Making the Grade

Commission on Human Rights,

October 18, 2021

M/WBE Letter Grade

Letter Grade Overview

The Commission on Human Rights had $627,414 in total M/WBE-eligible spending, with 0% on construction, 29% on professional services, 53% on standard services, and 18% on goods. CCHR received an A grade, earning an A grade with African Americans, an A grade with Asian Americans, a B grade with Hispanic Americans, and a C grade with women-owned businesses. In FY 21, CCHR spent $371,832 with M/WBEs, a decrease of $223,623 since FY 20. This represents 59% M/WBE spending, a 6 percentage point decrease in its M/WBE share since FY 20. When compared with FY 14, CCHR increased their spending by $346,400, which represents a 46 percentage point increase in M/WBE spending.

About CCHR

The City Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) investigates allegations of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations, as well as bias-related harassment. In addition, the CCHR initiates investigations and prosecutes systemic Human Rights Law violations.

Agency Fiscal Year 2021 Spending within Local Law 174*

  African American Asian American Hispanic American Women Non M/WBE
  $ % $ % $ % $ % $
Construction $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0
Professional Services $0 0.00% $73,284 No Goal $0 0.00% $29,960 44.23% $81,483
Standard Services $124,507 262.27% $32,217 98.36% $11,418 33.77% $62,676 64.61% $100,696
Goods < $100K $8,499 128.70% $4,922 41.80% $21,956 279.34% $2,395 7.06% $73,401
Total LL174 Spending $133,005 $110,422 $33,374 $95,031 $255,581
Weighted Grade A A B C N/A

$ = the dollar amount spent in the Local Law 174 eligible category. % = the percentage of the Local Law 174 target that was achieved.

* Letter grades are calculated using a weighted average of agency spending across population groups and sectors. All dollars and percents are based on Local Law 174 and exclude categories described in Appendix D: Methodology. For a complete worksheet detailing how this agency grade was calculated, see Appendix B: Worksheets.

M/WBE Letter Grade Worksheet

Reference: Local Law 174 Target Spending Percent

Category C PS SS G
African American (AFA) 8% 12% 12% 7%
Asian American (AA) 8% No Goal 3% 8%
Hispanic American (HA) 4% 8% 6% 5%
Women (W) 18% 17% 10% 25%
C: Construction  PS: Professional Services. SS: Standard Services G: Goods

Reference: Grade Scale

Weighted % Score Avg. Score Grade
> 80 5 > 4.25 A
> 60 4 > 3.25 B
> 40 3 > 2.25 C
> 20 2 > 1.25 D
< 20 1 < 1.25 F

Step 1: Total Eligible Spending Per Industry

Total Eligible Spending C PS SS G
$627,414 $0 $184,727 $331,515 $111,172

Step 2: Weighted Matrix (Industry Spending/Total Eligible Spending)

Category C PS SS G
AFA, HA, W 0.00% 29.44% 52.84% 17.72%
AA No Goal

Step 3: Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending

Category C PS SS G
African American $0 $0 $124,507 $8,499
Asian American $0 $73,284 $32,217 $4,922
Hispanic American $0 $0 $11,418 $21,956
Women $0 $29,960 $62,676 $2,395

Step 4: Actual Spending Percentage (Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending/Industry Spending)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.00% 0.00% 37.56% 7.64%
Asian American 0.00% 39.67% 9.72% 4.43%
Hispanic American 0.00% 0.00% 3.44% 19.75%
Women 0.00% 16.22% 18.91% 2.15%

Step 5: LL174 M/WBE Spending as Percentage of Target Achieved (Actual Spending Percentage/LL174 Target)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.00% 0.00% 262.27% 128.70%
Asian American 0.00% No Goal 98.36% 41.80%
Hispanic American 0.00% 0.00% 33.77% 279.34%
Women 0.00% 44.23% 64.61% 7.06%

Step 6: Final Score

Category C PS SS G
African American 161.38% A 5 4.25
Asian American 183.64% A 5
Hispanic American 67.34% B 4
Women 48.41% C 3

Subcontract Data

Commission on Human Rights, FY 2021

Total Reported Spending LL174 Eligible Spending Non Eligible Spending
$0 $0 $0
LL174 Sub Spending Construction Goods Professional Services Standard Services M/WBE Total
African American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Asian American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Hispanic American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Women $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Industry Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$279.67 billion