COVID-19 Recovery Center

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought overwhelming grief to many families. The federal government, through FEMA, is dedicated to helping ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus by providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020.


To be eligible for funeral assistance, you must meet these conditions:

  • The death must have occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia.
  • The death certificate must indicate the death was attributed to COVID-19 if after May 16, 2020. For deaths that occurred from Jan. 20 to May 16, 2020, any death certificate that does not attribute the cause of death to COVID-19 must be accompanied by a signed statement by a medical examiner or coroner listing COVID-19 as a cause or contributing cause of death.
  • The applicant must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified resident who incurred funeral expenses after January 20, 2020.
  • There is no requirement for the deceased person to have been a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified resident.

How to Apply

You can apply by calling the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line Number at 844-684-6333. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time. Multilingual services are available.

If you had COVID-19 funeral expenses, you are encouraged to keep and gather documentation. Types of information should include:

  • An official death certificate that attributes the death directly or indirectly to COVID-19 and shows that the death occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia.
  • Funeral expenses documents (receipts, funeral home contract, etc.) that includes the applicant’s name, the deceased person’s name, the amount of funeral expenses, and the dates the funeral expenses happened.
  • Proof of funds received from other sources specifically for use toward funeral costs. FEMA is not able to duplicate benefits received from burial or funeral insurance, financial assistance received from voluntary agencies, government agencies, or other sources.
You can find more information about this program on the FEMA website.

Disclaimer: Information provided herein is subject to change as emergency laws, resources and other factors evolve during the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot advise you on such developments. Please consult federal, NYS and NYC COVID-19 websites for the latest information and your own counsel for legal advice.

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