latest – More than 1-Year 1,639 26.77% 1,661 34.64% 1,387 39.26%
Grand Total 6,123 100.00% 4,795 100.00% 3,533 100.00%
Table 108: Human Service Contract Retroactivity by Value – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value
On Time or Early $1,735,509,993 9.12% $5,349,799,322 33.89% $2,851,377,248 19.19%
Late – Within 30 Days $1,593,300,753 8.37% $2,323,285,949 14.72% $5,067,967,451 34.10%
Later – Between 31-180 Days $12,337,289,040 64.85% $5,402,966,176 34.22% $3,813,558,197 25.66%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days $2,781,518,372 14.62% $1,794,348,482 11.37% $2,646,367,981 17.81%
Latest – More than 1-Year $576,880,844 3.03% $916,497,214 5.81% $482,478,154 3.25%
Grand Total $19,024,499,002 100.00% $15,786,897,143 100.00% $14,861,749,032 100.00%

Non-Profit Procurements

Table 109: Non-Profit Contract Retroactivity by Volume – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts # of Contracts % Share of Contracts
On Time or Early 290 6.16% 465 11.81% 298 9.41%
Late – Within 30 Days 366 7.77% 303 7.69% 632 19.96%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 1,498 31.80% 562 14.27% 382 12.06%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 1,233 26.17% 1,219 30.95% 676 21.35%
Latest – More than 1-Year 1,324 28.10% 1,389 35.27% 1,179 37.23%
Grand Total 4,711 100.00% 3,938 100.00% 3,167 100.00%
Table 110: Non-Profit Service Contract Retroactivity by Value – FY22-24
  FY22 FY23 FY24
Retroactive Category Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value Value of Contracts % Share of Value
On Time or Early $1,457,876,916 6.47% $3,831,185,994 27.17% $2,300,764,032 16.84%
Late – Within 30 Days $1,167,870,714 5.18% $1,789,909,696 12.70% $4,725,336,866 34.59%
Later – Between 31-180 Days $14,218,465,903 63.09% $4,341,974,597 30.80% $4,532,417,644 33.18%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days $5,205,210,588 23.10% $3,434,080,195 24.36% $1,701,491,984 12.45%
Latest – More than 1-Year $488,707,793 2.17% $701,292,958 4.97% $402,111,571 2.94%
Grand Total $22,538,131,915 100.00% $14,098,443,440 100.00% $13,662,122,097 100.00%

The rest of Section VIII takes a deeper dive into retroactivity trends within FY24 which began on July 1, 2023 and concluded on June 30, 2024. The following tables and charts lay out trends for revenue, as well as procurement contracts. Retroactivity rates by industry, agency, M/WBE certification status, and other categories are also captured.

Table 111 displays contract retroactivity for procurement and revenue contracts registered in FY24. 7,530 new procurement and revenue contracts (80.32% of all contracts) were registered retroactively. Notably, the share of contract value that was registered on time decreased significantly from FY23 to FY24. From 32.46% on time to 9.10% on time in FY24.

Table 111: FY24 Contract Retroactivity for New Procurements and Revenue Contracts
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 1,845 19.68% $7,058,083,352 9.10%
Late – Within 30 Days 2,301 24.54% $7,296,141,477 34.66%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 2,239 23.88% $10,583,240,701 32.73%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 1,265 13.49% $4,093,520,453 12.47%
Latest – More than 1-Year 1,725 18.40% $3,150,277,789 11.04%
Grand Total 9,375 100.00% $32,181,263,772 100.00%

Chart 153 compares the share of retroactive contracts in FY22, FY23, and FY24 by both volume and value. In terms of volume more contracts were registered on time by a very small amount and less contracts were registered very late. Less value was registered on time and more value was registered a year or more later.

Chart 153: FY22-24 Retroactivity Rates by Volume and Value

FY24 Retroactive Procurements by Industry

For the Human Services industry, which is overwhelmingly made up of Non-Profit vendors, nearly all contracts were registered late. The Human Services industry has the highest retroactivity rate overall, with 90.72% of procurement contracts registered late. Chart 154 displays the total number of new procurement contracts by industry. For comparison, Table 112 displays the share of contract retroactivity by industry type.

Chart 154: Share of New Retroactive Procurement Contracts by Industry, FY24

Table 112: Volume of FY24 Procurement Contracts by Retroactivity Category and Industry
Retroactive Category Construction Services Goods Human Services Professional Services Standard Services Unclassified Contracts
On Time or Early 37.23% 29.44% 9.28% 19.02% 21.04% 15.54%
Late – Within 30 Days 14.93% 40.19% 19.56% 16.76% 21.29% 25.91%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 35.61% 23.88% 11.41% 41.45% 34.86% 48.70%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 7.19% 3.31% 20.49% 14.93% 15.66% 7.25%
Latest – More than 1-Year 5.04% 3.19% 39.26% 7.84% 7.15% 2.59%
Grand Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Retroactive Procurements by Agency

Table 113 lists the top ten agencies with the most retroactive procurement contracts. Together, these ten agencies account for over 68.76% of the retroactively contract registrations in the City. While DYCD registered the most retroactive contracts in FY24, the majority of these contracts are related to City Council appropriations, which tend to be delayed. As noted above, this Office has been working with the City Council to make discretionary award contracts multi-year, which will eliminate the need to register them again after the first year.

Table 113: FY24 Top Ten Agencies by Volume of Retroactive Procurement Contracts
Agency # of Contracts Total Contract Value
DYCD 1,614 $1,307,248,146
DOHMH 847 $916,770,041
DPR 529 $298,896,171
DOE 509 $1,727,789,357
DFTA 363 $138,597,487
DCAS 324 $359,007,219
DSS/HRA 298 $1,927,777,631
HPD 225 $918,953,020
NYCHA 203 $1,767,570,185
OTI 174 $361,820,363
Grand Total 5,088 $9,724,479,620.00

FY24 Retroactive Procurements – M/WBEs

By a measure of contract volume, the City registered fewer M/WBE procurement contracts after their start dates (72.50%) than non-M/WBE vendors (83.58%). Table 114 presents a breakdown of M/WBE procurement contracts by category of lateness. For comparison, Table 115 presents a breakdown procurement contracts by category of lateness for non-certified vendors.

Table 114: FY24 Procurement Contracts by Retroactivity Category – MWBE Vendors
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 668 27.50% $774,420,419 39.07%
Late – Within 30 Days 779 32.07% $363,968,765 18.36%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 775 31.91% $550,872,973 27.79%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 156 6.42% $136,256,303 6.87%
Latest – More than 1-Year 51 2.10% $156,412,368 7.89%
Grand Total 2,429 100.00% $1,981,930,828 100.00%
Table 115: FY24 Procurement Contracts by Retroactivity Category – Non-Certified Vendors
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 1,107 16.42% $6,139,424,772 20.82%
Late – Within 30 Days 1,494 22.16% $6,918,286,233 23.46%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 1,435 21.28% $9,968,100,982 33.80%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 1,077 15.97% $3,686,195,258 12.50%
Latest – More than 1-Year 1,630 24.17% $2,781,306,087 9.43%
Grand Total 6,743 100.00% $29,493,313,332 100.00%

The largest share of M/WBE procurement contracts were registered via the M/WBE Small Purchase (M/WBESP) method (35.49%). This method was designed to reduce delays in the contracting process by allowing agencies to contract with City-certified M/WBE vendors for up to $1.5 million without competition. However, the large majority of contracts registered via the M/WBE Small Purchase method were registered late. Table 116 displays the breakdown of M/WBE non-competitive small purchase contracts by retroactive category.

Table 116: FY24 M/WBE Non-Competitive Small Purchase Contracts by Retroactivity Category
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 322 28.25% $75,137,385 26.96%
Late – Within 30 Days 377 33.07% $86,617,585 31.08%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 363 31.84% $96,864,578 34.76%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 66 5.79% $16,614,420 5.96%
Latest – More than 1-Year 12 1.05% $3,420,077 1.23%
Grand Total 1,140 100.00% $278,654,045 100.00%

FY24 Retroactive Revenue Contracts

The majority of revenue contract value (77.60%) was registered later than 30 days of the contract start date. This is significantly worse from FY23 since 88.55% of value for revenue contracts was within 30 days of the contract start date. Table 117 below breaks down revenue contracts by retroactivity category

Table 117: FY24 Revenue Contracts by Retroactivity Category[41]
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 70 41.42% $144,238,161 46.48%
Late – Within 30 Days 28 16.57% $13,886,479 4.47%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 26 15.38% $64,178,330 20.68%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 15 8.88% $26,393,195 8.50%
Latest – More than 1-Year 30 17.75% $61,633,023 19.86%
Grand Total 169 100.00% $310,329,188 100.00%

FY24 Retroactive Real Property Transactions

The largest group within Real Property Transactions are Lease Agreements with private landlords, which allows the City to secure the use of property for agency business or as a means to facilitate other public services. Leases must be registered in order for building owners to be paid and to secure terms for needed construction or renovation projects. Accordingly, delays in the registration of Lease Agreements can negatively impact spaces utilized by City services, including day care and senior care programs, that are run out of city-leased buildings. The share of real property transactions registered on time decreased both in value and volume in FY24 relative to last year, most are still being registered between 1-6 months late.

Table 118: FY24 Real Property Contracts by Retroactivity Category
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 5 4.31% $16,666,522 1.19%
Late – Within 30 Days 13 11.21% $172,952,399 12.33%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 74 63.79% $431,275,010 30.74%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 13 11.21% $231,174,131 16.48%
Latest – More than 1-Year 11 9.48% $550,916,495 39.27%
Grand Total 116 100.00% $1,402,984,556 100.00%

FY24 Retroactive Task Orders[42]

TO are used by agencies to procure particular goods or services from one or more vendors under terms that have already been established under an existing Multiple Master Agreement contract. While this structure should allow City agencies to process TOs more quickly than new contracts, over 79,34% were registered retroactively in FY24. Table 119 provides a breakdown of TOs by retroactivity category.

Table 119 FY24 Registered TOs by Retroactivity Category
Retroactive Category # of Contracts % Share of Contracts Total Contract Value % Share of Contract Value
On Time or Early 231 20.66% $374,533,714 24.31%
Late – Within 30 Days 170 15.21% $211,633,396 13.73%
Later – Between 31-180 Days 303 27.10% $281,120,348 18.24%
Very Late – Between 181-365 Days 131 11.72% $87,364,105 5.67%
Latest – More than 1-Year 283 25.31% $586,182,360 38.04%
Grand Total 1,118 100.00% $1,540,833,923 100.00%

IX. Bureau of Labor Law – Living and Prevailing Wage Cases

The Comptroller is required to submit annual reports to the Mayor and to City Council summarizing and assessing the implementation and enforcement of sections 6-109, 6-130, and 6-145 of the Administrative Code which require that:

  1. Contractors and subcontractors on City service contracts providing homecare services, day care services, head start services or services to persons with cerebral palsy pay their covered employees at the living wage rate and either provide health benefits or supplement the hourly wage rate by $1.50; and
  2. City service contractors and subcontractors providing building services, food services or temporary office services pay their covered employees at the prevailing wage and supplement rates set annually by the City Comptroller, or at the living wage rate, whichever is greater.[43]
  3. Human service vendors doing business with NYC above small purchase limits are required to submit an attestation or certification, relating to labor peace agreements (LPA) with labor organizations, as a condition for a new contract award or renewal. LPAs are agreements between employers and labor organizations that are designed to ensure the uninterrupted flow of goods and services.

The required reporting information is presented for below.

Section 6-109 of the Admin Code:

In FY 2024, as of 7/1/24, the Bureau of Labor Law (BLL) closed one temporary office services cases with a non-willful violation and a settlement of $2.7 million under §6-109 of the Admin Code. BLL also opened two building services investigations.

Section 6-130 of the Admin Code:

In FY 2024, BLL opened two new cases under §6-130 of the Admin Code. One ws closed because it was time-barred (meaning, outside the statute of limitations) and another remains open.

Section 6-145 of the Admin Code:

In FY 2024, BLL did not receive any complaints about labor peace this year and opened no new cases under §6-145 of the Administrative Code.

X. Glossary of Terms

Accelerated Procurement: An accelerated procurement is a procurement of commodities that is required to be made quickly due to markets experiencing significant shortages and/or short-term price fluctuations. Such markets must be identified by specific rule of the PPB. Accelerated procurement shall only be authorized when the CCPO determines those specific commodities subject to accelerated procurement, i.e., chemicals, energy, food, etc. (9 RCNY § 3-07).

ACCO: An acronym that stands for Agency Chief Contracting Officer. Position delegated authority by the Agency Head to organize and supervise the procurement activity of subordinate agency staff in conjunction with the CCPO. (9 RCNY § 1-01 (e)).

Agency Head: A term referring to heads of City, country, borough, or other office, administration, department, division, bureau, board, or commission, or a corporation, institution or agency of government, the expenses of which are paid in whole or in part from the City treasury. (9 RCNY § 1-01 (e)).

Amendment: Modification or adjustments made to an existing contract. (9 RCNY § 4-02).

Amendment Extension: A contract amendment that allows for an extension of a contract term for good and sufficient cause for a cumulative period not to exceed one year from the date of expiration of the current contract. (9 RCNY § 4-02(b)(iii)).

Buy-Against: The process by which, as part of contract administration, an agency obtains goods and services to fulfill its requirements after a vendor defaults or fails to fulfill its contract responsibilities. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Capital Project (budget, or funding): Capital projects or contracts are funded with monies from the Capital budget typically for the purposes of funding physical infrastructure. Capital projects are at least $35,000 and have a life of five years.

Change Order: Any alteration, change, amendment, or modification to any contract or agreement approved as required by law or rule. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

CCPO: An acronym that stands for City Chief Procurement Officer. Position delegated authority by the Mayor to coordinate and oversee the procurement activity of Mayoral agency staff, including the ACCOs. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Charter: The New York City Charter. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

City: City of New York. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Competitive Sealed Bidding (CSB): The source selection method in which sealed bids are publicly solicited and opened and a contract is awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP): The source selection method in which a solicitation is made to potential vendors, and between receipt of proposals and award, discussions with vendors may take place to resolve uncertainties in the proposal, advise vendors of deficiencies in meeting the agency’s requirements, allow for resulting price changes, etc. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Concession: A grant made by an agency for the private use of City-owned property for which the City receives compensation other than in the form of a fee to cover administrative costs, except that concessions shall not include franchises, revocable consents and leases. (NYC Charter § 362(a)).

Construction: The process of constructing, reconstructing, demolishing, excavating, renovating, altering, improving, rehabilitating, or repairing any building, facility, or physical structure of any kind, excluding the performance of routine maintenance. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Construction Management Contract: A form of construction contract that provides the vendor is to furnish management and supervisory services necessary for the construction of facilities that may also include construction services and the ability to award the underlying construction contract. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Construction-Related Services: Those services that may reasonably be required in the planning, design, or construction of real property or other public improvements. Such services shall include, but not be limited to, engineering, construction supervision, construction management, testing and investigation. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Contract: A written agreement between the City and a vendor in an amount generally in excess of the small purchase limits that gives rise to obligations that are enforced and recognized by law. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Contractor: Any person having a contract with a governmental body. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Cost Analysis: The process of examining the reasonableness of a vendor’s price by evaluation of the separate cost elements and proposed profit in part on the basis of cost data supplied and certified by the vendor. Cost analysis is used on contract actions (including change orders) where price cannot be determined as fair and reasonable by using price analysis alone. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Demonstration Project: A short-term, carefully planned, pilot exercise designed to test and evaluate the feasibility and application of an innovative product, approach or technology not currently used by the City. Demonstration projects may be proposed for goods, services or construction. They allow the City to observe and analyze effectiveness and efficiency without a large commitment of resources. (9 RCNY § 3-11(a)).

Emergency: An unforeseen danger to life, safety, property, or a necessary service. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Emergency Procurement: Method of procurement for goods when there is an unforeseen danger to life, safety, property, or a necessary service, the existence of which creates an immediate and serious need for goods, services, or construction that cannot be met through normal procurement methods. (9 RCNY § 3-06(a)).

Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE): A business enterprise authorized to do business in this state, including sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations, in which such individuals have demonstrated that they are socially and economically disadvantaged. (NYC Charter § 1304 (6)(c)).

Encumbrance: An action to set aside or reserve all, or a portion, of an appropriation of funds for the payment of future expenses such as payments for the receipt of goods, services or construction pursuant to a contract or agreement.  (NYS Office of the State Comptroller Guide to Financial Operations Chapter XI.2.C.).

Expense Contract (budget, or funding): An expense contract is sourced with funding from the expense budget that has the explicit function of funding present City operations.

Fiscal Year: Unless otherwise indicated, the word “year” as it related to terms of contracts shall mean the City’s fiscal year. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)). For the purpose of this Report, the fiscal year covered is Fiscal Year 2022which runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

FMS: An acronym stands for Financial Management System. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Franchise: A grant by an agency of a right to occupy or use the inalienable property of the City to provide a public service. (NYC § 362(b)).

Franchise and Concession Review Committee (FCRC): The FCRC consists of six members: the Mayor who serves as chair, the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Corporation Counsel, the Comptroller and one additional appointee of the Mayor. The FCRC is primarily responsible for the establishment of rules for the granting of concessions to ensure a competitive and fair process. Each member of the FCRC is entitled to one vote, with the exception of the borough president who collectively share a single vote. Franchises require at least five votes to be approved whereas applicable concession awards typically require four votes. (NYC Charter § 373).

Goods: All personal property, including but not limited to equipment, materials, printing, and insurance, excluding land or a permanent interest in land. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Government-to-Government Procurement: Purchases made when it is in the City’s best interest to procure from another governmental entity goods, services, construction, or construction-related services where the accepted price, terms and conditions are achieved through negotiation between the agency and the governmental entity. (9 RCNY § 3-13(a)).

Grant: A cash transfer made by a government entity to another government entity, a quasi-public entity, a private organization, or an individual, for use by the recipient in accomplishing objectives established by the recipient. A grant is permissible only to accomplish a public purpose authorized by federal, state, or City law. A grant may be conditional, although awarded without other consideration. Federal and state grants are identified specifically by formula or specific allocations in law or in the annual operating budget act, bond authorizations, or other acts of Congress or the state legislature. Grants can be distinguished from procurement contacts, which call for the vendor to produce specific end products or to deliver specific goods or services. While there are requirements under a grant that result in an executed agreement between the grantor and grantee, this document is not a contract for services. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

HHS (Health and Human Services) Accelerator: HHS Accelerator is an office that facilities the central management of the procurement process for client services vendors and contractual by creating and maintaining a web-based document vault for client services vendors; creating and maintaining a centralized, electronic and web accessible categorization system of services provided for all City agencies; prequalifying client services providers; and managing procurements for client services. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Human/Client Services: Programs contracted for by the City of New York on behalf of third-party clients, including programs to provide social services, health or medical services, housing and shelter assistance services, legal services, employment assistance services, and vocational, educational, or recreational programs. Agencies whose mission involves the award and administration of such contracts, or provisions of the same or similar services by agency staff are sometimes known as “Human Services agencies.” Examples of human services include but are not limited to: day care, foster care, mental health treatment, operation of senior centers, home care, employment training, homeless assistance, preventive services, health maintenance organizations, and youth services. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

IFB: An acronym that stands for Invitation for Bids. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Information Technology: Systems or components thereof including, but not limited to, hardware, software, firmware, and telecommunications that integrate and process data; and services including, but not limited to, planning, consulting, project managing, developing requirements definitions, analyzing, designing, programming, testing, training, implementing, as well as conversion capacity management and quality assurance for the purpose of using, creating, maintaining, operating, or repairing computer systems or networks or computer systems or components thereof. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Innovative Procurement: Prospective procurement method that tests and evaluates the feasibility and application of procurement methods not currently used by the City or provided for under the PPB rules. (9 RCNY § 3-12 (a)).

Intergovernmental Purchase: The issuance of a purchase order or contract to procure goods, services, or construction through the United States General Services Administration, any other federal agency, the New York State Office of General Services, any other state agency or in cooperation with another public agency subject to the rules set forth under the PPB rules. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Investigative or Confidential Services: Services provided by law enforcement, scientific, and/or legal consultants, or other experts or professionals that are necessary in connection with an official matter within the scope of the acquiring agency’s authority and that directly or indirectly relate to a pending or contemplated case, trial, litigation, or confidential or sensitive investigation or negotiation for which such services of the nature and kind envisioned herein are ordinarily used. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Line-Item Appropriation: Method of procurement in which contract awards are made from line items appropriations and/or discretionary funds to community-based not-for-profit organizations or other public service organizations identified by elected City officials other than the Mayor and the Comptroller. Public officials that are able to designate awards for discretionary funding include the Public Advocate, individual members of the City Council, the City Council Speaker, and the Borough Presidents. These contract awards are typically designated by an elected official and are then administered and processed by a Mayoral agency. (9 RCNY § 1-02(e)).

Master Service Agreement: A Master Agreement (or Multiple Award Task Order Contract) may be awarded for standard services or multiple award purchase order contracts for goods upon a determination by the ACCO that it is in the best interest of the City to award multiple contracts for goods or standard services to multiple contractors and to allocate work among such contractors through a task order or purchase order system. Master Service Agreements can be awarded through either CSBs or CSPs. Once a master contract is set up, individual task orders are issued for the specific amount of the goods and or services. Task orders are typically assigned by rotation though they can also be awarded through a mini-bid or competition. These types of contracts (typically for standard services) are commonly set up by DCAS and can be utilized by other City agencies. (9 RCNY §§ 3-02(t), (j)).

Micropurchases: Procurements of which the value is $20,000 or less where no competition is required except that in making purchases below the limit, contracting officers shall ensure that the noncompetitive price is reasonable and that purchases are distributed appropriately among responsible vendors, including M/WBE vendors. (9 RCNY§ 3-08(c)(1)(ii)).

M/WBE: An acronym that stands for Minority and/or Women-owned Business Enterprise; a business authorized to do business in the state, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, in which (i) at least fifty-one percent of the ownership interest is held by United States citizens or permanent resident aliens who are (a) either minority group members or (b) women, (ii) the ownership interest of such person is real, substantial, and continuing, and (iii) such persons have and exercise the authority to control independently the day to day business decisions of the enterprise. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Negotiated Acquisition: A method of source selection under which procurements can be made through negotiation due to circumstances and subject to conditions, as specified in these rules, in which it is not practicable and/or advantageous to the City to make the procurement through competitive sealed bidding or competitive sealed proposals. The use of negotiated acquisition requires CCPO approval. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Negotiated Acquisition Extension: A form of contract extension in which an existing contract regardless of the original procurement method, can be extended one or more times beyond the now permissible cumulative twelve-month limit, provided that the vendor’s performance is satisfactory or that any deficiencies have been or are addressed or are effectively addressed through a corrective action plan, and the extension(s) is for the minimum time necessary to meet the need. (9 RCNY § 3-04(b)(2)(iii)).

PASSPort: A computerized Citywide system providing new comprehensive contract management information and historical data migrated from VENDEX.

Person: Any business, individual, partnership, corporation, union, firm, company, committee, club, other organization, governmental body, or group of individuals. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Prequalification: The screening of potential vendors in which a purchaser may consider factors such as financial capability, reputation, and management in order to develop a list of prospective vendors qualified to be sent invitations to bid or requests for proposals. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Procurement: Buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise acquiring any goods, services, or construction. It also includes all functions that pertain to the obtaining of any good, service, or construction, including planning, description of requirements, solicitation and selection of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phases of contract administration, including receipt and acceptance, evaluation of performance, and final payment. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Procurement Policy Board (PPB): The PPB is the governing entity responsible for the promulgation of the City’s procurement rules. Members of the PPB set forth rules that include but are not limited to: the use of different types of procurements, how bids and proposals may be solicited, the award and administration of contracts and the resolving of contract disputes. The PPB consists of five members, three of whom are appointed by the Mayor and two of whom are appointed by the Comptroller. The PPB is required to assess and review its rules, policies and procedures annually and report to the Mayor, Comptroller and City Council on recommendations to make procurement more efficient. (NYC Charter § 311).

Professional Services: Services other than human/client services that require specialized skills and the exercise of judgment, including but not limited to: (i) accountants, (ii) lawyers, (iii) doctors, (iv) computer programmers and consultants, (v) architectural and engineering services, and (vi) construction management services. (9 RCNY §1-01(e)).

Proposer: A person submitting a proposal in response to a Request for Proposal. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Protest: A complaint about a governmental action or decision concerning procurement brought by an interested party to the appropriate administrative section with the intention of achieving a remedial result. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Purchase Order: An official document of the City directing the vendor to perform. A purchase order formalizes a purchase transaction with a vendor for purchases generally at or below the small purchase limits unless the purchase order is placed against an existing contract. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Registration: The process through which the Comptroller (1) encumbers funds to insure that monies are available to pay vendors upon the satisfactory completion of contract work; (2) maintains a registry of City contracts and agreements; (3) presents objections, if, in the Comptroller’s judgment, there is sufficient reason to believe that there is possible corruption in the letting of the contract or that the proposed contractor is involved in corrupt activity, and (4) tracks City expenditures and revenues associated with those contracts and agreements. No contract or agreement (including agreements memorializing the terms of franchises, revocable consents or concession) will be executed pursuant to the NYC City Charter or other law shall be implemented until (1) a copy has been filed with the comptroller and (2) either the comptroller has registered it or thirty days have elapsed from the date of filing, whichever is sooner. Registration authority for contracts, franchises and concessions are derived from the NYC City Charter. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e); NYC City Charter §§ 328, 375).

Renewals: Re-registration of previous contracts with the same vendor, with substantially unchanged terms and conditions, but possibly revised quantities, lists or schedules or items to be supplied. (9 RCNY §4-04(a)).

Required Method/Preferred Source: Method of procurement in which the PPB rules do not apply to procurements to the extent that a source of funds outside the City of New York, a Federal or State statute or rule, the terms of a court order or consent decree, or other applicable law expressly authorizes or requires otherwise. (9 RCNY § 1-02 (d)(1)).

Required Authorized Source: Method of procurement in which the source selection requirements of the PPB rules do not apply to procurements where a source of funds outside the City of New York, a Federal or State statute or rule, the terms of a court order or consent decree, or other applicable law expressly authorizes or requires that a procurement be made from a specified source.  (9 RCNY § 1-02 (d)(2)).

Requirement Contract: Contract for standard services or multiple award purchase order contracts for goods that are awarded when it is determined by the ACCO that it is in the best interests of the City to award multiple contracts for goods or standard services to multiple contractors and to allocate work among such contractors through a task order or purchase order system. (9 RCNY § 3-02(t)(1)).

Responsible Bidder or Proposer: A vendor who has the capability in all respects to perform in full the contract requirements, and the business integrity and reliability that will assure good faith performance. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Responsive Bidder or Proposer: A vendor whose bid or proposal conforms to the terms set out by the City in the solicitation. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Revocable Consent: A grant of a right, revocable at will, (1) to any person to construct and use for private use pipes, conduits and tunnels under, railroad tracks upon, and connecting bridges over inalienable property, (2) to an owner of real property or, with the consent of the owner, to a tenant of real property to use adjacent inalienable property, or (3) to a public service corporation for facilities ancillary to, but not within a franchise granted prior to July 1, 1990. (NYC Charter § 362 (d)).

RFP: An acronym that stands for Request for Proposals. All documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting competitive proposals. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Service Contract: A contract that calls for a vendor’s time and effort rather than for delivery of goods and construction. The term as defined here does not include employment agreements or collective bargaining agreements. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Small Purchases: Any procurement at or below the small purchase limit. The small purchase limit is currently set as $100,000. (9 RCNY §§ 1-01(e), 3-08(a)).

Sole Source: An award of a contract for a good, service, or construction to the only source for the required good, service, or construction. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Special Case: A situation in which it is either not practicable or not advantageous to the City to use competitive sealed bidding as defined in § 312 of the NYC Charter. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Solicitation: The process of notifying prospective vendors that a governmental body wishes to receive bids or proposals for furnishing goods, services, or construction. The process may consist of public advertising, mailing invitations for bids or requests for proposals, posting notices, telephone or facsimile messages to prospective vendors, or all of these. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Subscription: A method of transaction in which there is a subscription or continuing need to renew including electronic subscriptions, for magazines and periodicals, orders for books and “off-the-shelf” training videotapes, and attendance at standard commercially available training seminars. (9 RCNY § 1-02(f)(5)).

Standard Services: Services other than professional services and human/client services such as custodial services, security guard services, stenography services and office machine repair. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

Task Order: An agreement that defines the requested scope of work and price under the parameters issued via a master services contract. (9 RCNY § 3-02(t)).

Vendor: An actual or potential contractor. (9 RCNY § 1-01(e)).

XI. Appendices

Appendix 1 – Registered Contracts by Group, Industry, Agency Type, and Retroactivity Category[44]

Appendix 2 – Registered Modifications[45]

Appendix 3 – Real Property Transactions

Appendix 4 – Registered Task Orders

Appendix 5 – Purchase Orders

Appendix 6 – Delivery Orders

Appendix 7 – New Contract Categories with Corresponding Award Method and Contract Type Codes
Contract Groups Award Methods Award Method Codes
Group 1: Competitive Method Contracts Competitive Sealed Bid Contracts 1, 3
Competitive Sealed Proposal Contracts 2, 22
Accelerated Procurement Contracts 27
Group 2: Limited or Non-Competitive Method Contracts Buy-Against Procurement Contracts 28
Demonstration Project Contracts 23
Determined by Government Mandate Contracts 26
Discretionary (Line Item) Contracts 12, 38
Emergency Procurement Contracts 6
Government-to-Government Contracts 17, 103
Innovative Procurement Contracts 20
Intergovernmental Procurement Contracts 25, 62, 251
Micropurchase Contracts 30
Negotiated Acquisition Contracts 21, 211
Small Purchase Contracts – General 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 45, 60, 109, 100, 101 111, 112, 113
Small Purchase Contracts – M/WBE 72
Sole Source Contracts 5, 40
Group 3: Transactions not subject to PPB Rules Force Account Contracts 68
Grant Agreements 51
Miscellaneous Contracts 18, 99
Professional Membership Negotiation Contracts 42
Regulated by Government Commission 41, 44
Subscription Contracts 43
Group 4: Supplemental Contracts Renewals 10
Assignments 29
Group 5: Revenue Contracts[46] Franchise Agreements CT – 15
Concession Agreements CT – 20
Revocable Consents CT – 17
Corpus Funded agreements CT – 25
Other Revenue CTs – 10, 18, 29, 50
Appendix 8 – Award Method Codes
Award Method Code FMS Award Method Description
32 Small Purchase – Written
35 Small Purchase – Publicly Let
36 Small Purchase –  RFP
37 Small Purchase – PQVL Comp Bid
38 Micropurchase Council & BP Needs
40 Dept Of Ed Listing Application
41 Cable Service Negotiation
42 Prof. Membership Negotiation
43 Subscription Etc Per PPB
44 Public Utility
45 Small Purchase-Public Utility
51 Grants
62 Small Purchase – Intergov’t
68 Force Account Negotiation
72 M/WBE Purchase-Not Exceeding $1m
78 Real Estate Sales And Purchases
79 Watershed Land Negotiation
99 Miscellaneous
100 Small Purch -Subscription Etc
101 Sm. Purchase -Prof. Membership
103 Sm. Purchase – Gov’t To Gov’t
109 Small Purchase – Info Tech
111 Small Purch – It- 25 K To 100k
112 Sm Purch Goods Services 100k
113 Sm Purch Constr – 50k To 100k
211 Neg Acquisition Extn And DOE Negotiated Services Extn
251 Intergovernmental Procurement Renewal
Appendix 9 – Contract Type Codes
Contract Type Code Contract Type Description
5 Construction
10 Consultant
15 Franchises
17 Revocable Consents
18 Permits
20 Concessions
25 Corpus Funded
29 Other Expense Contr Or Revenue Relatd
30 Misc Revenue-No Expense
35 Lessee
36 Miscellaneous Property Rental
40 Lessor – Accounting Lines Exist
41 Cable Service
42 Professional Membership
43 Subscriptions
44 Public Utility
45 Requirements
46 Requirements-Goods
47 Requirements-Services
48 Requirements-Construction
50 Work/Labor
51 Supplies/Materials/Equipment
52 Construction Mgmt/Build
53 Design Build
65 Loans
68 Force Account Agreement
70 Programs
72 Programs (Not Tax Levy Funded)
78 Real Estate Sales And Purchases
79 Watershed Land Acquisition
80 OTI-Requirements Contract (RC)
81 DMS-Requirements Contract (RC)
85 Intra-Agency Fund Agreements
86 Dept Of Ed-Requirement Contract
88 New York City Bond Financing
99 Others
Appendix 10 – Agency Codes
Agency Code Agency Agency Short Name Agency Type
2 Mayoralty MAYOR City – Mayoral Agency
3 Board of Elections BOE City – Non-Mayoral
4 Campaign Finance Board CFB City – Non-Mayoral
8 Office of the Actuary OTA City – Non-Mayoral
10 Borough President – Manhattan MBP City – Non-Mayoral
11 Borough President – Bronx BXBP City – Non-Mayoral
12 Borough President – Brooklyn BKBP City – Non-Mayoral
13 Borough President – Queens QBP City – Non-Mayoral
14 Borough President – Staten Island SIBP City – Non-Mayoral
15 Office of The Comptroller COMP City – Non-Mayoral
17 New York City Emergency Management NYCEM City – Mayoral Agency
25 Law Department LAW City – Mayoral Agency
30 Department of City Planning DCP City – Mayoral Agency
32 Department of Investigation DOI City – Mayoral Agency
35 New York City Research Libraries NYRL Other Agency
38 Brooklyn Public Library BPL Other Agency
39 Queens Borough Public Library QBPL Other Agency
40 Department of Education DOE Other Agency
42 City University of New York CUNY Other Agency
43 City University Construction Fund CUCF Other Agency
54 Civilian Complaint Review Board CCRB City – Mayoral Agency
56 New York Police Department NYPD City – Mayoral Agency
57 Fire Department of New York FDNY City – Mayoral Agency
63 Department of Veteran Services DVS City – Mayoral Agency
68 Administration for Children’s Services ACS City – Mayoral Agency
69/96 Human Resources Administration (Department of Social Services) DSS/HRA City – Mayoral Agency
71 Department of Homeless Services DSS/DHS City – Mayoral Agency
72 Department of Correction DOC City – Mayoral Agency
102 City Council CC or Council City – Non-Mayoral
125 Department for the Aging DFTA City – Mayoral Agency
126 Department of Cultural Affairs DCLA City – Mayoral Agency
127 Financial Information Services Agency FISA City – Non-Mayoral
131 Office of Payroll Administration OPA City – Non-Mayoral
132 Independent Budget Office IBO Other Agency
136 Landmarks Preservation Commission LPC City – Mayoral Agency
156 Taxi and Limousine Commission TLC City – Mayoral Agency
226 Commission on Human Rights CCHR City – Mayoral Agency
260 Department of Youth and Community Development DYCD City – Mayoral Agency
312 Conflicts of Interest Board COIB City – Non-Mayoral
313 Office of Collective Bargaining OCB City – Non-Mayoral
493 Staten Island Community Board # 3 SICB3 City – Non-Mayoral
781 Department of Probation DOP City – Mayoral Agency
801 Department of Small Business Services SBS City – Mayoral Agency
801a New York City Economic Development Council EDC Other Agency
806 Housing Preservation and Development HPD City – Mayoral Agency
810 Department of Buildings DOB City – Mayoral Agency
816 Department of Health and Mental Hygiene DOHMH City – Mayoral Agency
819 Health and Hospitals Corporation HHC Other Agency
820 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings OATH City – Non-Mayoral
826 Department of Environmental Protection DEP City – Mayoral Agency
827 Department of Sanitation DSNY City – Mayoral Agency
829 Business Integrity Commission BIC City – Mayoral Agency
836 Department of Finance DOF City – Mayoral Agency
841 Department of Transportation DOT City – Mayoral Agency
846 Department of Parks and Recreation DPR City – Mayoral Agency
850 Department of Design and Construction DDC City – Mayoral Agency
856 Department of Citywide Administrative Services DCAS City – Mayoral Agency
857 DCAS Division of Municipal Supply Service DCAS (DMSS) City – Mayoral Agency
858 Office of Technology and Innovation OTI City – Mayoral Agency
860 Department of Records and Information Services DORIS City – Mayoral Agency
866 Department of Consumer and Worker Protection DCWP City – Mayoral Agency
901 District Attorney – New York County DANY City – Non-Mayoral
902 District Attorney – Bronx County DABX City – Non-Mayoral
903 District Attorney – Kings County DAKINGS City – Non-Mayoral
904 District Attorney – Queens County DAQ City – Non-Mayoral
905 District Attorney -Richmond County DARICH City – Non-Mayoral
906 Office of Prosecution – Special Narcotics OOP-SN City – Non-Mayoral
996 New York City Housing Authority NYCHA Other Agency
998 Transit Authority TRANSIT Other Agency


Dan Roboff, Director of Procurement Research Analysis and Reporting; and James Leidy, CUNY Fellow; were the lead authors of this report with support from Yifeng Zheng, CUNY Fellow, Kerri Nagorski, Director of Procurement Policy and Partnerships; Daphnie Agami, Senior Advisor and Counsel to the Deputy Comptroller; Michael D’Ambrosio, Assistant Comptroller for the Bureau of Contract Administration; and Charlette Hamamgian, Deputy Comptroller, Contracts and Procurement. Report design was completed by Archer Hutchinson, Creative Director.


[1] Fiscal Year 24, or FY24, refers to the period between July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024

[2] NYC Administrative Code §6-116.2(a)

[3] NYC Administrative Code §§6-109, 6-130

[4] NYC Charter §328(a) and §328(d)

[5] PPB Rules §1-01(e)

[6] In certain circumstances, franchises and concessions are also subject to the approval of the Franchise and Concession Review Committee (FCRC). The FCRC is comprised of the following officials or their designees: the Mayor; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; the Corporation Counsel; the Comptroller; and one additional appointee of the Mayor. The Borough Presidents also serve as members of the FCRC. Each member of the FCRC holds one vote, except for the Borough Presidents, who share one vote, which is determined according to the location of the concession and/or franchise at issue.

[7] Section § 6-116.2 of the New York City Admin Code [Reporting of contracted goods and services; computerized data base.

[8] Tables outlining Contract Types and Award Methods, as well as their corresponding FMS codes, can be found in Section XII – Appendices

[9] Revenue actions exclude Corpus funded contracts for FY23.

[10] The contracts in this Report that are attributed to the NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) were registered under the Department of Small Business Services (SBS). EDC is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York. SBS contracts with and retains EDC to function as a development consultant and provide economic development-related services on behalf of the City.

[11] A list of agencies with at least one registered contract in FY23, inclusive of FMS code, agency short name, and agency type, can be found in Section XI – appendices

[12] The information in PASSPort public only represents a portion of total city contracts as the data sourced within PASSPort has only been available in the system since January 2020.

[13] The City Record print edition and The City Record Online are produced by the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services.

[14] For more information about these contract groups, please refer to the Contract Primer:

[15] PPB Rules §1-01(e)

[16] 9 RCNY §1-02(e)

[17] Based on data pulled from PASSPort Public on August 8, 2024.

[18] The two shelter services contract numbers are 20248801023 and 20248801143. The legal services contract number is 20248801046

[19] The “other revenue” category in this chart reflects contracts for the management and marketing of recovered metal, auction services, etc.

[20] 9 RCNY §4-02

[21] Modifications associated with Contract types 5 (Construction), 48 (Requirements-Construction and 52 (Requirements-Construction) are considered CCOs.

[22] NYC Health and Hospitals (HHC) is a public benefits corporation that works with the City to provide a range of goods and services. Only HHC contracts with capital funding are captured in FMS and subject to Comptroller registration.

[23] For more information on Master Agreements (MA1s) and their relationship to Delivery Orders (DO1s), please see our Contract Primer:

[24] For the purposes of this report, utilization refers to the Total of all DO1s issued against a parent MA1, divided by that MA1’s current contract value.

[25] PON1s and condemnations were excluded from these totals

[26] For a deep dive explanation of the emergency procurement method, please refer to our November 2023 report “Rethinking Emergency Procurements; A Roadmap to Efficiency and Accountability”:

[27] NYC Health and Hospitals (HHC) is a public benefits corporation that works with the City to provide a range of goods and services. Only HHC contracts with capital funding are captured in FMS and subject to filing requirements under the Comptroller.

[28]RCNY §1-01(e)

[29] 9 RCNY §1-01(e)

[30] NYC Charter §823

[31] NYC Charter §329(e)

[32] 9 RCNY §1-01(e)

[33] 9 RCNY §1-01(e)

[34] 9 RCNY §1-01(e)

[35] New York City Charter §385(a)

[36] NYS Education Law §2590-g.

[37] To learn more about the Joint Task Force to Get Nonprofits paid on time, please refer to “A Better Contract for New York”:

Similarly, more information can be found on the Capital Reform Task Force here:

[38] Executive Order 102 of 2007 required steps to verify prevailing wage payments that are redundant of existing City processes and expectations. It was repeals by Executive Order 35 of 2023 on September 21, 2023. Executive Order 50 was revised to streamline the way the City monitor’s vendor compliance with equal employment opportunity expectations.

[39] NY State Senate Bill 2023- S7383:

[40]This report relies in an updated methodology from one used in prior Annual Summary Contracts Reports. This year’s analysis excludes DOE purchases under award method 32 (Small Purchase Written), which are actually purchase orders. Through a systems quirk in FMS, DOE purchase orders with values between $20K-$25K are processed under a contractual document label rather than a purchase order label. Due to the high volume of these purchases, and because they are not subject to many of the same requirements as contracts, this report excludes DOE Small Purchase Written records so as not to muddy the picture of Citywide retroactivity rates for contracts.

[41] Corpus funded contracts were excluded from this analysis of retroactive revenue contracts.

[42] The data provided in this section is limited to TOs/CTA1s issued pursuant to master agreements registered using the Transaction Code “MMA1.” It does not include instances where agencies purchase goods using a Direct Order (“DO”) issued through master agreements registered using the Transaction Code “MA1.”

[43] NYC Administrative Code §6-109

[44] Per existing security agreements, contract records for DOI, and NYC’s five District Attorney Office are not reflected in this document.

[45] See column U to filter for CCOs

[46] Since the award methods used to enter into Revenue Actions may overlap with the awards methods listed in the other Contract Group, the transactions in Contract Group No. 5 are identified by FMS Transaction Code RCT1. The subcategories denoted in group 5 reflect contract type categories, rather than award methods.

$279.67 billion