Immigrant Workers Resource Guide

Requirements for Employers

DCWP’s Multilingual Know Your Rights Poster

Did you know that your employer is required by law to publish the Workers’ Bill of Rights, which includes information about federal, state, and local labor protections that apply to all workers in the city, regardless of immigration status?[1] Your employer must:

  • Post the multilingual “Know Your Rights at Work” poster at each New York City workplace in a location where employees can easily see it;
  • Post the Workers’ Bill of Rights in a noticeable and conspicuous location in the workplace. For employers whose business operates online or through a mobile application, it must be made available online or on the mobile application; and
  • Provide a copy of the Workers’ Bill of Rights to employees upon hiring.

Further, it is illegal for employers to retaliate or take adverse employment action against workers for exercising their rights.

Visit the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protections’ website for more information on the Workers’ Bill of Rights: DCWP – Workers – Workers Rights – Know Your Rights (

[1] See DCWP – Workers – Worker Rights (

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