NYC Department of Correction

FYs 2011-21 Operating Expenditures, Jail Population, Cost Per Incarcerated Person, Staffing Ratios, Performance Measure Outcomes, and Overtime

December 6, 2021

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This report analyzes jail population trends and DOC expenditures, finding that the full annual cost per incarcerated person has nearly quadrupled over the last decade, rising from $144,176 in FY 2011 to $556,539 in FY 2021.

Average Daily Jail Population Fell 61% from FY 2011 to 2021

Department of Correction Budget and Jail Population

Full Annual Cost per Incarcerated Person Nearly Quadrupled Since FY11

Total Annual and Daily Cost per Incarcerated Person, Including Costs Funded Outside the Department of Correction Budget

As of FY21, DOC has 1% Fewer Correction Officers Than in FY11

Correction Officers to Incarcerated Individuals Ratio

DOC Overtime Peaked in FY16 and was Close to FY13 Levels in FY21

Agencywide Overtime Cost Relative to Average Daily Jail Population

Rate of Fight/Assault Infractions Nearly Quadrupled Since FY 2011

Fight/Assault Infractions (per 1,000 Average Daily Population)

Rate of Assaults on Staff More Than Quintupled Since FY 2011

Assaults on Staff (per 1,000 Average Daily Population)

Rate of Use of Force Incidents & Allegations Up 779% from FY 2011

Use of Force by Correction Officers (Incidents and Allegations per 1,000 Average Daily Population)

Half of Jail Population Had Mental Health Diagnosis in FY 2021

Share of Incarcerated Population with a Mental Health Diagnosis

Tort Claims Filed for Personal Injury at a City Correction Facility*

$284.27 billion