Doing Business with the Comptroller

Past RFIs & Responses


  • RFI: Investment and Fiduciary Analysis of Prudent Strategies for Divestment of Securities Issued by Fossil Fuel Reserve Owners

The Office of the New York City Comptroller, on behalf of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York, the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, and the New York City Board of Education Retirement Systems issued a Request for Information (“RFI”) to gather insights and knowledge on how to develop and structure a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for services to evaluate and determine a prudent strategy for potential divestment and exclusion of securities issued by companies owning fossil fuel reserves from the investment portfolios of the Systems within a five year period, consistent with fiduciary duty and the investment objectives of the Systems.

Responses to this RFI came in from a variety of fields and backgrounds, including from persons and organizations that do not expect to respond to an RFP. Although the Systems will be reviewing a full range of options to address carbon risk in their portfolios, this RFI solicited perspectives on how to approach potential prudent divestment strategies.

To view the RFI and the responses, click the links.


$279.67 billion