Making the Grade

Police Department,

October 18, 2021

M/WBE Letter Grade

Letter Grade Overview

The Police Department had $241.1 million in M/WBE-eligible spending, with 14% on construction, 33% on professional services, 32% on standard services, and 21% on goods. The Police Department received a C grade, earning an F grade with African Americans, an A grade with Asian Americans, a D grade with Hispanic Americans, and a C grade with women-owned firms. In FY 21, the Police Department spent $61.1 million with M/WBEs, an additional $4.6 million since FY 20. This represents 25% M/WBE spending, a 1 percentage point increase in its M/WBE share since FY 20. When compared with FY 18, the first year that the agency was included in this analysis, NYPD increased their spending by $29.6 million, which represents a 10 percentage point increase in M/WBE spending.

About NYPD

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is the largest and one of the oldest municipal police departments in the United States. The NYPD is responsible for policing an 8.5-million-person city, by performing a wide variety of public safety, law enforcement, traffic management, counterterror, and emergency response roles.

Agency Fiscal Year 2021 Spending within Local Law 174*

  African American Asian American Hispanic American Women Non M/WBE
  $ % $ % $ % $ % $
Construction $208,110 5.30% $2,156,918 59.34% $3,872,657 65.89% $11,290,361 134.37% $15,216,962
Professional Services $1,934,713 20.61% $4,285,791 No Goal $33,892 0.47% $253,219 0.87% $72,969,492
Standard Services $474,711 4.26% $10,428,566 135.55% $69,836 0.88% $13,709,040 60.17% $53,184,761
Goods < $100K $1,004,106 33.15% $4,492,566 83.19% $2,455,518 68.11% $4,432,700 28.49% $38,609,092
Total LL174 Spending $3,621,640 $21,363,841 $6,431,902 $29,685,320 $179,980,307
Weighted Grade F A D C N/A

$ = the dollar amount spent in the Local Law 174 eligible category. % = the percentage of the Local Law 174 target that was achieved.

* Letter grades are calculated using a weighted average of agency spending across population groups and sectors. All dollars and percents are based on Local Law 174 and exclude categories described in Appendix D: Methodology. For a complete worksheet detailing how this agency grade was calculated, see Appendix B: Worksheets.

M/WBE Letter Grade Worksheet

Reference: Local Law 174 Target Spending Percent

Category C PS SS G
African American (AFA) 8% 12% 12% 7%
Asian American (AA) 8% No Goal 3% 8%
Hispanic American (HA) 4% 8% 6% 5%
Women (W) 18% 17% 10% 25%
C: Construction  PS: Professional Services. SS: Standard Services G: Goods

Reference: Grade Scale

Weighted % Score Avg. Score Grade
> 80 5 > 4.25 A
> 60 4 > 3.25 B
> 40 3 > 2.25 C
> 20 2 > 1.25 D
< 20 1 < 1.25 F

Step 1: Total Eligible Spending Per Industry

Total Eligible Spending C PS SS G
$241,083,010 $32,745,007 $79,477,107 $77,866,914 $50,993,982

Step 2: Weighted Matrix (Industry Spending/Total Eligible Spending)

Category C PS SS G
AFA, HA, W 13.58% 32.97% 32.30% 21.15%
AA No Goal

Step 3: Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending

Category C PS SS G
African American $208,110 $1,934,713 $474,711 $1,004,106
Asian American $2,156,918 $4,285,791 $10,428,566 $4,492,566
Hispanic American $3,872,657 $33,892 $69,836 $2,455,518
Women $11,290,361 $253,219 $13,709,040 $4,432,700

Step 4: Actual Spending Percentage (Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending/Industry Spending)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.64% 2.43% 0.61% 1.97%
Asian American 6.59% 5.39% 13.39% 8.81%
Hispanic American 11.83% 0.04% 0.09% 4.82%
Women 34.48% 0.32% 17.61% 8.69%

Step 5: LL174 M/WBE Spending as Percentage of Target Achieved (Actual Spending Percentage/LL174 Target)

Category C PS SS G
African American 5.30% 20.61% 4.26% 33.15%
Asian American 59.34% No Goal 135.55% 83.19%
Hispanic American 65.89% 0.47% 0.88% 68.11%
Women 134.37% 0.87% 60.17% 28.49%

Step 6: Final Score

Category C PS SS G
African American 15.90% F 1 2.75
Asian American 88.35% A 5
Hispanic American 23.80% D 2
Women 44.00% C 3

Subcontract Data

Police Department, FY 2021

Total Reported Spending LL174 Eligible Spending Non Eligible Spending
$8,870,401 $6,751,747 $2,118,653
LL174 Sub Spending Construction Goods Professional Services Standard Services M/WBE Total
African American $168,000 $0 $0 $386,737 $554,737
Asian American $63,701 $0 $549,031 $0 $612,731
Hispanic American $3,845,800 $0 $6,240 $0 $3,852,040
Women $1,643,626 $0 $88,613 $0 $1,732,239
Industry Total $5,721,127 $0 $643,883 $386,737 $8,870,401
$279.67 billion