Making the Grade

Department of City Planning,

December 1, 2020

M/WBE Letter Grade

Letter Grade Overview

The Department of City Planning had $9 million in total M/WBE-eligible spending, with 0% on construction, 97% on professional services, 2% on standard services, and 1% on goods. DCP received a C grade, earning an F grade with African Americans, an A grade with Asian Americans, an F grade with Hispanic Americans, and a B grade with women-owned businesses. In FY 20, DCP spent $1.7 million with M/WBEs, an additional $689,914 since FY 19. This represents 19.2% M/WBE spending, a 8.1% decrease in its M/WBE share since FY 19.

About DCP

The Department of City Planning (DCP) promotes strategic growth, transit-oriented development and sustainable communities to enhance quality of life in the City, in part by initiating comprehensive planning and zoning changes for individual neighborhoods and business districts, as well as by establishing citywide policies and zoning regulations.

Agency Fiscal Year 2020 Spending within Local Law 174*

  African American Asian American Hispanic American Women Non M/WBE
  $ % $ % $ % $ % $
Construction $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $26,145
Professional Services $202,829 19.28% $431,605 No Goal $88,302 12.59% $877,441 58.87% $7,166,697
Standard Services $0 0.00% $9,346 225.03% $19,950 240.18% $61,062 441.08% $48,079
Goods < $100K $1,802 23.05% $5,970 66.82% $15,753 282.07% $22,811 81.69% $65,355
Total LL174 Spending $204,631 $446,921 $124,005 $961,314 $7,306,276
Weighted Grade F A F B N/A

$ = the dollar amount spent in the Local Law 174 eligible category. % = the percentage of the Local Law 174 target that was achieved.

* Letter grades are calculated using a weighted average of agency spending across population groups and sectors. All dollars and percents are based on Local Law 174 and exclude categories described in Appendix D: Methodology. For a complete worksheet detailing how this agency grade was calculated, see Appendix B: Worksheets.

M/WBE Letter Grade Worksheet

Reference: Local Law 174 Target Spending Percent

Category C PS SS G
African American (AFA) 8% 12% 12% 7%
Asian American (AA) 8% No Goal 3% 8%
Hispanic American (HA) 4% 8% 6% 5%
Women (W) 18% 17% 10% 25%
C: Construction  PS: Professional Services. SS: Standard Services G: Goods

Reference: Grade Scale

Weighted % Score Avg. Score Grade
> 80 5 > 4.25 A
> 60 4 > 3.25 B
> 40 3 > 2.25 C
> 20 2 > 1.25 D
< 20 1 < 1.25 F

Step 1: Total Eligible Spending Per Industry

Total Eligible Spending C PS SS G
$9,043,147 $26,145 $8,766,873 $138,438 $111,692

Step 2: Weighted Matrix (Industry Spending/Total Eligible Spending)

Category C PS SS G
AFA, HA, W 0.29% 96.94% 1.53% 1.24%
AA No Goal

Step 3: Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending

Category C PS SS G
African American $0 $202,829 $0 $1,802
Asian American $0 $431,605 $9,346 $5,970
Hispanic American $0 $88,302 $19,950 $15,753
Women $0 $877,441 $61,062 $22,811

Step 4: Actual Spending Percentage (Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending/Industry Spending)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.00% 2.31% 0.00% 1.61%
Asian American 0.00% 4.92% 6.75% 5.35%
Hispanic American 0.00% 1.01% 14.41% 14.10%
Women 0.00% 10.01% 44.11% 20.42%

Step 5: LL174 M/WBE Spending as Percentage of Target Achieved (Actual Spending Percentage/LL174 Target)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.00% 19.28% 0.00% 23.05%
Asian American 0.00% No Goal 225.03% 66.82%
Hispanic American 0.00% 12.59% 240.18% 282.07%
Women 0.00% 58.87% 441.08% 81.69%

Step 6: Final Score

Category C PS SS G
African American 18.98% F 1 2.75
Asian American 139.78% A 5
Hispanic American 19.37% F 1
Women 64.84% B 4

Subcontract Data

Department of City Planning, FY 2020

Total Reported Spending LL174 Eligible Spending Non Eligible Spending
$48,389 $48,389 $0
LL174 Sub Spending Construction Goods Professional Services Standard Services M/WBE Total
African American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Asian American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Hispanic American $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Women $0 $0 $48,389 $0 $48,389
Industry Total $0 $0 $48,389 $0 $48,389
$279.67 billion