
Workers’ Rights

Are You Owed Money?

The New York City Comptroller enforces state and local laws that require covered employers to pay no less than the prevailing wage, living wage, or minimum average hourly wage to their covered employees.

If you worked for a covered employer and were underpaid, the Comptroller’s office may have already recouped the amount of your underpayment plus interest. Often, workers are unaware that the Comptroller’s office has collected money on their behalf.

How do I know if I am owed money?

1 Search for Your Name

The table below lists the names of workers with unclaimed unpaid NYC wage awards by county and state of last known address. If you find your name, please file a proof of claim with the Comptroller’s Office, by clicking the button in step 2 below.

*Please Note: All claims are subject to verification by the Office of the Comptroller. The appearance of a name on this list does not guarantee entitlement to a monetary award for the named individual.

List Updated: September 13, 2022

2 File a Proof of Claim

You must file a proof of claim to collect your award. You will be contacted by someone from the Comptroller’s Office when your Proof of Claim form is received.

$279.67 billion