Making the Grade

Fire Department,

September 1, 2015

M/WBE Letter Grade

Letter Grade Overview

FDNY exceeded goals for standard services procurements from Asian American-owned firms and goods procurement with Hispanic American-owned firms. However, the agency fell short of goals in all other categories and barely spent with M/WBEs in construction or professional services. Low spend in these categories kept the agency in the D grade range for the second year despite positive efforts like hiring a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO).

About FDNY

The Fire Department (FDNY) responds to fires, public safety and medical emergencies, natural disasters and terrorist acts to protect the lives and property of City residents and visitors. The Department advances fire safety through its fire prevention, investigation and education programs, and contributes to the City’s homeland security efforts.

Agency Fiscal Year 2015 Spending within Local Law 174*

  African American Asian American Hispanic American Women Non M/WBE
  $ % $ % $ % $ % $
Construction $118,981 7.55% $185,043 11.74% $180,000 22.85% $0 0.00% $19,213,433
Professional Services $49,042 1.31% $341,282 No Goal $205,082 8.21% $141,232 2.66% $30,475,811
Standard Services $0 0.00% $6,672,778 457.33% $0 0.00% $764,312 15.72% $41,198,530
Goods < $100K $91,144 10.09% $275,686 26.72% $497,709 77.17% $1,465,072 45.43% $10,569,585
Total LL174 Spending $259,167 $7,474,788 $882,792 $2,370,616 $101,457,358
Weighted Grade F A F F N/A

$ = the dollar amount spent in the Local Law 174 eligible category. % = the percentage of the Local Law 174 target that was achieved.

* Letter grades are calculated using a weighted average of agency spending across population groups and sectors. All dollars and percents are based on Local Law 174 and exclude categories described in Appendix D: Methodology. For a complete worksheet detailing how this agency grade was calculated, see Appendix B: Worksheets.

M/WBE Letter Grade Worksheet

Reference: Local Law 174 Target Spending Percent

Category C PS SS G
African American (AFA) 8% 12% 12% 7%
Asian American (AA) 8% No Goal 3% 8%
Hispanic American (HA) 4% 8% 6% 5%
Women (W) 18% 17% 10% 25%
C: Construction  PS: Professional Services. SS: Standard Services G: Goods

Reference: Grade Scale

Weighted % Score Avg. Score Grade
> 80 5 > 4.25 A
> 60 4 > 3.25 B
> 40 3 > 2.25 C
> 20 2 > 1.25 D
< 20 1 < 1.25 F

Step 1: Total Eligible Spending Per Industry

Total Eligible Spending C PS SS G
$112,444,722 $19,697,457 $31,212,448 $48,635,620 $12,899,197

Step 2: Weighted Matrix (Industry Spending/Total Eligible Spending)

Category C PS SS G
AFA, HA, W 17.52% 27.76% 43.25% 11.47%
AA No Goal

Step 3: Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending

Category C PS SS G
African American $118,981 $49,042 $0 $91,144
Asian American $185,043 $341,282 $6,672,778 $275,686
Hispanic American $180,000 $205,082 $0 $497,709
Women $0 $141,232 $764,312 $1,465,072

Step 4: Actual Spending Percentage (Actual LL174 M/WBE Spending/Industry Spending)

Category C PS SS G
African American 0.60% 0.16% 0.00% 0.71%
Asian American 0.94% 1.09% 13.72% 2.14%
Hispanic American 0.91% 0.66% 0.00% 3.86%
Women 0.00% 0.45% 1.57% 11.36%

Step 5: LL174 M/WBE Spending as Percentage of Target Achieved (Actual Spending Percentage/LL174 Target)

Category C PS SS G
African American 7.55% 1.31% 0.00% 10.09%
Asian American 11.74% No Goal 457.33% 26.72%
Hispanic American 22.85% 8.21% 0.00% 77.17%
Women 0.00% 2.66% 15.72% 45.43%

Step 6: Final Score

Category C PS SS G
African American 2.84% F 1 2
Asian American 280.90% A 5
Hispanic American 15.13% F 1
Women 12.75% F 1

Subcontract Data

Fire Department, FY 2015

Total Reported Spending LL174 Eligible Spending Non Eligible Spending
$3,658,593 $529,688 $3,128,905
LL174 Sub Spending Construction Goods Professional Services Standard Services M/WBE Total
African American $118,981 $0 $49,042 $0 $168,023
Asian American $92,000 $0 $0 $0 $92,000
Hispanic American $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $180,000
Women $0 $0 $89,665 $0 $89,665
Industry Total $390,981 $0 $138,707 $0 $3,658,593
$279.67 billion